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Originally Posted by sepehrsfmech View Post
i have been reading tons of threads this past week and i see in almost all of them, they bash on apple on how iphone is closed. well its the same as n900, nokia closed the source on some components, so its not fully open sourced but it was advertised as an open sourced phone. ITS NOT

i wanna know why are you bashing on apple.

if it wasnt for apple, people wouldnt have a sweet music store(itunes)

if it wasnt for apple, people were forced to use windows.

if it wasnt for apple, there would be no touch screen phone till 2011.

if it wasnt for apple, there would be no angrybirds.

can someone reply to me in this thread on why do you hate apple/iphone?
definately info-challenged here.

if it wasnt for apple, all cellular phone users would proly be able to not HAVE to be controled by iTunes, and would be able to just purchase from amazon or other places as any other format and not be stuck converting to aac.

if it wasnt for windows investing $150,000,000.00 in non-voting stock, apple would have disappeard in the 90's. if it wasnt for microsoft taking the glutten blow of the laws, then apple wouldnt be able to get away with thier monopoly ploy they are putting in place. anyone remember napster? yet all the other sharing companies are left alone.

nokia had the first true "smartphone" in 1996 with the i9000 communicator...then the first true touch screen smartphone in 2004 (3 years before apple even sent its first phone out) with the 7710 on s90, which was a strong media device of its time. ain't it great how apple seems to inovate?

why is angry birds so important in this? even if they werent there, and apple was not inventing everything, surely there would still be some birds crapping on my audi. but as for the game, who knows...but that is not even a reason for this debate.

lets not forget about how apple uses its tactics for growth and inovations. being here in the silicon valley, it is not even close to a small grin about seeing them constantly, arrogently "stealing" techonology form elsewhere, and then claiming it as thiers, then in a legal battle, will letigiously put that smaller company out of business and then turn around purchase it, then smuggly "see, told ya it was ours"

how about fighting everything that they cannot control.

how about paying $60+USD for a mouse...

how about paying $50+USD for a charger....

how about not having to go to "A" store to get what you need and have to breathe what smells like cold dirty laundry every time?

how about having to carry a charger everywhere you go because you cannot change a battery (iphone specific and ipad)

how about having to have an app made for everything before you can do anything? whereas you should be able to just go to the site and get what you has been able to do this since the early communicator days. yet another inovation.

how about being able to download music from any site you want and just save it to your unit and it actually plays?

how about creating the ability for competition by allowing universal products to be, cables, etc.

how about holding my phone any damn way i feel like it and it still working?

how about finally not stealing one of nokia's patents where they had to create thier own gsm antanna configuration and seeing the issues they have truely invented....finaly.

how about blaming all thier visual issues on flash (adobe) and pushing their own html5.

how about right click?

what else do you want to know? once you get your nokia devices, from 2004 on working and know how to use them, and other then someof the non-touch screens, try to use iOS or android, especially after meamo, you feel this sudden grasp of clamp on you back cheek where you strat to think, now why cant i do that?

then suddenly, an app comes out for it, and just like the rest of the sheep, you go, see can.

hint, the ONLY reason they have to have apps is because thier unit is not able to do it naturally...and OTHERS have to conform to IT.

just look at the latest ads after the ipad was script at the bottom, "start making your applications to work on the ipad now"


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