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Originally Posted by Hurrian View Post
0.6V at 1GHz? This sounds too good to be true for the whole SoC.
If they do reach even 0.7V Vcc at 1GHz for the whole SoC at 50% load I'll eat my hat.

At that voltage range, 2GHz is a reality on 1.0V. Imagine an A15@2GHz on a phone.
I'll be looking for a potato powered phone soon. i.e. the Samsung Potato Phone.
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Such an anti-climax, if the Finnish business magazine has translated Dillon correctly. I thought it was only few days since it was confirmed that the device is out before summer, but looking at the news articles, it does not look like it was. And also in the latest tweets it looks like that the Q1 announcement could be postponed (

Im not that suprised after reading about the Creoir cooperation only in January. It hints that the physical design needed extra resources. In the YLE article from January, Jolla is still communicating the Q1/before Summer schedule.

Here's a extremely bad quality new video of the UI with Marc:
Despite the quality, one can see a bit of the events feed and how to set favourites eg in settings.

ps. my first post here at TMO. I try my best to follow the example laid by my favourite, Dave
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
I'm not worried about that. I'm more worried we won't even see a phone on Any market. If they just like that lied about summer. What makes you think they won't push it another 6 month to July 2014? Then they have it right again becouse its summer... They don't have a clue what they are doing!
I find it quite funny how you claim they lied when they made no promises.

The reason Jolla was so vague and ambiguous with that they said was in case they couldn't deliver on what they said that's why they made no empty promises.

It's sad I know, but I would rather see a finished product than a buggy mess.
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Originally Posted by mariusmssj View Post
I find it quite funny how you claim they lied when they made no promises.

The reason Jolla was so vague and ambiguous with that they said was in case they couldn't deliver on what they said that's why they made no empty promises.

It's sad I know, but I would rather see a finished product than a buggy mess.
Agreed, lied might not be the right word here. The argument don't want a "buggy device" is such a classic. It's always so fun to read it. No one wants a buggy device and this issue is not about that either.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...
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Brand new SailfishOS demo video by Marc Dillon


Last edited by mariusmssj; 2013-02-27 at 13:04.
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Originally Posted by OVK View Post
There is some new information available (in Finnish). Finnish financial magazine Taloussanomat reports that Marc Dillon has confirmed that Jolla aims to have their first phone available in Finland for the Christmas an in China for the Chinese New Year. Jolla will also announce new information about the device soon, hopefully during March-April. They aim to announce the phone early to ensure that they have enough time to concentrate to logistics and other distribution related stuff.

Price of the device will not be the highest among smartphones (reporter speculates about 400€) but the phone will still be highend.

Well, from what i read out of autotranslation:
We are launching the first phone on the second half of this year in Finland and China. We aim at the Christmas market in Finland and the Chinese New Year market, Dillon says Taloussanomat.
i think this does not necessarily mean, the phone does not come before christmas... could some native finnish speaker please clarify this?
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like the unlike device
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
ROTFL Ubuntumobile will be WAY from ready even next year. And depends on Android WTF :/

Mer+SalfishOS is far more ready right now.
So, why the Sailfish is not ready by summer? We even didn't get any image for N9... even they promised.. or even help community to do so...

Yes, Ubuntu phone has depends of Android devices, but it is only way to install it NOW. If i understand correct, they have to use android drivers for the hardware, but others than that the OS is their, not any android rom/mod. They make own phone, so no worries
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Originally Posted by Leinad View Post
Well, from what i read out of autotranslation:

i think this does not necessarily mean, the phone does not come before christmas... could some native finnish speaker please clarify this?

That was very good translate:

"We are launching the first phone on the second half of this year in Finland and China. We aim at the Christmas market in Finland and the Chinese New Year market, Dillon says Taloussanomat."

It sound odd.. first he say it's out 2/2 - 3/4 of this year and then Christmas which is 4/4 of this year? Right? So... i am little pessimist , 2014 1/4 same time when Ubuntu phone is out too. Hope not, but i fear...

dave ate sail, fishing jolla, n9 sailfish, nokia n950, sailfish, sailfish os, sailfish video, where?

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