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GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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Originally Posted by jaslar View Post
12. type the passcode, hit blue fn-OK a bunch of times
Fn-OK? Why in the world would you do that? Just hit Enter.
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Jaslar, tried the same thing here, both "OK" and just Enter, still no luck. Bad keyboards? I dunno...
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GeneralAntilles - well, because, um, it said OK on the screen, and holding FN-Enter kind of equalled OK? Alright, then it was because I wasn't thinking clearly.

So I just hit enter this time, and this time, it TRIED to pair.

That's progress. Now I'll go back and strip out the Mac address from the files, and give it another shot. I feel hope!
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving. - Anonymous
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I just got mine yesterday. On a n800, OS2008.

Could not get it to pair when going to the "bluetooth keyboard" setting in control panel. I tried about a dozen times with no success.

Finally, I just went to the "Bluetooth" setting under "Connectivity" in Control Panel.

It paired on the first try.

Go figure...

...Now, if I can figure out how to get my on-screen-keyboard back without rebooting, I'll be happy. Once I start using the iGo, it completely takes over the keyboard function.
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No, that didn't work either. But I've not had time to work through all the files again before trying this. Thanks for the tip, though. It might be helpful by and by.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving. - Anonymous
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Originally Posted by gowen View Post
I found that by removing all references to the keyboards MAC address from these files I was able to repair it.

cd /var/lib/bluetooth/*
grep Think *

This should list the line in the names file showing the keyboards MAC address. Using all or part of the MAC address type

grep <your MAC address> *

This will list all of the files you need to edit.

Hope this helps
I just wanted to type this from my igo keyboard and say thanks.

For anyone having the issue where the n800 immediately drops the pairing attempt and shows failure to join, doing these steps took care of my issue
ONLY after restarting the n800

hope this help
Posts: 609 | Thanked: 232 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ the end of my rope
Thanks very much for this post.

My problem: I can't seem to get the on-screen keyboard back after disconnecting the igo. My guess is that if--and when--I restart the tablet, it'll reappear. But for the lack of complaints about my problem, I assume that others have their keyboards restored without doing this...

If it helps, here's how I "disconnected": I went to Control Panel>Bluetooth> Devices>EDIT (the keyboard)>Disconnect. The green light on the igo stopped blinking. But the on-screen keyboard is not returning.

Any help is, as always, greatly appreciated.
lumindigo85's Avatar
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Originally Posted by lm2 View Post
My problem: I can't seem to get the on-screen keyboard back after disconnecting the igo.
I have the really same problem. It is annoying that I have to reboot the device after using the hardware keyboard.

And also does anyone know how could I type special (Central European) characters like ιασ etc.?
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Update: the trick aboout editing the files in /var/lib/blluetooth did it. I was more thorogh the second time. Once it was TRYING to pair, then I could type the code. Thanks, all.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving. - Anonymous
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Thanks Tori for the instructions.
Worked after I followed instructions exactly.
After I closed the keyboard, on screen keyboard worked again

After I opened the keyboard again, the keyboard worked after 1 keypress.
Wonderful. Thanks for all the help

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