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Originally Posted by omeriko9 View Post
I know this is a bit offtopic, but come on, please stop this "do your research" propaganda against any complaints heard about missing basic functionality in the n900.
It's not a propaganda, it's how things work:
1) You need a new device
2) Some features are of a crucial importance for you, some you can live without
3) You do your research and find the device that mostly meet your criteria
4) You are a happy user

Any other approach leads to a certain disappointment. I've been following Maemo progress since the 770, and it cut the bar only with the N900, so I bought it knowing what to expect. I could've bought the 770/800/810 tablets and come here whininh that they are missing basic functionality, but what good would it bring? I'd just annoy the users who are happy with their device and endure frustration that I'm not.

If you know what you are getting and you are aware of its shortcomings, you won't be disappointed. As simple as that.

Assuming that some device has some feature because some other device has it is quite foolish. And you know what they say about assumptions...
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

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This maemo forum is working like an anti-NOKIA and anti-N900 viral discussion. Either NOKIA rep has to step in and try to steer it in right direction or this product is going to dumps, it will definitely in the US.

I got my new N900 few days ago and have grown to like it. It has its limitations but I still like it for the open-ness part of it. Now based on the anti Nokia feeling going around here, I am thinking NOKIA is an evil corporation which does not care about its customers and will not support my N900 for all the glorious hardware it has. When my hard earned $500+ does seem to have a life beyond 1-2 years, I am starting to question its 'value' (read- not everyone can afford to throw around $500 although they like to have a nifty gadget). If things do not turn around for the better in the next couple of weeks (at least OVI navigation release could be a demonstration of NOKIA's commitment), I might just have to return the bugger back to Amazon
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Originally Posted by bandora View Post
In this case we're kind of getting forced to go with Sygic (I won't.. but I am still not gonna have Turn By Turn Voice Navigation because of that).. So your example cannot relate to what I am saying.
Sorry, but that's a bit like saying that Windows users are forced to purchase Adobe Photoshop since the included MS Paint just doesn't cut it

You are not forced to do anything. You can always write your own GPS navigation app if the provided doesn't meet your needs and you don't want to pay for someone else to write it.
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

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I don't think people are turning particularly anti-Nokia, but I think a lot of people feel let down and frustrated at the moment.

Nokia have a huge success on their hands in the n900, much against their own making and to their surprise it must be said, but they are sitting back and not capitalising on it. Nor do they seem to be acknowledging it or celebrating in it. I'm sure all of us would love to see Nokia grasp this bull by the horns and really drive it on. Instead it feels like they are ignoring it and continue to put their weight behind Symbian.

We should be expecting good news coming in the next couple of weeks, from the Barcelona event. If not, that would be disappointing.

Last edited by kojacker; 2010-02-02 at 01:55.

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Originally Posted by zwer View Post
Sorry, but that's a bit like saying that Windows users are forced to purchase Adobe Photoshop since the included MS Paint just doesn't cut it

You are not forced to do anything. You can always write your own GPS navigation app if the provided doesn't meet your needs and you don't want to pay for someone else to write it.
You're missing the point here. If there's something that's already there and it's free, and it's also free on every platform that the company makes, but one of the platforms is missing functionalities, and they will or have fixed it but you (so far) have to fork out another $600+ in order to get it.. Does that sound logical? If so.. well then I think I know where to ask for money when the next device comes out..

I am used to OVi maps and I was expecting that it would have the same support as Symbian.. (I actually paid for the Symbian version of "Nokia Maps")

And really your examples are so bad (not trying to be rude here), but MS paint isn't missing functionality here.. It's designed to be like that.. It's a finished product.. So it's quite different than the Adobe Photoshop..

OVi maps isn't a complete product and is missing functionality.. So really what is the point of your example there?

Also, as the post above this says, noone's turning Anti-Nokia.. I know I am not.. but really some moves like this really doesn't make sense and angers/frustrates people.. Nokia is supposidly changing.. but that obviously isn't enough, they're still doing things that basically gives the impression of "We don't want loyal customers to stay loyal.. SHOO GO AWAY"

Last edited by bandora; 2010-02-02 at 02:05.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
The merging of the threads has confused me a bit...
Perhaps that was the intent.

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Originally Posted by zwer View Post
I could've bought the 770/800/810 tablets and come here whininh that they are missing basic functionality, but what good would it bring? I'd just annoy the users who are happy with their device and endure frustration that I'm not.
That's another misconsumption. "whining", or more accurately - discussioning about missing features/functionalities led, so far, to the community developing apps and filling the gap (fMMS, android on n900, Mer, call recording, full call records and the list goes on and on...).

Besides, it's always good to put it all on the table, rather than hiding it under the carpet. If something is wrong, in ones opinion, let him express himself.

Originally Posted by zwer View Post
Assuming that some device has some feature because some other device has it is quite foolish. And you know what they say about assumptions...
I don't agree at all. I won't spend a second to verify my new TV comes with a remote control, or that the new 6 gears car I'm gonna buy has a reverse gear. I let myself assume that the new scientific calculator has the "+" operator, although I'd probably will check if it can add complex numbers.

There are certain things I would definitely spend time to check, but for others I'll have to assume exitance. And tracking Maemo history to the n770 is not a reasonable research for my opinion.

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Originally Posted by bandora View Post
You're missing the point here. If there's something that's already there and it's free, and it's also free on every platform that the company makes, but one of the platforms is missing functionalities, and they will or have fixed it but you (so far) have to fork out another $600+ in order to get it.. Does that sound logical? If so.. well then I think I know where to ask for money when the next device comes out..

