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Originally Posted by schettj View Post
Industry trend -> no buttons at all, or one button. Thanks Apple

People's desire -> hard buttons for common functions/things you need to do without looking


Much Sadness.
So true Why cant people think for themselves. Now if Nokia made a winning combination of touch/physical buttons maybe things would be different. Thats the thing, gaming on the iphone is admittedly great because of the developers BUT using the touchscreen in place of buttons is in NO WAY comparable to physical buttons - and its so easily implementable.

Part of the reason Nokia went wrong with Ngage was that they tried to cater to their whole range of handsets. ie games would almost only use the keypad, and not a dpad/buttons (on N95/N81/N96 etc). gaming on a keypad is never really going to be the most pleasurable/easy experience. The same kind of goes for touchscreen (albeit less of an issue). If a proper Dpad/button combo phone were brought out with games given the option to use such buttons - I bet that phone would sell like hotcakes. (ignoring aesthetics) Imagine the iphone with a small dpad/gaming buttons - simply awesome.

Originally Posted by aironeous View Post

Lots of guys bigger than me too.
You want a BIGGER N900!? Im 6' 3" and I find it a bit of a brick Make it thinner I say, but I get your point about size of keyboard/lack of dpad, however there is a playoff and the keypad is pretty good imo.

Last edited by chrisp7; 2010-01-21 at 18:36.