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Posts: 39 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Dec 2007
I wonder how many people are downloading it. I really didn't the know N8*0's where that big in the US. All I ever hear about is the stupid Itouch, and I couldn't find the N800 in stores. I had to buy it online. I guess Nokia is doing GOOD if there bringing down severs with updates.
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I dont know about that, I get the feeling they are using a single N800 as a download server.
Performance is crap, 10+ failed installs.........
Come on guys, get your act together ! fix this !

Cant you at least release a static binary ? I will mirror it on my site.

Last edited by Dopehead.NL; 2007-12-20 at 23:32.
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on May 2007
Is there any chance that someone can provide a tarball (or tar.gz) of the necessary .debs? I can host it for others or turn it into a torrent....

BTW, this is why we need debtorrent!

Last edited by wolf08; 2007-12-20 at 23:34. Reason: Debtorrent
Posts: 228 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Oct 2007
Honestly I agree, its getting a little ridiculous how the Nokia servers are still overloaded a few days after the update.

Anyway, I also find it annoying that not a single media player on the internet tablets can get it right and view tagged album art, regardless of the size of the picture. Every other media player device can do it, why can't these programs. If its a performance issue, then have the program cache a much smaller version of it on first load or something, but this is ridiculous.

(If I'm misinterpretting what I've read, I apologize, but I can't get the download myself either.)
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Originally Posted by Dopehead.NL View Post
How can Nokia or Maemo not have forseen this, people were all over the OS2008 and Canola forum for days.
The number of hits these forums have generated the past 2 weeks should have been a nice indicator for what was to happen on release day.
In the meantime I have now 8 consecutive failed installs
I say : its a job badly done, I know my boss would not be amused If I treated our users like this.
OK. If it will make any difference to anyone, you can grab the following files:
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Those files are HTTP 404 at this point.

And what about all the dependencies?
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Sorry for the cross-post, but...

What is this, 1997? How is it possible that servers could be tanked for so long? I can't imagine that the traffic is that huge...there just aren't that many tablets out there, and even fewer die-hards like us who are eager to update to the latest and greatest.

If I were Nokia, I'd be livid...they're looking like a two-bit hardware vendor. It's as if the repositories are being hosted on some dude's basement linux box over ISDN. The server admins should be fired.

...I'm not just a whiny impatient geek. The server situation has not changed in DAYS. We're not talking hours here. This is some serious amateur level stuff. They better come back and say that every pwn3d Windows box on the planet has been busy DDOSing for the last few days. I certainly hope they weren't so clueless as to let their entire server admin staff go on vacation right before a huge release like this.
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Finally got the app. It's exactly what I want in a media player except for the tagged album art not showing. I love the graphite theme too.

Edit: Also, does it not play wma files? They don't seem to be showing up in my playlist.

Also would be nice to have a bigger icon as well, to show up properly on the OS2008 launcher.

Last edited by jhoff80; 2007-12-21 at 00:15.
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Originally Posted by jhoff80 View Post
Also would be nice to have a bigger icon as well, to show up properly on the OS2008 launcher.
I saw the same thing, but then after I installed another app afterward (maemo mapper) the Canola icon was large in the launcher. I have a feeling this is an OS2008 bug as was pointed out to me in another thread. It's already posted in bugzilla.
Posts: 228 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Oct 2007
Also, when I try to add one of my favorite stations (which already exists in the Media Player's favorites, why can't it just read those?) It told me feed not found.

The address for it is
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