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Blackthorne's Avatar
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As almost everyone here, after Flashing my n900 with the last update, I did not notice any major changes,,,

However, the speed has increased as well as the battery life.

So, if some people here are worried about getting more speed, I higly recommend you to add the transitions.ini file to the theme you want and try it...

I used on the PR 1.2 update and it was fast, now is incredibily faster!!

That is the only feature that shows off!!!

Also, could someone please let me know how to install or use the QT 4.7??

Thank you guys!!
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Posts: 177 | Thanked: 118 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ California
Is it a really hard concept to understand????? The phone was missing features. Why are people expecting said missing features to be added in an update????
Posts: 177 | Thanked: 118 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ California
Originally Posted by ddiscodave View Post
what is so difficult for you people to understand about all this and why is it such a feggin argument???!!!

I think one can easily expect that a phone so capable should be preloaded with turn by turn gps. nokia is giving it away for its lesser phones so why is it so unreasonable to expect that we would at least have it on the n900? get a hold of yourself man!
I have no beef in saying Nokia SHOULD have put such features in the phone to begin with. We have no argument there. What I keep pointing out and what some fail to see is that it didn't have it in the first place, therefore why expect it in an update when Nokia promised no such thing?
ndi's Avatar
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Originally Posted by whayong View Post
Is it a really hard concept to understand????? The phone was missing features. Why are people expecting said missing features to be added in an update????
Easy now, we don't want you to be running out of question marks, you never know when you need a question asked.

The reason why we expected this to be true is because devices similar in features and cost have been updated by similar companies with similar goals. With so much competition, one expects a company to try and please the crowd, or, at least, maintain the level.

And to hell with new features, after all, it's a platform not a crutch. They should provide people with the means to develop their own software. Instead, the SDK is late, incomplete, documents missing, source is closed. Support for developers limited.

This is what I expected from Nokia. Developer support. I had Symbian before and seen programs record phone, dump, blacklist, extend contacts, record audio and video, download and install, manipulate images and video, have Office features, all on a 8 YO OS, like Symbian 60, on a 200 MHz ARM with a joystick in the middle.

When I saw a full QWERTY, full touchscreen, a 600MHz (then 1000) and 256 RAM, I thought, "hey, I got a laptop! I can run everything I want". Turns out it's almost impossible to re-implement features that were available years ago on dumber, lesser phones.

Nokia sold out their name. They glued their name to some hardware, thinking we'd swallow and we did.

I would have NEVER, EVER thought that I'd be unable to rename the label on a phone number, so I;d know not to call people at home. I'd NEVER assumed that if a 3rd party tool can implement video ringtones and customize the incoming call screen on S60 I'd be unable to get that on N900.

Frankly, there were never "new features". This is a regression from what we call a phone and because it had Nokia glued to it nobody questioned it.

And mhamza, please, spare me the OrangeBoxisms. You can't polish a turd. If all replies to an idea you put forward are hollow and not constructive then either your post or the people you talk to are unable to do any better. In both cases, stop.

It would also help if you don't open your post with a visible salvo of superiority complex and insults. If you think most people here argue without understanding, keep in mind the door is free for all members. Surely if they can't understand a simple sentence, your place is not among the Cro-Magnons. Instead, you choose to capitalize sentences, thinking bigger letters have more weight.

Oh one more thing, I think you should drink some bleach. It's good for you, I'm sure it says so in some of those medical books, doctor. Heck, if you take it upon yourself to preach half understood marketing ideas to people with degrees in marketing, I think that I should be dispensing you medical advice from my half baked understanding of medicine.

Bleach is good for you.
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

Keep the forums clean: use "Thanks" button instead of the thank you post.

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WereCatf's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ndi View Post
The reason why we expected this to be true is because devices similar in features and cost have been updated by similar companies with similar goals. With so much competition, one expects a company to try and please the crowd, or, at least, maintain the level.

And to hell with new features, after all, it's a platform not a crutch. They should provide people with the means to develop their own software. Instead, the SDK is late, incomplete, documents missing, source is closed. Support for developers limited.
True enough, but atleast I could see already from the beginning that N900 is more of a proof of concept than something Nokia is actually going to spend effort in. Especially when Meego came around it was clear that Maemo got dropped like a hot potato. As such it's quite useless to hope much from Nokia anymore regarding N900, they won't be adding new features on it.

