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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Re-read this thread. There's plenty of comments where people are stating that you should vote often; thus "stuffing the ballot box".

I'm just not admiring the fact that folks are multiple voting... and honestly surprised that this poll didn't have measurements to avoid that kind of abuse.

YES! I'm up to douche status now? That's a far cry from my troll days. I'm moving on up!!
Well, there is no such security to preventing a double post. Even with unique Identification login can be duplicated by making two or more IDs. Not to mention ISP Ip address. Thus if they blocked the iSP Ip then there will only few people to vote for the poll. If they do it by UserName and IP then what about the different IP with different username?

On the otherside it is impossible to have one vote per person because this is just how the nature the internet voting is.
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Originally Posted by maxximuscool View Post
Well, there is no such security to preventing a double post. Even with unique Identification login can be duplicated by making two or more IDs. Not to mention ISP Ip address. Thus if they blocked the iSP Ip then there will only few people to vote for the poll. If they do it by UserName and IP then what about the different IP with different username?

On the otherside it is impossible to have one vote per person because this is just how the nature the internet voting is.
Yeah... but purposely taking advantage of the ability to do multiple votes is what I'm talking about. Not if it's possible (it is) or that it's right or wrong (I don't care) nor if the people here shouldn't or should be doing it (I'm for fairness) and whether or not the victory is worth anything or not (I personally say it's an empty win)...

The nature of the Internet isn't that you should cheat as much as possible to make your preferential choice the one that wins... it just happens a whole helluva lot so people just accept it.

I just don't have to accept it. Regardless... it's a done deal, enjoy the results. I'm quite sure it means so much...
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Originally Posted by maxximuscool View Post
Fact: middle east is part of asia and Europe
AFAIK middle east is just part of asia, not europe...
cutehunk04's Avatar
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voted.... grt going guys !
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Lol this thread has become about geography and morality

Edit: A good read on morality: Here

Last edited by pantera1989; 2010-09-26 at 22:25.
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Originally Posted by pantera1989 View Post
Lol this thread has become about geography and morality
The Northern Hemisphere is the BEST HEMISPHERE... and morality more right too.

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Originally Posted by mikec View Post
+1 there can be only one
damn, beaten by several to the highlander references.

stlll voted though for the mighty N900 though natch.

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how can multiple votes be wrong when it's allowed? I won't vote again until someone answer this question...or I find another computer.
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@Gebrick I understand your point that people shouldn't take advantage of the system and so on and so forth, but the fact that you say it's an empty win and not worth anything because someone takes advantage is invalid in my opinion. In that case we'd have to assume that that N900 users have lower morale than other smartphone users, and I don't think that is the case. The exploits are the same to everyone. As I said before, this vote is all about community, and we have that in spades.

PS I didn't call you a douche, I said you came off as a douche. Meaning that if that were the only post I'd ever read from you I'd think you were a douche. I know that is not the case, and that's why I defended you in the same post.

EDIT: Oh just noticed that this poll will end october 1, 5 days instead of 2. Yawn. Just below 2000 votes total right now btw.
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Last edited by mece; 2010-09-26 at 23:00.

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guys, multiple votes from the same ip do not work on this poll

get over it

Last edited by yorg; 2010-09-26 at 23:28.

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