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acou's Avatar
Posts: 136 | Thanked: 72 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Just had my first 20 mins with Evince. Cool app, thanks for the port. Few minor things (perhaps luxury):

- Is it possible to increase the redraw rate, or set it real time? When i move the page around the words become lines, making me lose focus.

- Is it possible to keep the screen position for the following pages?
I usually read @ 150%, after positioning to the horizontal center of the page most books fit perfectly. However, when flipping i have to reposition the next page because it is alligned to top left. It works well in fullscreen mode though.

- Is text select and 'search inside document' within your reach?

Still looking for the ultimate ebook app for my N900, this is for sure a promising candidate.
Posts: 56 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Feb 2010
This is an amazing PDF reader. Thanks qwerty.

Is there a way to search phrases (two or more words) ? When I'm in the FIND field and I press the space bar it jumps the screen to the next page instead of putting a space in the FIND field.

I have a 3.5mb 160-page PDF document converted from a Word document with lots of tables (the entire document is in uniform four-column tables) with essentially no images and it takes anywhere from 1 second (which is good) to 8-10 seconds for a page to load, for example when I jump to a certain page. Is there a way to speed things up? A 3.5 mb file is really not very big.

Thanks for any answers or help!
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Martinsicuro, Abruzzo, Italy
Originally Posted by JCH View Post
This is an amazing PDF reader. Thanks qwerty.

Is there a way to search phrases (two or more words) ? When I'm in the FIND field and I press the space bar it jumps the screen to the next page instead of putting a space in the FIND field.
You can use the virtual keyboard for that.

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Posts: 56 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Thanks alextootchie. It worked. But it requires that I use the hardware keyboard to press CTRL + F then close the keyboard to get to the virtual one. Is there a simpler way?

And when Evince searches for or finds a term or phrase, there's a small note on the lower right of the screen that says "xx% remaining t..." while searching, then "2 found on p..." How do you see what the whole message says? I can't click it or scroll the screen to see it.
Posts: 56 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Also, the document title at the center of the top bar is incorrect. How do you change it? If you click Open then go to the document in the file manager folder, the title is correct, then when the file opens it has some text from the body of the document as the title. Strange.
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Originally Posted by JCH View Post
Also, the document title at the center of the top bar is incorrect. How do you change it? If you click Open then go to the document in the file manager folder, the title is correct, then when the file opens it has some text from the body of the document as the title. Strange.
That's pdf metadata. You'd need to change it within the pdf itself - I don't think Evince can change it.
Posts: 56 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Here are some more observations and feedback on Evince. The functions Evince provides and the potential it has are awesome. However the application really lags on my N900.

After using Evince for about a month I'm finding Evince takes an incredible amount of resources to run on the N900. I installed cpumem to investigate and when all other applications are closed, the moment I open Evince the bars go into the red on cpumem. When I scroll through pages in Evince it takes sometimes up to 15-20 seconds for the screen to scroll and the page to display. Also, frequently (almost every time) when scrolling a pdf document the page freezes in mid-scroll for 5-10 seconds then springs forward as though to catch up to where it was supposed to scroll. If it can be somehow streamlined this will be an indispensible application.

Last edited by JCH; 2010-04-15 at 12:51.
Saturn's Avatar
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Does anyone using Evince and other localisations have trouble running evince?

Some users, in specific using the (i.e. greek localisation) report that as soon as the install the Greek package Evince stops functioning.
I haven't tried to reproduce it yet myself but they mention it is sufficient to just install the localisation. It doesnt need to be enabled.

Thanks for any pointers.
ed00's Avatar
Posts: 277 | Thanked: 215 times | Joined on Dec 2009
This is very amazing and powerful application. Thanks!
And there is this Ctrl P
If only that worked
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Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2010
evince works very well (i have intstalled the extras-devel package), maybe renderization can be improved specially for those pdf's that comes from scaned documents, and that kind of delay when you navigate the pages. The app is running nicely. thanks to the maitainers.

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