I am used to OVi maps and I was expecting that it would have the same support as Symbian.. (I actually paid for the Symbian version of "Nokia Maps")
But you, my good sir, are missing the point - there is nothing out there that is free for the Maemo platform except for the most basic Ovi Maps implementation. And at the time when 99% of us bought the N900 it wasn't free for the Symbian either. While Nokia/Ovi Maps have been in development for years, and it already had turn-by-turn navigation implemented, such features must be written from scratch on Maemo. I wouldn't be surprised, nor disappointed if I don't see that on my device during its lifetime. I'd be very happy if Nokia does it, tho. And I actually think that it's more viable than the prime subject of this topic - Maemo 6 on the N900. I assume they'll rewrite Ovi Maps from scratch in Qt, and thus it should be, in theory, very easy to port to Maemo 5.

As for the support of Symbian Ovi Maps, scroll couple of pages back and you'll see how Nokia f-ed up big time my experience a couple of years back - this time at least they didn't promise something they didn't deliver.
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

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Originally Posted by zwer View Post
It's not a propaganda, it's how things work:
1) You need a new device
2) Some features are of a crucial importance for you, some you can live without
3) You do your research and find the device that mostly meet your criteria
4) You are a happy user

Any other approach leads to a certain disappointment. I've been following Maemo progress since the 770, and it cut the bar only with the N900, so I bought it knowing what to expect. I could've bought the 770/800/810 tablets and come here whininh that they are missing basic functionality, but what good would it bring? I'd just annoy the users who are happy with their device and endure frustration that I'm not.

If you know what you are getting and you are aware of its shortcomings, you won't be disappointed. As simple as that.

Assuming that some device has some feature because some other device has it is quite foolish. And you know what they say about assumptions...
Since when did a front-facing camera imply that the device shouldn't have some software to take advantage of it out-of-the-box? At the very least, so that you can try it out to make sure it's working properly?

I can at least agree with you on the mapping application--there's no implied entitlement to a mapping application at all. Just, at least, SOMETHING that uses it so that, once again, you can see that it works.

It's simply disappointing that Nokia hasn't provided a better experience, but seeing as how they supposedly sold this as a 'computer first' in their ads, it's beyond disappointing (and very eyebrow raising) that they're beginning to create a walled garden in the Application Manager to prevent third party deb's and repositories and promoting this Ovi Store while making the customers, who're eagerly anticipating Sygic (a clearly MUCH better product), sit on their thumbs for Nokia to approve it for the N900. Maybe it would dispel the cynicism if we knew WHY it was sitting in limbo and an expectation of how long it takes for apps to go through approval, too.

The people criticizing you for your flippantly dismissive, "do your research," have a point in that they're pointing out what they don't like. I would argue that although you're absolutely correct--maybe they shouldn't have bought an N900--you might not be improving the process nor the product to dismiss them as customers or part of the community and send them off elsewhere. Nokia would do well to listen too, otherwise you end up with a lot of miserable owners and some of this...

Originally Posted by flydeep View Post
This maemo forum is working like an anti-NOKIA and anti-N900 viral discussion. Either NOKIA rep has to step in and try to steer it in right direction or this product is going to dumps, it will definitely in the US.

I got my new N900 few days ago and have grown to like it. It has its limitations but I still like it for the open-ness part of it. Now based on the anti Nokia feeling going around here, I am thinking NOKIA is an evil corporation which does not care about its customers and will not support my N900 for all the glorious hardware it has. When my hard earned $500+ does seem to have a life beyond 1-2 years, I am starting to question its 'value' (read- not everyone can afford to throw around $500 although they like to have a nifty gadget). If things do not turn around for the better in the next couple of weeks (at least OVI navigation release could be a demonstration of NOKIA's commitment), I might just have to return the bugger back to Amazon
Pragmatism would dictate that it would be unwise to dismiss the N900 because a bunch of other people are pooping all over it. It would also be unwise to dismiss the competition, as some have. For me, so far the Android platform has met all of my requirements where I didn't even expect it.

At least you're willing to give it the two weeks. Hopefully by then you might find it suits you better, but if it's not.. the great thing these days is that there is plenty of competition out there for your money.

Originally Posted by kojacker View Post
I don't think people are turning particularly anti-Nokia, but I think a lot of people feel let down and frustrated at the moment.

Nokia have a huge success on their hands in the n900, much against their own making and to their surprise it must be said, but they are sitting back and not capitalising on it. Nor do they seem to be acknowledging it or celebrating in it. I'm sure all of us would love to see Nokia grasp this bull by the horns and really drive it on. Instead it feels like they are ignoring it and continue to put their weight behind Symbian.

We should be expecting good news coming in the next couple of weeks, from the Barcelona event. If not, that would be disappointing.
I fully agree with your first paragraph, but I feel as if your second paragraph misplaces my own sentiments. I believe the problem lies less with tooting their horn and advertising, and lies much more in Nokia's lack of customer care, customer needs and brand loyalty. Maybe I'm misinterpreting your message, though.

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horus's Avatar
Posts: 190 | Thanked: 101 times | Joined on Oct 2009
I wouldn't mind paying a third-party a decent price for a navigation app that worked.

The fact it doesn't exist is just annoying.


N900.Capability == Maemo6
Population.happy = True
Population.happy = False
Nokia.wallet_boost = True

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