BASTARDS!! No surprise, I had the 30% discount price... which they had given me by telephone. If what other people are saying is true (I received the email too late to call customer services today), when they send you the above email, you lose all agreed discounts and have to pay full price. Or walk away, obviously. I'm much less excited to buy one now that I feel ripped off. Perhaps I don't need it after all. There is nothing, nothing wrong with my credit card. If it's been declined it's due the the credit card pre-auth being held by Nokia for such a ridiculously long time (~5 weeks). (Not that I have any sympathy with the card company - a few years ago, the card company would have called me to question any unusual transaction, not just declined it. And this amount isn't unusual for me.) I would have been happy for them to take the money when ordered, but no, they do this and, from what others are saying, dishonour their agreed price. I wonder if there is a correlation between those who ordered when it was offered on discount, and those whose orders are now getting cancelled...