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calvin_42's Avatar
Posts: 286 | Thanked: 219 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ France
That's ok! Happy to know the end of this story. But I don't understand why they give you a 2G sim card instead of a 3G. I mean you've subscribed for 3G, haven't you ?
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Well it's a long story - I renewed my contract and we came to the conclusion that the cheapest way to get a new contract was for them to send me a crummy phone, so they did - a 2G. We both knew I wasn't going to use it but it seems the system didn't know that. So the system sent me out a 2G SIM to go with the 2G phone.

I got them to send me a 3G now so all is good. Thanks for your concern calvin! As soon as I can get 3G I will test out your program

I hope I didn't disrespect Orange in my rage, and I hope everyone knows that, while they are not perfect (no company is...), they really are as good as can be: helpful and a very good company and I recommend them to anyone!

Last edited by Kaii; 2010-02-26 at 16:40.
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Oh and note for future reference to figure out what SIM u got:

Look at the second and third digits, on the 2nd line of your SIM card number. If they are above 35, its a 3G. Below and its 2G.
Posts: 207 | Thanked: 84 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ bournemouth
Originally Posted by Kaii View Post
Starman, and everyone else who has given feedback, I just want to thank you and also apologise to you. In the end the problem was that my SIM card was not a 3G supporting SIM card.

Before you laugh your heads off at me, I was TOLD by my contracter that it WAS a 3G SIM card, and I double and triple checked. I did call back today and speak to someone else and they said no, it is a 2G SIM card.

So on behalf of my contracter, and myself, I apologise for wasting all your time and thank you!
well at least we know now, but there are a few morals to this story

1/ you are indeed a n00b
2/ we are considerably more AWESOME than you
3/ Orange UK are indeed *****s

but hey-ho! this is the fun of it, learning from your own and other peoples mistakes..
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