Thread: iPhone 4
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Originally Posted by Cue View Post
now I don't see what pointing out that the "N900 has a flaw too" achieves other than the excuse "if x has a flaw its ok for y to have one" so we shouldn't discuss it or make jokes about it some (and I do mean some) are painfully aware of that flaw already and nobody is saying that any flaw is good for consumers.
I'll just state the obvious... you'll be hard pressed to find a gadget of any type that is perfect.

I'm not saying anything else - there are no lines to read between, I kindly request that nothing else to be added to my verbiage, it's not there - when I point out that there is a flaw in x, or a flaw in y. It's just a damn shame that there are huge flaws that somehow persist to this level by now.

No defense for Steve Jobs reply; that's downright horrible way to treat a customer. "You're holding it wrong..."

Yeah. Stuff people want to hear.