i have been reading tons of threads this past week and i see in almost all of them, they bash on apple on how iphone is closed. well its the same as n900, nokia closed the source on some components, so its not fully open sourced but it was advertised as an open sourced phone. ITS NOT Well it is unless you want drivers for bits, but this is Nokia, they like to lie slightly! i wanna know why are you bashing on apple. if it wasnt for apple, people wouldnt have a sweet music store(itunes) Not true, and this is a bash, iTunes may have a good store full of music that you can find ( I've got stuff no one else would sell me, but still had to convert it to MP3, the software and DRM restrictions make it crap, saying that Napster came along first so it was Napster not apple if it wasnt for apple, people were forced to use windows. No not really, what about Unix/Linux? that is what mac os is built on, but apple have done a good job with the OS, still favour ubuntu though if it wasnt for apple, there would be no touch screen phone till 2011 Again not true, there were touch screen devices and phones well before apple did it, we had a really old one here that died recently.. if it wasnt for apple, there would be no angrybirds. Can't comment on this can someone reply to me in this thread on why do you hate apple/iphone?