, 15:00
Posts: 334 |
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Joined on Nov 2008
@ Italy
Tags |
audio, gstreamer, mp3, pygame, python |
Python 2.5, pygame 1.7 and easy:
I know, installing another 'lib' is a pain but 'easy' is small (just little python modules) and really handy to access the tablet functions: I used to call gstreamer 'by hand' and is simply a pain in the neck...
very 1st 'thing' out: like usual noone should use this for any reason anytime.
What the program do:
let the user go up and down trough the current directory no up or down trough the path, just the current dir.
Im testing the keyboard this time (Ill probably put the slide up and down screen movement later): I wish to keep on board the N800 but I dont know exactly the key mappings so Ill do some test with N800 owners.
Now It use the keypad up and down and the relative button ('return' for pygame[??]) to start the player and pause; space to stop the song (I know could sound stupid but is sorta usefull for me to use same key for pause and start). The screen buttons should still work from the previous version but I didnt test it too much
what the program dont:
regular player mode with the scrub, volume and coverart.
no portrait mode
no browsing trough directories
no playlists
no albums
no tage
nothing out of .mp3
(I know gstreamer can play more but I want keep simple now that the app is just taking the 1st breaths
Buona Domenica e felice Marzo a tutti...
Flip Alarm Clock - 3DMania Theme - Synesthesia - Deluxepain