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Posts: 1,048 | Thanked: 979 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ SF Bay Area
Originally Posted by kbyork View Post
I am missing my "Dial Out" dialing type.
Yeah. I know about that. It was a regression. The latest in devel has this fixed.

Originally Posted by kbyork View Post
Your PIN entry screen has some problems:
  • If you try to enter a PIN number, it only lets you enter one digit.
    But it correctly remembers the PIN across reboots.
  • If you turn off the PIN, and then reboot; it gets reset to ON & 0000
I know about this one too. I'll get to it as soon I know how to figure out how.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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New build!
This build has pulled most of the settings into an ini file.
The ini file has the user, password, GV pin, proxy settings and mosquitto settings.
The user, password and pin is stored as encrypted strings.
The reason for going the ini way is for users to be able to view and modify their settings without having to open qgvdial or use a sqlite reading tool.
Also fixed: GV pin is forced to 4 digits. If you enter less than 4, I will left pad with zeros.
eg. If you enter "12", I will forcefully make it "0012".
How many users know about qgvdial's capability to auto-sync from a mosquitto server?
How many users are using it?
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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Posts: 5 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2011
i give "user login fail!"
but i write right...
when i see "Web page (debu)" i was login!
i cant dial!
Posts: 1,048 | Thanked: 979 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ SF Bay Area
Originally Posted by bmx666 View Post
i give "user login fail!"
but i write right...
when i see "Web page (debu)" i was login!
i cant dial!
This usually happens if the login page takes too much time to load.
I have a timeout on all web pages that I need. The login page has the maximum timeout of 60 seconds. In spite of this large timeout, login sometimes fails to complete.
For me, this has almost always happened because of a slow or spotty network - after about 5 or 10 minutes the page finally loads, but by then my code has already declared that login has failed because there was no network traffic for a whole minute.

Once logged in, there is no problem if you switch to a different network or lose network connection, even for extended periods at a time. You won't be able to send texts or update contacts or inbox, but you will be able to make calls using the automatic fallback mechanism that I introduced some time ago. (Thanks to kbyork for that)
Once the network is restored, qgvdial will be able to continue operations as if nothing happened. It will NOT need to re-login.

The only way to fix your current problem at this at the moment is to log in when you're on a reasonably fast network. So: "Ctrl+Q" or long press the Hide button on the Settings page to quit, then start qgvdial again.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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Posts: 61 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jul 2010
I didn't realize that GoogleVoice's VoiceMail had so many annoying quirks in it!

I tested the fallback mode (using one revision back), and found a problem caused by one of these quirks.

If you have any new voicemail messages waiting, GV VoiceMail will start playing them immediately .
And sending the "2" (for DISA calling), will instead cause you to reply to the VoiceMail that is currently being played!

To make matters worse, you need to add some pausing at this point.

So, assuming a message is waiting, you need to send "{pause} * {pause} 2".

If there is no message waiting; this sequence should still work (although it will cause the "I'm sorry; I didn't catch that..." message).

Last edited by kbyork; 2011-05-07 at 22:11.

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Posts: 1,048 | Thanked: 979 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ SF Bay Area
Originally Posted by kbyork View Post
I didn't realize that GoogleVoice's VoiceMail had so many annoying quirks in it!

I tested the fallback mode (using one revision back), and found a problem caused by one of these quirks.

If you have any new voicemail messages waiting, GV VoiceMail will start playing them immediately .
And sending the "2" (for DISA calling), will instead cause you to reply to the VoiceMail that is currently being played!

To make matters worse, you need to add some pausing at this point.

So, assuming a message is waiting, you need to send "{pause} * {pause} 2".

If there is no message waiting; this sequence should still work (although it will cause the "I'm sorry; I didn't catch that..." message).
Changes made, build fired: "p*p2p" as prefix instead of just "2p"
I haven't tested this thoroughly.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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Posts: 1,048 | Thanked: 979 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ SF Bay Area
New build:
Contacts view has search capabilities. The "?" will be fixed a bit later.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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New build!
Top bar gone. Main screen gone. Replaced by tabbed UI.
In other words, I've come full circle in QML - I'm back to the original design.
More UI improvements soon.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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This comment is specifically for a user with the handle "avinashreddyk":
I cannot respond to your PM because you have disallowed PMs.
Please see my code for an example of how to make a call using tp-qt4.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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Posts: 1,048 | Thanked: 979 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ SF Bay Area
New build!
1. Long press on tab bar to hide UI
2. Minor modifications to the contacts and Inbox list based on the pic from kbyork
4. MsgBox UI fixes

Also: qgvdial is now on the Ovi Store for symbian s3 devices. Finally there is a Google voice app for symbian s3!
Also: Follow qgvdial on twitter. I will now start posting updates on twitter @qgvdial
Updates will be posted to this forum only when I make a new build here.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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