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I have been looking for a better A2DP implementation that "actually works" but I am starting to believe that the standard just hasn't got enough bandwidth, or WiFi is interferring with it, or something. Everything I have tried, has stuttered. Cell phone - > headphone, W810 -> headphone, cell phone -> car stereo, W810 -> car stereo...

I have a hope that a stronger CPU might help but I don't have faith :B
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2009
I to all in this thread we in the forums work toggeder to migrate Maemo 5 to i8910 omnia is a s60v5 if one of us have Linux programing knowledge and wanna aport please let me know to make this dream come true

Thanks again

i8910 omnia hd

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