Poll: Did you conver anyone to Maemo?
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Did you conver anyone to Maemo?

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i've just converted a 1100 user to N900
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Originally Posted by Dancairo View Post
ah my friend! I can say such things precisely because I am NOT a nokia fanboy...I was always a sony ericsson user until the N95 8GB and the N900 is only my second Nokia. But really I have no interest in how Nokia treats me because if I don't like it I'll go elsewhere in future and this community has made this device what it is, not Nokia. In my opinion this is the still the best device on the market and having an iphone 4 to compare it too (my girlfriends) hasn't changed my mind. But that's all it is, my opinion, we all have them but they shouldn't be quoted as fact, which is how your post came across. I responded only for two reasons: 1. I have found you somewhat amusing in the past so your name caught my attention and 2. Travelling across London late on a bus there is little else to do.
As for the people who thanked me, well, maybe they too have tried an iphone and also disagreed with your post.

Don't take it all too seriously though, it's just a phone and in a couple of years we'll all be grazing in pastures new.

Thanks for the reply and no i am anything but serious but the fact is a few on here are very serious and i think they have reason to be really considering the amount they paid.

Your post brought back memories from years ago as you said travelling late on a bus in London with little else to do so i guess if we had had the N900 them days we would have been very amuzed haha.

I look on this as a game certainly not serious but for sure i have no time for fanboys because they are now looking very stupid indeed, ok i guess your not in that bracket so i take that back Dan !.

Enjoy the 900 for what it is, as you said this community has done absolute wonders and something i would never even attempt to critisize.

When i see the Iphone in action it does make me realise somewhat what the N900 lacks but that is my opinion.
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Originally Posted by JamesBond@ge View Post

OK SMARTASS crawl back in your hole and keep quiet mr brownie points seeker !.
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You bite everytime without fail. You're like the angry boy of TMO. I'd love to have a colleague such as yourself. You could be the butt of all jokes, all day long......wind him up and watch him go, like a clockwork mouse.

Last edited by JamesBond@ge; 2011-03-07 at 01:11.
Banned | Posts: 726 | Thanked: 497 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Gravesend, UK
Anyway, it's a bit harsh to call this thread 'a joke'.

Though I do sometimes detect an inferiority complex with a lot of these posts where the iPhone is mentioned. Let the iPhone be the iPhone and let the N900 be the N900 I say. They are two totally different phones.
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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
OK SMARTASS crawl back in your hole and keep quiet mr brownie points seeker !.
When I grab on I do not let go, like a killer whale going nuts on its trainer at Sea World.
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Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur View Post
The concept of no modern game aside from Angry Birds and the presense of preenv is kinda self contradictory.
Not 100% true. It's basically a method for you to play another OS's games on your non-supported phone. It's not the same given the fact that you will not buy those games via the OVI Store.

I know you're probably exagerating, but still. The game situation sucked when the N900 came out, but it does improve as time goes on.
It still sucks. Over and over I've stated my dislike for emulators - thus my usage of the word "modern" and the fact that I've never paid for the frequently updated Angry Birds on my Android Phone and only 99 cents (one-time fee) on my iPhone and yet folks have had to pay for each update for the N900 isn't exactly fair nor has that come up in this thread.

It should.

It's not the same across the board by a long shot. And if I wanted... let's say Cut the Rope or Street Fighter IV or one of the Need for Speed games, can I get it for the N900? No... I'll have to wait for a game to either get ported, come out in an approximate version or just play the umpteenth version of Sudoku or some game from 1992.

I don't call that modern nor all that fun. I've already played those games on my SNES or Sega Genesis (Mega Drive for the rest of the world) as well as my Neo-Geo and Sega Dreamcast... and Playstation and even TurboGrafx - on a much bigger screen and with my friends... legally.

There's also games ported from desktop linux distros that I don't think many phone platforms have. But yes, the N900 is lacking in games. If the user in question was impressed with it though, it's likely they were impressed with something else about it.
The Linux ported games are... horribly boring for the most part.... Tux Racer excluded perhaps.

The lack of gaming on Maemo is pretty obvious if you look at a typical customer's point of view. If you want more games, you have to either emulate (old ****), install Easy Debian (and play those games, some are unoptimized) or find games that may/may not run due to dependencies.

No exaggeration necessary. Modern gaming, combined with the overall lack of social gaming platforms - OpenFeint, Crystal for instance - it's a sad situation that never was addressed.

Gaming, lack of a proper PIM, wonky methods to create playlists (DoubleTwist is a much better option) and other issues plague the N900. Sure, you can hack the everliving **** out of it; but hack what in the end? Is it worth it that you might miss a phone call whilst hacking your phone?

Perhaps that's just me. Either way, make sure that whatever phone you do buy, works for you. If you convince another person, they either see what you saw in that platform or they were just that easy to convince.

And I'm still selling a bridge for those types of folks...

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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
I voted no, but I just realized I could be considered to have "converted" my Dad, as I played a significant role in the selection of the N900 he got as a birthday gift (from Mum and the kids still at home). He'd previously used Symbian (a Sony-Ericsson and an N96), and seems to like the N900 quite well.
Oops, I voted no too, but as a second thought I just realized I could be considered to have "converted" mySelf! I studied N900 very carefully and converted myself from android to maemo, so I should have voted "Yes, an Android user"

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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
OK SMARTASS crawl back in your hole and keep quiet mr brownie points seeker !.
Anger much? C'mon dude. Play nice.

Gerby says so...

bada rox, convert, games, syinbin, tick pepol, twig the tool

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