Personally Nokia handled the whole thing very poorly all the way from the start. Hell, N900 is advertised still as a phone instead of a proof-of-concept mobile minicomputer, and thus people expect the same features as phones of similar price-range.

That said, I bought my own N900 knowing full-well that Maemo is dead-end and Nokia is going to Meego, and knew most of the limitations of it and thus I knew what to expect and I have been perfectly happy with it. And I still am.

In short: people who bought N900 didn't research at all what they were buying, and Nokia advertised N900 wrong. Mistakes in both directions means casualties.
danramos's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Larswad View Post
Well, at least Nokia could take some time to take care of the bigger bugs, that's something that a consumer can EXPECT and it's not something that the maemo community should fix.
I am so surprised (and disappointed) that the poor support for handsfree devices is still a fact. It's quite a bunch of car handsfree's that sound so terribly bad that you hardly can hear anything. Aqustic feedback, robotic voice, cutouts and dropped connections (ie useless). That's a BASIC functionality that just should WORK. The most cheap phones handles these bluetooth features better than the expensive n900.
Although I absolutely agree, I can't help feeling like I have to say this:

Originally Posted by Larswad View Post
BTW, Don't bash the OP! Even if one doesn't agree completely, he has the right to be angry.
He also has the right to remain silent.

DAMMIT! I couldn't help it!
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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Originally Posted by mhamza View Post
This is a very good and respectable way of thinking
in the aggressive market competition, every manufacturer is supposed to track the echo of any update or plan at the level of users rather than the level of meetings halls.

For those keep saying GO TO NOKIA , GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.........
it is one of the places that we talk and exchange whatever you like to name it, and if they are smart they are supposed know that people are talking somewhere.
I believe that we are providing them a very very non-paid useful help that would cost them a fortune, can you imagine how much it would cost them to collect data about feedbacks and ideas and more important what users think of thier competitors?

Plz stop attacking the post and try to turn it into useful one, stop trying to attract attention to you and direct it to options that we really need.

Oh dear. You havenīt been long here (neither have I), but at least one thing what I have learned is that never ever use jump to conclusion mat. It makes you look like and assclown :|

Some of user here are Nokia employees. One of them Quim Qil has said IIRC (do not have citation right now) that please use Nokia care and Nokia conversations for feedback. Also this topic what we are discussing here has been discussed many many many times here and if you look Talk Faq ->rules from right side menu you got this:
Also these rules have undergone long discussion. So for freaking sake please oh please! First paragraph there:

"talk.maemo.org is not operated by Nokia and is a community forum, so be aware that posts and topics specifically addressed to Nokia may not be seen by Nokia. Such threads or posts are allowed, but are subject to closure or deletion at moderators' discretion. To directly comment, complain or suggest to Nokia, please visit the official Nokia forums: Nokia Europe, and Nokia USA."

Is it too hard?No hard feelings but whatīs wrong with people?

Last edited by slender; 2010-10-28 at 14:06.
mhamza's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ndi View Post
The reason why we expected this to be true is because devices similar in features and cost have been updated by similar companies with similar goals. With so much competition, one expects a company to try and please the crowd, or, at least, maintain the level.
Did Nokia promise you anything of what you expected?

Originally Posted by ndi View Post
This is what I expected from Nokia. Developer support. I had Symbian before and seen programs record phone, dump, blacklist, extend contacts, record audio and video, download and install, manipulate images and video, have Office features, all on a 8 YO OS, like Symbian 60, on a 200 MHz ARM with a joystick in the middle.
This is similar to what i said

Originally Posted by ndi View Post
When I saw a full QWERTY, full touchscreen, a 600MHz (then 1000) and 256 RAM, I thought, "hey, I got a laptop! I can run everything I want". Turns out it's almost impossible to re-implement features that were available years ago on dumber, lesser phones.
Can you at least check how long a call did take? Can anyone of those talking about promises do that on his N900?

Originally Posted by ndi View Post
Frankly, there were never "new features". This is a regression from what we call a phone and because it had Nokia glued to it nobody questioned it.

