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Well, I just spoke to another Nokian here in Sydney. He said he has seen and touched the device briefly. But he said he was under NDA so was very careful. So I tried not to ask him blunt questions which he cannot answer.

But I asked him if he was impressed by it. (fyi - he's a PC overclocker, into dslr photography and is a enthusiast/geek catageory) He said he was impressed. I asked him if the guys here would be impressed. He said he believes that we will be "quite impressed". What I forgot to ask was if what he saw will be what we'll get to see next week. (I just asked. Hope he says yes. )

btw, I'm going to the event now. So I guess I'll find out soon enough. =P

Last edited by jakiman; 2011-06-16 at 10:19.

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who can we follow on twitter to have some news in real time when it will be the X day?
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Looks like a poor try to seed fud if you ask what benefit could MeeGo give us compared to WP7...

Originally Posted by Faustino View Post
Ah but all your points should also have applied to Maemo on the N900.. and what did we get.. 2 or maybe 3 firmware updates that didn't really bring anything new. So the track record doesn't really support what you are saying..
Look more carefully. We've got CSSU at Maemo5.

I'm absolutely sure you will never ever see something like this at WP7!

And I'm sure I would reach easily the maximum post length if I would begin to enumerate all the stuff you can do with your N900 NOW that WP7 will never be able to do or Microsoft will never allow to implement...

But this depends always on the user... Are you a smart user or do you need a smart phone? It's up to you.

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Originally Posted by Helmuth View Post
Look more carefully. We've got CSSU at Maemo5.

I'm absolutely sure you will never ever see something like this at WP7!
Can you provide CSSU with the latest linux kernel without help from Nokia?
Are you sure you can do it in one or two years?

BTW: I am proven M$ hater.
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Just a blunt question to everyone,

what kind of apps should be developed by Nokia / Community for the upcoming device ?

I would like to see a Good twitter app ..
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Originally Posted by viic View Post
who can we follow on twitter to have some news in real time when it will be the X day?
I'm sure I'll be tweeting away a lot on that day using my trusty old N900 with twimgo.
(well, I'll also try to post pics at my blog if I'm allowed. =P)

Originally Posted by raghu_mark View Post
I would like to see a Good twitter app ..
Test Lankku device already had a twitter app. (as well as facebook)
I only saw the icon in the launcher but at least we know it exists.

Last edited by jakiman; 2011-06-16 at 11:05.

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Originally Posted by Faustino View Post
Here's a serious question.. what will MeeGo do that WP7 won't?

Microsoft Bans Open Source From the Windows Market

Plus, there is already Kontact Touch, or Marble To Go (mobile ports of important KDE applications). There will be for sure a decent amount of open source applications. The Harmattan UI or core apps might not be open source, but very important parts of the stack are.

There is also the standards support. The web and the office market is a rough place due to the use of MS proprietary formats. I can tolerate proprietary software that is compatible with good standards that make interoperability possible.

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Originally Posted by momcilo View Post
Can you provide CSSU with the latest linux kernel without help from Nokia?
You're able to replace the Kernel at your N900 at the moment. I'm sure this was without the help from Nokia. Same goes to USB-OTG and Overclocking... perhapy you can answer your question yourself with a little bit or research.

Originally Posted by momcilo View Post
Are you sure you can do it in one or two years?
If nobody takes the repos down, why not?

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Originally Posted by Faustino View Post
Ah but all your points should also have applied to Maemo on the N900.. and what did we get.. 2 or maybe 3 firmware updates that didn't really bring anything new. So the track record doesn't really support what you are saying..
Why all my points be applied to Maemo on n900? It does not crash, it is light and runs easily on a CPU that is clocking at 600 Mhz, does multi tasking, has task switcher, I can kill an app that is not responding at anytime and there is no active process, havent got an anti-virus installed (in less than 15 seconds windows OS will be down if there is no ant-virus), I can write my own script in Python, shell script and now Qt without buying expensive licenses,I can pretty much see all the processes that are running thru terminal.

Talking about lack of support from Nokia on the device and OS, I am with you 100% but then I think they shouldn't have sold this experimental device to general public but there is CSSU now and I am glad they have come up with fantastic update. If the next device is going to be as user-unfriendly I am not going to buy it but M$ is out of bound unless it is out of the world.

And try using Opera on n900, it is a good experience, I don't use MicroB or Firefox anymore, text wrapping upon zoom and the stored tabs are great.

The UI for any MeeGo device would have to be very snappy to compete... and if there really is a device being released, i really hope it can compete..

I wouldn't take moving to WP7 lightly..
Agree with you 100%, MeeGo or Maemo6 has to be complete end user experience with all the features that I have used in a Symbian phone

duke nukem4eva, epic!, harmattan, n-950, nokia diamond, non-believers, rm680, wasteland

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