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TrueJournals's Avatar
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My idea for the UI implementation would be this: if a user clicks and hollds on a song, bring in the sliding menu on the right. There, give the option to add to on the go playlist, or play next. Since NIT users are already used to the idea that click and hold = right click, I think this would be pretty intuitive for most users.
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pycage's Avatar
Posts: 3,404 | Thanked: 4,474 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ Germany
I find click-and-hold a bit too akward to use (especially when using fingers), but I like the idea of having it in the "sliding menu". Will implement it in MediaBox soon.
Posts: 362 | Thanked: 145 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Sydney, Australia
an option would be a togge switch
play mode = when selecting a song, the song gets played
enqueue mode = when selecting a song, it get's added to the playlist

Winamp uses this system - and I have it on my htpc software (meedio/meedios)
handful's Avatar
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I find click-and-hold a bit too akward to use (especially when using fingers), but I like the idea of having it in the "sliding menu". Will implement it in MediaBox soon.
I agree with pycage. Click and hold = menu , is a (bad) way of bringing second mouse click to the touchscreen world, I believe the mode is better, but is also not an answer. I think if we want to do that I can toogle an advanced mode.. and each item gains a small menu icon that you just need to touch and get the sliding menu for it. Better than forcing the user to hold touch AND them choosing the option. holds makes sense if at least you don't have to do it 2 times for each item but if you have it starts to be a little bit more complicated.

anyhow, I passed this and I think we can manage to add at least a tryout

Marcelo Eduardo
OpenBossa Labs @ INdT, Recife Brazil
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Look at the way Rhythmbox deals with a play queue, it's the better I've seen.

The Canola UI really is not overbloated, I'm sure an "Add to queue" button (in the way there is a download/delete button for podcasts) wouldn't hurt.
I also like nikolajhendel idea if the way to toggle the behavior is quick.
pycage's Avatar
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I have tried to implement the QuodLibet-style behavior in MediaBox by simply always removing the last played item from the playlist. Maybe a simple switch can be added to the playlist UI to toggle between "play list" and "play queue" modes. Yeah, I think I'm gonna call this queueing feature "play queue".
handful's Avatar
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Boke, yes..
We were responsible for porting the Rhythmbox to maemo but to be honest Rbox already is a little bit too much for me but of course (as I always say.. I am not the user) and I think the toogle is great. As those who want this feature would be happy to explore the menu and find out that the list is able to be changed easily with one touch!

Marcelo Eduardo
OpenBossa Labs @ INdT, Recife Brazil
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Originally Posted by pycage View Post
I remember QuodLibet having such a feature. Actually it was a queue which you could fill with songs. When a song ended it took the next song from the queue if one was there.

In MediaBox I want to integrate similar functionality into the playlist component.
thats essentially what kagu does, isnt it?
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Originally Posted by CleverJake View Post
thats essentially what kagu does, isnt it?
Yeah, I think it is. Since Kagu is AFAIK completely playlist driven, every song you want to play gets appended to the playlist. The difference however is that Kagu doesn't automatically remove played items from the playlist (correct me if I'm wrong) and the playlist gets longer and longer.

Technically in MediaBox the difference between playlist and playqueue will be that in the queue, played items will get removed from the list automatically.
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I'll stick this here instead of adding a new thread or trying to find the same request. How about adding a Random option after you pick an Artist off the main menu? Should be pretty simple I think.

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