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exists for linux for some years(at least something similar). had it once but didn't like it. if i find it i'll post it.

Edit: exactly, was qwo....

Edit2: there is a qwo.deb at least on the debian server and it runs on the n900 - just tried it. wouldn't make me wonder if it is also in maemo. so admiral: nothing to do: its already there.

Last edited by lunat; 2010-11-02 at 10:11.
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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
you know this way of inputting everyone capable writing is used to? it involves pen and paper....

(in other words: +1 to text regognition)
this was also there and i also didn't like it(others may)

Edit: the link for that app:
Edit: also tried it and also works on the n900.

Last edited by lunat; 2010-11-02 at 10:31.
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Originally Posted by admiral0 View Post
I owned a freerunner: was the best input system.
Me too and after a bit of learn (5 days about) it was my best IM even using the terminal, I'll give it a try on N900
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I suppose Chinese N900 users already got lucky with character recognition input driven by stylus?

People have been trying to install the Penpower based N900 Chinese character input software with support for latin characters.
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Just came to my mind that how about qwerty but with added functionality combined with auto-completion and prediction. With this I mean that keyboard would adjust slightly it size on letters by what it predicts to come (of course by analyzing all your writings on device and calculating occurance index and giving weighted index for words to come). Or has it already been done? It would bold and made couple of pixels wider and higher those letters that it predicts for. Not too much butt settle amount.

I mean that it doesnīt make any sense to have letters equal size (on touch screen) if hard fact is that every language has itīs only certain letters that are mostly used. You canīt start changing letters place even-thought it might mean that user could learn to type faster but itīs pretty obvious that end user would get frustrated quite soon if you throw something too new and weird on this subject.

Last edited by slender; 2010-11-25 at 07:31.
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Originally Posted by ste-phan View Post
I suppose Chinese N900 users already got lucky with character recognition input driven by stylus?

People have been trying to install the Penpower based N900 Chinese character input software with support for latin characters.
dont think i can say the same for myself. god knows when's the last time i wrote in chinese or just wrote for that matter. so i d say typing is way faster.
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also while we on the subject, anyone knows why ppl who installed the chinese input method cant use the virtual keyboard anymore???
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The only thing that would be better than the hw-keyboard is voice recognition. hmm.. a combo of this two maybe...
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Originally Posted by rickysio View Post
Already been done. ;/
LOL.. that video made my morning
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I think I was the last one here to give up on swype. I used it intensively for weeks and could never get it faster than the keyboard. I'd love to try another system, though.
All I want is 40 acres, a mule, and Xterm.

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