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zehjotkah's Avatar
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Originally Posted by __-_-_-__ View Post
it disappoints me a lot...
-no oled display
-no fm transmitter
-no infrared
-only 5MP camera
-no 1080p recording
-only 512mb ram
-no dual-core cpu
-no 4G

sounds like a different E7 edition... E7 has 8Mp camera vs 5MP, amoled display vs TFT.
N9 has 64gb internal memory vs 32gb. it has a micro sdhc slot and a 480X800 screen vs 360X640 E7.
yeah really big differences.... -.-"
imo N9 it will be windows mobile
??? what pills are you taking?
I've fixed that for you...
- Clear Black Display
- we don't know yet
- we don't know yet - but probably not..
- 12MP
- 720p, 30fps recording
- we don't know yet
- we don't know yet, but probably not
- hexaband is not enough?
- maybe 1280x720
- there is no windows mobile anymore, there is windows phone, and no, it is MeeGo/Harmattan

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EIPI's Avatar
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Originally Posted by sjgadsby View Post
I should think that if Nokia is announcing a device at the MeeGo Conference, the software on that device is officially MeeGo. I expect Intel would go through the roof otherwise.

So, it may be that the next Nokia device runs "a revised Harmattan with MeeGo compatibility layers and an exception granted by the MeeGo TSB", but if so, that official exception means the software stack has been accepted and stamped as officially MeeGo. There will still be debates over the software's pedigree, sure, but it'll have its papers.
So IF the new device is announced next week in SF AND is given out to the MeeGoConf attendees, I am of the opinion that it will have MeeGo 1.2 installed for conference attendees. I believe the devel and consumer devices are the same, and that the devel devices will be allowed to flow between DRM and non-DRM worlds, while consumer devices will not (via some IMEI magic).
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Last edited by EIPI; 2011-05-19 at 11:37. Reason: clarify
Brock's Avatar
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Originally Posted by __-_-_-__ View Post
it disappoints me a lot...
-no oled display
-no fm transmitter
-no infrared
-only 5MP camera
-no 1080p recording
-only 512mb ram
-no dual-core cpu
-no 4G

sounds like a different E7 edition... E7 has 8Mp camera vs 5MP, amoled display vs TFT.
N9 has 64gb internal memory vs 32gb. it has a micro sdhc slot and a 480X800 screen vs 360X640 E7.
yeah really big differences.... -.-"
imo N9 it will be windows mobile

if you have your informations from this source ( thats from august 2010... so very old news...
tissot's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Brock View Post

if you have your informations from this source ( thats from august 2010... so very old news...
And even if it would be new it's a rumor!
Only specs that got some weight behind it are 1200mah battery(from FCC), ~4" screen, 12mpx AF camera, 4 row keyboard(from the teaser video).

Last edited by tissot; 2011-05-19 at 11:48.
Brock's Avatar
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Originally Posted by zehjotkah View Post
- there is no windows mobile anymore, there is windows phone, and no, it is MeeGo/Harmattan
let me correct you...
here are the sales of both systems for the 1st quarter 2011:
win mobile: 2 million
win phone 7: 1.6 million
total: 3.6 million

very poor...


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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
And even if it would be new it's a rumor!
Only specs that got some weight behind it are 1200mah battery(from FFC), ~4" screen, 12mpx AF camera, 4 row keyboard(from the teaser video).

and dont forget the best about it

meego by nokia

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onethreealpha's Avatar
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Originally Posted by sjgadsby View Post
I should think that if Nokia is announcing a device at the MeeGo Conference, the software on that device is officially MeeGo. I expect Intel would go through the roof otherwise.

So, it may be that the next Nokia device runs "a revised Harmattan with MeeGo compatibility layers and an exception granted by the MeeGo TSB", but if so, that official exception means the software stack has been accepted and stamped as officially MeeGo. There will still be debates over the software's pedigree, sure, but it'll have its papers.
I guess I can look at it both ways:
As a consumer looking for my next device, I can step away from the political and philosophical arguments and look purely from a perspective of "does it give me what i want?" and "what has the Meego Project got to offer me in the way of a handset NOW?" Being fortunate enough to be able to afford Harmattan now and Meego later if it produces a suitable device for my needs/wants.

As a user (and supporter) of F/OSS I can see yet another corporation trying to leverage an open source design to increase their own profit margins (albeit giving back to the hand that feeds it in a pretty big way too), and happy to label something that isn't quite "kosher" in the eyes of many, as Meego.

The arguments are valid and compliance is as simple as measuring against a set of defined benchmarks, and yet this also fails to recognise the organic nature of today's open source community and the myriad different ways in which clever and innovative people can implement systems based on a common kernel; Linux

To me, there is a whiff of similarity to the many arguments and expressions of anger that were going around at the time the original (sic) Linux kernel was developed and released. Unix/Minix people were making a lot of noise about bastardisation and Linux not being "real". The likes of BeOS and SCO were making noises on the corporate front.

We need to remember that whilst individuals may work on Meego (and F/OSS projects) with the most utopian and altruistic motives, the big companies that are supporting them are doing so with a vested commercial interest - making more money than the other guys.

It's not a big leap to see Nokia going further up the tree and marketing their device as Linux with Meego compatibility. Enough to placate the likes of Intel and still get a foot in the door at the Meego conference (and ride the wave)

just my .02

sorry, drifted a bit there. I blame it on the glass of wine with dinner.
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daperl's Avatar
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Originally Posted by __-_-_-__ View Post
-no dual-core cpu
Originally Posted by zehjotkah View Post
- we don't know yet, but probably not
N9: Go white or go home

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Originally Posted by daperl View Post
i still hope it will have ST-E U8500
Posts: 20 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Dec 2010
I see the screen resolution topic of this phone i.e. is it 1280x720 or not has made it to "mynokiablog"

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duke nukem4eva, epic!, harmattan, n-950, nokia diamond, non-believers, rm680, wasteland

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