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i have been reading tons of threads this past week and i see in almost all of them, they bash on apple on how iphone is closed. well its the same as n900, nokia closed the source on some components, so its not fully open sourced but it was advertised as an open sourced phone. ITS NOT

i wanna know why are you bashing on apple.

if it wasnt for apple, people wouldnt have a sweet music store(itunes)

if it wasnt for apple, people were forced to use windows.

if it wasnt for apple, there would be no touch screen phone till 2011.

if it wasnt for apple, there would be no angrybirds.

can someone reply to me in this thread on why do you hate apple/iphone?
And thats the bottom line, cuz sepehr said so!
PathFinder@9GS's Avatar
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It only gets irritating when people with iphone starts bashing on about their phone saying that theirs is gold and n900 is **** ..

That's what irritates the heck and makes us point out the mistakes in iphone.
We don't hate iphone , we love n900..
because what we need from our phone cannot be fulfilled by apple, as simple as that.

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Hmm. Hate might be too strong word. Some people just don't like their business model. For me it´s just same. "free"market (USA doesn't really have free market when speaking about phones&TSPs but that aside) gives playground to all companies and let´s see what outcome will be.

But not all people appreciate that iPhones is connected to iTunes. Many people like it and many people do not like it. Why would people be forced to use windows when you have also other operating systems that are free? Currently some of our schools here in ´Finland are changing to linux (ubuntu).

Last edited by slender; 2010-08-26 at 07:15.

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Originally Posted by sepehrsfmech View Post
i have been reading tons of threads this past week and i see in almost all of them, they bash on apple on how iphone is closed. well its the same as n900, nokia closed the source on some components, so its not fully open sourced but it was advertised as an open sourced phone. ITS NOT

i wanna know why are you bashing on apple.

if it wasnt for apple, people wouldnt have a sweet music store(itunes)

if it wasnt for apple, people were forced to use windows.

if it wasnt for apple, there would be no touch screen phone till 2011.

if it wasnt for apple, there would be no angrybirds.

can someone reply to me in this thread on why do you hate apple/iphone?
Takes a special kind of skill to get all points of the argument wrong!
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I don't hate apple, but it's annoying how apple people are handling others.

Let's work together for better mobile world

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mmmmmmmmm everything!! ive never liked apple macs due to their limitations (one button mouse for starters) and lack of software... spose it doesnt help I was brought up on IBM's when they came out... and iphones are just as bad. good enough for the general population of sheep I guess.. but im no sheep.!

edit: BTW i dont hate apple, just really dont like their products

Last edited by F2thaK; 2010-08-26 at 07:15.

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Well, if Steve Jobs didn't think he was the Second Messiah all the time, and didn't keep totally embarrassing himself in public, maybe someone somewhere could get to like him.

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There were touch screen devices way before the iPhone/iPod-Touch, not trying to fuel the fire. But that's classic Apple brainwashing "We invented X", where X can be portable music players, touch screens, video calls etc, etc.

Though the competition is always technologically ahead of Apple and a lot cheaper. My problem with Apple is the way they treat their customers like idiots and lie and bend the truth for their P.R. just see the latest iPhone 4 device for an example of continued deception.

Now, this post isn't sticking up for Nokia, whether it's best to be vocal and tell your customers lies and half-truths, or whether it's best to not really tell your customers anything. That's a different debate.

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it is not Apple, it's steve Jobs

why do people hate Steve Jobs?
because he claimed to be the inventor of everything.

Music store? There are music store Online through Sony and Music store in the mall.

No one is forced to use Windows, it's their choice, Apple OSX wasn't the only OS out there, Linux, Windows, Unix....more

Lol No touch screen until 2011 if it wasn't for apple? Citation please!
FYI, WinMo/WinCE got Touch screen phone before any one else.

Angrybird? Apple invented again? get real dude! Angry bird was made for touch device, all touch devices..

Why I hate Apple iphone? because of most of the owners of the iphone can be an arsehole. First they said: why would we need this or that? then later they get the extra feature that they said "who'd need it" they became all hyped up and saying that Apple invented it.

Let's get real! Apple invent Nothing new other than renaming stuff to make it their invention again, again... and again..

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