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Originally Posted by sepehrsfmech View Post
if it wasnt for apple, people wouldnt have a sweet music store(itunes)
There are plenty of other good music stores that've been round longer than itunes

Originally Posted by sepehrsfmech View Post
if it wasnt for apple, people were forced to use windows.
MacOS is not the only windows alternative, despite what Apple might like you to think.

Originally Posted by sepehrsfmech View Post
if it wasnt for apple, there would be no touch screen phone till 2011.
Touchscreen mobile phones have been around since at least 1994.

Originally Posted by sepehrsfmech View Post
if it wasnt for apple, there would be no angrybirds.
The iPhone is not the only phone that can play games.

Originally Posted by sepehrsfmech View Post
can someone reply to me in this thread on why do you hate apple/iphone?
You've quite succesfully demonstrated one of the many reasons in this thread. A lot of technically-minded people get a little irritated tic/itch whenever they hear something technically-oriented that's blatantly false, and as you've demonstrated in this thread by buying into Apple's marketing hype about themselves (I call it marketing hype, what I really mean is total utter complete ********) about being first on the scene with everything, gets really tiresome.

This is especially true when it ends up being regurgitated by half the population of the planet who've heard it from apple ("what? your phone doesnt have Retina technology?") (hint: it's just a name, nokia's next phone could have "superfantabulousawesomesauce technology" if they want it to) rather than just the people at Apple themselves who're, well, paid to spout all that garbage.

As also pointed out, the whole locked-down-ness is a major issue too. Sure, some of the N900's binaries are closed, but this isnt only about whether the actual source of the system is open/closed, it's simply down to what limitations are put in place against the user on the device they paid for.
As a straightforward example, personally i'm getting pretty tired of explaining to the more muppety of the people I know with their iphones and android devices, what jailbreaking is for. ("what?! you cant jailbreak your n900? nokia sux lols!") - It's quite challenging having to explain to idiots that an n900 cant be jailbroken because there's no jail in the first place to break.

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