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I think "Foray" is a Office Depot Brand of some sort; ebay didn't have much on this particular size; I found mine in a clearance bin (!)

It has a proper hard clip. Most universals that I found were velcro or fbric belt loop; the hard clip on this is firm and takes some effort to get off of belt (a plus, in my opinion.) I'm constantly in tight "snaggable" work areas and knock my phone off my belt, the phone has popped off, but the N810 has been safe.

Beware that most of the variants in size will look like this one but be more of a smaller cell phone size at your local O.D., - keep looking for the "bigger" one, or order this one direct.

For work, I have to wear a ruggedized hybrid phone, myriad proximity ID cards, and for being a female on a civilian workforce, this at least didn't make my "batman utility-belt" look anymore conspicuous. The N810 fits snugly, but CAN be pulled out and slipped back in without using two hands.

Using it at work for almost a week now, and until Nokia offers something custom for the n810, I would highly recommend this.
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Great find!

You should put a link in the links thread for all to see!


Capt'n Corrupt
Posts: 49 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2006
I dunno it looks way to thick for the 810. I think it would work for the 800 but the 810 would be a prety loose fit. That belt hoster is a lot geeky looking in my opinion especially with a phone hanging off your belt too- can you say BATMAN!. I would prefer a thin leather case for scratch protection that would still allow me to carry it in a pocket.
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Originally Posted by wls View Post
can you say BATMAN!
She beat you to it.
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There are no stupid questions, just people who didn't search itT (with Google) first.

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Posts: 160 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Nov 2007
I dunno. These things are so overpriced and such a gigantic cash cow for any electronics retailer. Any Asian or Middle Eastern city has street vendors selling these for about $0.50 a pop, only with 100 times more variety than at Office Depot.

Anyway, I've never understood why they leave the corners exposed while covering the rest, but it's a worthy design for somethign that should really cost about $1. The corners are exactly where a device is most liable to take a hard impact and/or crack. With a fall onto a corner much of the shock is transfered into the device, as opposed to a fall on the larger surface area of the side which would absorb much of that shock.

Plus, if you just cover the corners, the sides are automatically protected by being "set back" so they can't hit the ground directly if you drop the case.

Last edited by bexley; 2007-12-02 at 17:54.
Posts: 160 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Oh, and I posted this elsewhere but the N810 is very close to the DS Lite in size. The only notable difference is in the thickness, and I'm looking for a clamshell hardcase that would make the thickness issue moot by having a divider in the middle to keep the N810 secure.

I was thinking of something like this:

I'm no fan of zippers, but the nicer hard shell cases for the DS Lite have all kinds of cut-outs for the DS Lite.

Or something like this could be great with a custom foam insert:

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