Originally Posted by ndi View Post
And mhamza, please, spare me the OrangeBoxisms. You can't polish a turd. If all replies to an idea you put forward are hollow and not constructive then either your post or the people you talk to are unable to do any better. In both cases, stop.
I didn't say ALL REPLIES, alot other than yours are very respectable, other are true turd

Originally Posted by ndi View Post
It would also help if you don't open your post with a visible salvo of superiority complex and insults. If you think most people here argue without understanding, keep in mind the door is free for all members. Surely if they can't understand a simple sentence, your place is not among the Cro-Magnons. Instead, you choose to capitalize sentences, thinking bigger letters have more weight.
Dont take it too personal, if you faced any problem understanding anything just say it direct and don't feel embarrassed, we all learn

Originally Posted by ndi View Post
Oh one more thing, I think you should drink some bleach. It's good for you, I'm sure it says so in some of those medical books, doctor. Heck, if you take it upon yourself to preach half understood marketing ideas to people with degrees in marketing, I think that I should be dispensing you medical advice from my half baked understanding of medicine.

Bleach is good for you.
Regardless the Bleach thing, you try to be funny but it is not working, go read a good book about marketing and come back to me
benny1967's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ndi View Post
Frankly, there were never "new features". This is a regression from what we call a phone and because it had Nokia glued to it nobody questioned it.
What you and many others fail to see is that the N900 is not "the next model" in a series of high-end Nokia phones. It is the very first model in a series of non-phone devices that has some minimal phone functionality.

Comparing S60 to Maemo 5 would seem like - well, yes, regressions, as you said. Lots and lots of features missing.

But that's just not what it is. What you do is like comparing the very first camera-phones to a high-end professional camera of those days. Yes, there were "regressions" then compared to a real camera, but that's not what you'd call it... it was the beginning of a new functionality. That how I see telephony on Maemo devices.

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ndi's Avatar
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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
What you and many others fail to see is that the N900 is not "the next model" in a series of high-end Nokia phones. It is the very first model in a series of non-phone devices that has some minimal phone functionality.
N900 is :
* as the name suggests, an N-series device
* as the number suggests, the next evolution is the tablet line, a high end device line.

Am I to assume that an N-series phone (advertised as such) would be a huge regression from 4-5 YO N-series device?

Yes it's experimental and I can live with it having ringing bugs in Oct 2009. I feel cheated when it has ringing issue in Oct 2010. Maybe if it were some odd OS, requiring monolithic updates, like proprietary firmware. But an open system, with live repos and file-level update capability? There is no technical limitation, no cost overhead. It's simply a case of screw'em.

[QUOTE=benny1967;854768]Comparing S60 to Maemo 5 would seem like - well, yes, regressions, as you said. Lots and lots of features missing.[QUOTE]

You forget, I am comparing 2003 Symbian to 2010 Maemo. Aditionally, they didn't start from scratch. Debian for ARM probably already runs on N900, most manufacturers provide open drivers.

It just feels like very little is accomplished. 100 bugs, some cosmetic, some integration from upstream in 3 months.

It feels like it's a device supported by a student.

Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
But that's just not what it is. What you do is like comparing the very first camera-phones to a high-end professional camera of those days. Yes, there were "regressions" then compared to a real camera, but that's not what you'd call it... it was the beginning of a new functionality. That how I see telephony on Maemo devices.
It's like comparing an old 1.3 MPx camera to a new line of 12 MPx and finding out exposure is broken.

Look, it's not like it's a hidden feature. The phone stuttered audio in calls. It stuttered audio on browse. Became unusable with widgets.

Surely they knew that, released it anyway, and then ignored complaints for a year.

And frankly, not allowing multi-device support for your next generation, ultra versatile MeeGo OS is like Microsoft requiring i7 cores for W7.

Besides, considering that they lost many chains like PC Suite compatibility, proprietary backup, backwards compatibility.

They used massive portions of code from other projects. They have upstream fixes. They have user submitten patches yet they leave me hanging for months.

Yes I feel that's inexcusable.

@mhamza: Here's my reply to you conforming with my previous suggestion:
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

Keep the forums clean: use "Thanks" button instead of the thank you post.

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