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NateLikesClaire's Avatar
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Originally Posted by isaacs View Post
Look for the navigation kit it on ebay. I got mine for $50 not bad for a license and holder for the tablet windshield mount.
can you tell what exactly to search for on ebay? and what *exactly* do you get? thanks!
Nate (n800) os2008, 8gb sdhc (pq1)
Claire (n810) Diablo
N95-4 (new late 08)
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Originally Posted by NateLikesClaire View Post
can you tell what exactly to search for on ebay? and what *exactly* do you get? thanks!
This is what you're buying:

BlueTooth GPS Unit
Windshield Mount
Auto Power Adapter
Navicore Maps

Since Navicore was purchased by WayFinder, they will give you 3 years of WayFinder service if you enter an Nokia 770/N800 Navicore serial key. This will let you get the first 3 years cheaper, you're legal, and you don't run the risk of screwing someone else out of their subscription/trial.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Sooner or later those unused MACs will be assigned.
I think he was actually advocating using unassigned Vendor IDs. As long as none of those macs are assigned to Nokia, using one of these Vendor IDs shouldn't be a problem. It would probably be better to use a different vendor, such as D-Link or Sun..something that will never be on a Nokia tablet.

What would be wise is if Navicore only allowed Nokia vendor IDs to validate and get a trial. Of course, then these guys would just change the device section of the mac, and that would result in collisions with valid customers.

Regardless, this is not something I would encourage.
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Originally Posted by directore View Post
BTW assuming you have root access a minor change in /etc/init.d/rcS specifically adding just two lines

ifconfig wlan0 down hw ether 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
ifconfig wlan0 up
If you're going to do this, you may as well do it right

ifconfig wlan0 down hw ether $(cat /home/user/MyDocs/mac.txt)
ifconfig wlan0 up
NOT AS ROOT, Use vi, nano, etc create /home/user/MyDocs/mac.txt with only the a line containing your mac address in the xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx format. Now you should be able to open this file and edit it with the included Notes application. After making a change, reboot to apply.

Note that if you create a file with the Notes application it will save it as FileName.note.html and it will be html, not plain text. Also remember that bricking your device, angering Wayfinder, etc will only cause me to giggle.

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mrlanrat's Avatar
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I don't think this works with the version of wayfinder that comes with Diablo. Can anyone else confirm this?

Last edited by mrlanrat; 2008-06-25 at 15:24.
Posts: 95 | Thanked: 66 times | Joined on Jun 2007 @ Barcelona, Spain
I confirm, it doesn't work for me, but with maps updated, i think that we can buy Wayfinder now! Thanks nokia!
mrlanrat's Avatar
Posts: 292 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Oct 2007
Originally Posted by just_to_help View Post
uninstall map
put chinook in nokias repos
install map
delete chinook from nokias repos

Just wondering, what are the new features of the new version of wayfinder (not counting the maps)?

And I assume the new maps will work with the old version?

Last edited by mrlanrat; 2008-06-26 at 03:57.
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2008
First - i thing, that Wayfinder or Navicore had a sh*t license politik. I have 2 domiciles - one in the Slovakia in Bratislava (this is 0,1 km from austrian border) and in Vienna in Austria, tha is approximately 50 km from Bratislava. I have to do on both sides of the border - on the slovak and austrian side too.
Now - i must buy 2 map packages if i need to navigate between this 2 cities!!!
Second - i must switch between this 2 map-packages manually!!!
Third - it is unable to navigate and calculate a route between this 2 map packages!!!

Fourth - the resolution and details of those maps in the east european and south european countries is bad! Very bad!!! I drive tonight to Croatia - the maps of Croatia, Hungaria and so far looks like as a poor children game, but not like a serious navigation map. The 3 streets in Croatia i will be unable to navigate to my hollyday place. Not to use, i mean.


I have my trial license "killed" in the way, that i have set up my date on 1 month in the future - because in this trial was only the one "east european" package activated and it was unable to switch to the other packages, like "Germany and alps".


As next - i like first to buy this "Navicore/Nokia" navi pack. (Before i have tested it - god blesh Wayfinder for the trial version )
But - the Nokia in Austria was not able to say me, where it can buy it. After many telephone cals the Nokia Austria give me the phone number of an austrian shop in Vienna - !!!!! the man from this shop says to me, that he do not know anything about this product, but he will get me informations. It is more than 1 week after - and he do not know anything to this time!!! No infos, no Navicore, no answer!

F**k on this - the "pay per wiew" license typ is nothing for me. That is an american way, that i do no accept, not now, not in the future! Others - by those map-packs, they borders going tru the middle of Europe, i cannot accept the multiple price, if i wish to use it - withot the solution, how to create a route from one map pack to the other. For american users, it exist 2 maps of USA - east and west. For the near the same teritorium and count of cities and people, that is in ONE of these US packs - but in the Europe - i must pay approx. the 6x more money. With all the problems.


Only one solution for me - either i wait on usable version of Navit, or i buy Garmin, TomTom or something else, that had better maps and no "pay per wiev" licenses!

PLS - if something had found a way, to get usable maps for Navit - tell me this pls! I heve been tested many sources, many files - but nothing is going right! Because i was anable to buy the Nokia/Navicore set, i have now a simply GPS receiver with bluetooth and this works fine. But not in the Navit! Pls help, if you can. Thx more,

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for some reason when i change the mac now... my account wont connect. anyone got any ideas?
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Originally Posted by Pretoriano View Post
I confirm, it doesn't work for me, but with maps updated, i think that we can buy Wayfinder now! Thanks nokia!
What changes were made in the new version of maps?

customers?, middlefinger

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