, 21:01
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What is the current EASY way to transfer a lot of files from a PC with ANY os to Maemo 5 / N900?
, 22:20
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What is the current EASY way to transfer a lot of files from a PC with ANY os to Maemo 5 / N900?
, 05:09
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@ Helsinki, Finland.
, 08:04
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What is the current EASY way to transfer a lot of files from a PC with ANY os to Maemo 5 / N900?
, 17:43
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Joined on May 2011
I sometimes plug the USB cable in and don't see any problems using that.
But more often I have ssh running already and just use scp.
, 06:49
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, 10:45
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@ Touring
What is the current EASY way to transfer a lot of files from a PC with ANY os to Maemo 5 / N900?
Wifitrans is for Nokia N9 or does this URL for repo accidentally have N9 in it?
Edit: first post it was for Fremantle, but give 404.
Does anybody know if WifiTrans works or have better alternative suggestions?
Last edited by ste-phan; 2020-02-12 at 08:47.