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Originally Posted by Alecsandru View Post
mate at least you can boot sliding the keyboard , mine throws that error in arch
With opened keyboard u-boot shows bootmenu, but it doesn't show any bootmenu items and starts omap kernel, so I can't boot maemo with cssu thumb.

Reflashing kernel by maemo flasher is required to boot maemo.

Sorry, for my English.
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Hello Guys, now i have a small problem with Triple-Boot with 1 MicroSD-Card, here is my configuration:

Nokia N900 RX-51 HW Rev. 2101.

32GB MicroSD with 3 Paritions:

20 GB FAT32
5 GB EXT3 - NITDroid
4 GB EXT4 - Nemo

I have U-Boot with some Maemo Kernels, kernel-power52, omap1, omap-fb etc.
NITDroid Kernel is on the same Partition where the NITDroid RootFS is, on mmcblk1p2 (ext3)

The Nemo Kernel (uImage) is on the same partition like NEMO Rootfs is, mmcblk1p3 (ext4)

Here is the Nemo.item

ITEM_CMDLINE="root=/dev/mmcblk0p3 rootwait ro console=tty0 omapfb.vram=0:2M,1:2M,2:2M mtdoops.mtddev=2"

Please note that Nemo regognize the internal EMMC as mmcblk1 and external MicroSD as mmcblk0... It was a horror to find it out, the internal emmc have also 3 partitions...

My Nemo starts, but hangs on the graphic background...
Maybe the problem is, that I don't have a special swap partition for Nemo, only the maemo swap on the emmc...

Any ideas ?

Last edited by explit; 2013-03-30 at 20:33.
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Is it possible to boot from usb with u-boot?
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No, due to buggy linux musb driver (which crash when uboot enable its own musb driver) I disabled usb support in uboot.
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I had u-boot 2012.04, I upgraded it to 2012.10-rc3-1 (latest).
But now booting to KP 51 poweroff's/restarts the phone in few seconds while waiting at starting kernel....
So, I upgraded to KP 52 and ran the u-boot-update-bootmenu.
It added the KP 52 boot entry but still it's same.

The stock maemo firmware does work fine though.

I am using the original boot item file.

ITEM_NAME="Maemo 5 with kernel-power (Internal Nand)"

Please help.

Last edited by starkwiz; 2013-04-08 at 00:59.
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I booted a rescue kernel ( with u-boot, switched on usb mass storage mode, resized the eMMC partitions with gparted, to make the ext3 4 GiB bigger, and the FAT 4 GiB smaller. Everithing worked fine, except that the u-boot doesn't display my bootmenu, instead it displays the default one. Booting to the attached kernel works like expected, but i can't use my own menu. u-boot-update-bootmenu creates the bootmenu script, but u-boot always displays the default. What is the solution for this problem?
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mateakos, I had similar problem. You should format your FAT partition and try once again.

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It seems like u-boot can't read that file system, fatls returns no files for that, but works for microsd. In maemo both filesystems are usable, and fsck reports no problems.
Reformat solved the problem.
Thank's for the help!
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Mar 2013
Originally Posted by starkwiz View Post
I had u-boot 2012.04, I upgraded it to 2012.10-rc3-1 (latest).
But now booting to KP 51 poweroff's/restarts the phone in few seconds while waiting at starting kernel....
So, I upgraded to KP 52 and ran the u-boot-update-bootmenu.
It added the KP 52 boot entry but still it's same.

The stock maemo firmware does work fine though.

I am using the original boot item file.

ITEM_NAME="Maemo 5 with kernel-power (Internal Nand)"

Please help.
i have the same problem nothing help even rescue os ... when conect to usb start u-boot and cant't start my device every time i try something is the same
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Apr 2012 @ India
I found a fix.
install u-boot-tools package from shell.
After installation.
Run u-boot-update-menu that should fix the issue.

bootmenu, u-boot

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