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Traecer's Avatar
Posts: 165 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Originally Posted by thoughtfix View Post
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
2. What kind of phone do you have?
3. Was it easy to get working?
4. Who is your service provider?
5. How affordable is your data plan?
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
1) Yes
2) Palm Treo 680
3) No and yes. Just following the setup wizard paired the phone and tablet via Bluetooth, but OS2007 doesn't have the right settings for T-Mobile Internet (USA). After changing the APN and dial up number, it worked:

4) T-Mobile. I travel enough I want a GSM phone, and I refuse to endure AT&T's horrible customer service. Plus, T-Mobile has a cheap international plan. Admittedly, EDGE is very < UMTS, but I've been told AT&T's UMTS coverage in the Phoenix area sucks anyway.
5) T-Mobile Internet (again, EDGE is as fast as they get) is $20/mo.
6) As I mentioned, T-Mo is EDGE-only, so being connected via Treo means I have to stick to quick e-mail checking, the mobile version of Google Reader, and the occasional Mauku update. But if I need to check my e-mail quickly, or double check what time the movie starts, it's not bad.
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Posts: 165 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Originally Posted by frethop View Post
4. Who is your service provider?


5. How affordable is your data plan?

An extra $4.99 for the data plan.

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?

I had to change the settings. I changed the access point name and I added a proxy for HTTP and HTTPS.
Yeah, that's the t-zones plan. T-Mo's dirty little secret is that anybody with a GPRS- or EDGE-capable phone automatically has Internet access, but unless you pay for the $20/mo unlimited plan, their firewall blocks you. They do however, have an HTTP proxy, so you can actually get to the Web w/o paying any extra. But I often use SSH, FTP, IM, and other stuff, so I spring for the extra $20/mo.
mooler's Avatar
Posts: 213 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Detroit, MI
1. Yes
2. Samsung A990
3. Yes
4. Verizon
5. DUN Bluetooth
6. Verizon didnt disable bluetooth DUN on a990. It is slow. but If you need can get it... no data charges...just minutes+

+This is from my own personal experience. please take caution that you may incur data charges when enabling DUN for A990. I am not held responsible for any charges you may incur or receive.
Posts: 16 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2007
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
Yes, every day at work as most interesting sites (and my yahoo email) are blocked by our company filters

2. What kind of phone do you have?
Palm Treo 700p

3. Was it easy to get working?
Yes, paired first try via N800 wizard (both OS2007 & OS2008 beta)

4. Who is your service provider?
Sprint PCS

5. How affordable is your data plan?
Very (IMO) $15/month unlimited access

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
You need to load a simple tiny library patch to enable the phone as a modem, otherwise you have to pay Sprint an additional $49/month for a phone as modem plan.
anidel's Avatar
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Originally Posted by thoughtfix View Post
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
2. What kind of phone do you have?
3. Was it easy to get working?
4. Who is your service provider?
5. How affordable is your data plan?
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
1. Yes, everytime I am not in the lab
2. Sony Ericsson K618i (UTMS/WCDMA) soon the V640i (HSDPA)
3. A breeze (i just had to change the APN to reflect my data plan)
4. Three Italy
5. Very affordable: "Naviga3" - 9€ a month / 50mb a day.
6. it rocks so far, cheap and fast
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ The Netherlands
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?

2. What kind of phone do you have?
New HTC Touch Dual

3. Was it easy to get working?
No Idea

4. Who is your service provider?

5. How affordable is your data plan?
(Very) 25 euro for text and call time + 9.50euro unlimited gprs plan

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
Its has Windows
Posts: 45 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Austria
1. Yes
2. Sony Ericsson W950i (UMTS only) (not enough battery power for powering UMTS for more than 2,5 hours)
3. As smooth as it could be...wizard found phone and it works
4. One(Austria)
5. 20€ for 3GB with full speed and then they slow down UMTS to about 64kb
6. It could be a lot better: HSDPA on the phone, a cheaper plan with more traffic volume, but it is okay
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2007
1. yes quite often
2. sony ericsson k610i (3g, umts)
3. quite easy. just remember to add external id to dial number
4. Mobile one
5. $22sgd/month for 5gb 512kbps ($15 usd)
6. much less power hungry on the n800 as compared to wifi. speed slower but still good. able to hit 550kbps or 60kB/s easily.

Last edited by jimmyh; 2007-11-30 at 08:07.
maxilogan's Avatar
Posts: 701 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
Originally Posted by thoughtfix View Post
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
2. What kind of phone do you have?
3. Was it easy to get working?
4. Who is your service provider?
5. How affordable is your data plan?
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
1: yes
2: actually Sony Ericsson Z1010 (UMTS), waiting for my provider to deliver Nokia E51, which I will have for free (see point 4)
3: absolutely, with all of the OSs I tried (from 2005 to 2008 so far )
4: TIM (italy)
5: actually very, I'm going to subscribe a plan with 10 hours/month of included internet access, may be enough for my use. Plus 250 min/month plus 100 SMS/month for 30€ (phone comes for free)
6: TIM has the widest coverage in Italy, I thought in the past to subscribe Three Italy like Anidel did, but my wife has a phone and she's almost always roaming on TIM in our city :| (but for phone calls is free of course, she's not a geek ) so, though Three has a very good data plan (the one explained by Anidel) I'll stick with TIM
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Posts: 26 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Oct 2007
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?

Yes when away from my house wifi

2. What kind of phone do you have?

MDA Vario 2 (pocket pc phone)

3. Was it easy to get working?

At first it was a nightmare as my phone only had bluetooth PAN. So I found some software that made my phone into a wifi gateway. Now my surfing speed is on par with my home network connection. Pages load in seconds.

4. Who is your service provider?

T-Mobile in the UK

5. How affordable is your data plan?

£12.50 with 1 Gig limit a month. That is on top off the usual monthly cost. In all I'm paying £47.50 a month!


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