The reason why we expected this to be true is because devices similar in features and cost have been updated by similar companies with similar goals. With so much competition, one expects a company to try and please the crowd, or, at least, maintain the level.
This is what I expected from Nokia. Developer support. I had Symbian before and seen programs record phone, dump, blacklist, extend contacts, record audio and video, download and install, manipulate images and video, have Office features, all on a 8 YO OS, like Symbian 60, on a 200 MHz ARM with a joystick in the middle.
When I saw a full QWERTY, full touchscreen, a 600MHz (then 1000) and 256 RAM, I thought, "hey, I got a laptop! I can run everything I want". Turns out it's almost impossible to re-implement features that were available years ago on dumber, lesser phones.
Frankly, there were never "new features". This is a regression from what we call a phone and because it had Nokia glued to it nobody questioned it.
And mhamza, please, spare me the OrangeBoxisms. You can't polish a turd. If all replies to an idea you put forward are hollow and not constructive then either your post or the people you talk to are unable to do any better. In both cases, stop.
It would also help if you don't open your post with a visible salvo of superiority complex and insults. If you think most people here argue without understanding, keep in mind the door is free for all members. Surely if they can't understand a simple sentence, your place is not among the Cro-Magnons. Instead, you choose to capitalize sentences, thinking bigger letters have more weight.
Oh one more thing, I think you should drink some bleach. It's good for you, I'm sure it says so in some of those medical books, doctor. Heck, if you take it upon yourself to preach half understood marketing ideas to people with degrees in marketing, I think that I should be dispensing you medical advice from my half baked understanding of medicine. Bleach is good for you.