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I now have read through the entire N9 UX Guidelines and I LOVE the UI..thats definitely a reason for me to buy this.

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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
It has double the GPU power and (almost) double the CPU power, double the flash, plus quadruple of your N900's RAM.
Ok. Thanks. I'm slowly getting over my initial disappointment. I want to hear more talk like this. The RAM was also faster?...not that I'd know how much it mattered.
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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
It has double the GPU power and (almost) double the CPU power, double the flash, plus quadruple of your N900's RAM.
do you have a spec sheet for that?
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I'm putting $1 bet down on it being released into the wild just before/during Nokia World in October, so that would be Q4, but basically if Nokia say Q3, just +1!

Can't believe the Symbian Anna news either. My girlfriend has been listening to me say, "Don't worry, next month" since February, for her N8.
"End of August" seems like way too far for me to get steak tonight.

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We want Nokia to keep MeeGo pertition:
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Can someonoe enlighten me about the OS?

People were saying that it would need to be released as Maemo, since harmattan doesn't used RPM, but it's listed as "Meego 1.2 Harmattan" (as 1.2 a being the latest Meego version released by the time of the SF conf)

So will it be what, exactly?

- harmattan with some MeeGo flavor;
- early handset MeeGo version based on harmattan, but still Meego?
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Originally Posted by Eduardo View Post
I am new here. Love my N900.
Guys, can someone tell me if the N9 is the N950?
Not really the same. N950 is a limited-edition, not-for-sale developer device which Nokia will be making available through developer channels only. It has a hardware keyboard. The N9 is the consumer model and does not.

Originally Posted by Eduardo View Post
I am confused. Also, why some people here are bashing the fact that the N9 does not have a Qwerty hardware keyboard. A virtual keyboard is way better when using a multitouch amoled capacitive screen, that is why all the most advanced phones from the competition do not have a hardware keyboard. Also, it makes the phone bulky.
Many phone geeks like hardware keyboard. Subjectively, it gives more control. Objectively, it leaves the screen clear from fingers while typing. Historically we haven't been impressed with touchscreen keyboards (except maybe qole).
Originally Posted by Eduardo View Post
Remember that the phone must have an attractive design because sales is what feeds the company.
A very important point. I agree

Originally Posted by Eduardo View Post
Also, why some people are saying that the N9 doesnt have FM transmitter? an FM transmitter will be available through a thrid party application, just like it is a vailable through a third party application on the N900.
Sorry, not happening (edit: unless this speculation from marrat turns out to be true; I hope it does!). FM transmitter in the N900 requires hardware which the N9 does not seem to have.

Originally Posted by Eduardo View Post
The N9 looks amazing, that curvy Amoled capacitive 3.9 inch screen is the most beautiful design as of today.

Originally Posted by Eduardo View Post
1 gb of a Faster RAM.

Originally Posted by Eduardo View Post
I am not a genious on programming, etc. I am a User, and english is not my first language. But I always try to understand your conversations you post here, many people read this forum but dont post, I am one of them. I have a question

Does MeeGo = Maemo 6?
Yes and no. N9 isn't running plain MeeGo, but rather what Nokia call "the outcome of the MeeGo effort". It's a blend. Other people here have posted better explanations than I could of exactly where the line is drawn.

Originally Posted by Eduardo View Post
Will it be open source?
As open as the N900 (so some core bits like display drivers you can expect to be closed).

Originally Posted by Eduardo View Post
Does the N9 has integrated Skype and google voice? I love my n900 because I videocall my father from caracas to Atlanta via wifi on skype from my n900 to his IBM laptop. Can I do that with the N9? via wifi?
Yes, without a doubt; totally integrated out of the box. Read the full N9 spec from Nokia, as it answers many of your questions.

Originally Posted by Eduardo View Post
I love transmission, I download Spartacus and the series I like through thepiratebay using transmission. Will the N9 allow the programmers to create torrent clients?
It's open. You can install anything, or write your own. This isn't the Apple We-Control-What-You-Install App Store. You can install whatever you like, and what you do with it is up to you. I'm not a lawyer but it may be illegal to download/upload copyrighted stuff, blah blah blah.

Originally Posted by Eduardo View Post
I need to know if the n9 is the n950 ....
Again, not really. And you won't be able to get an N950 (and neither will I), but the N9 is looking pretty sweet.
tinfoilhat.dll: Trojan horse detected
Sailfish want list: calendar bugfixes, glanceable agenda, Swype or similar
Evolution continues (but we're still pre-Cambrian)

Last edited by shallimus; 2011-06-21 at 14:53.

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Originally Posted by shallimus View Post

Sorry, definitely not happening. FM transmitter in the N900 requires hardware which the N9 does not have.

Also, there is nowhere a FM receiving capability mentioned.

So, two possibilites:

Either the N9 has neither FM rx nor tx (Completely omitting even normal FM listening seems rather odd to me)

Or (with OMAP3630 chances are not that low) still has a combined wl1273 chip with FM Rx+Tx which is not yet listed and spoken of...

We will see...

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OK, I had the opportunity of played with the Asus X101 MeeGo-powered netbook, and I was able to install Dosbox (and then install DOS 6.22, Win 3.11, play some old games), Wine (and test a few games like Counter-Strike), Skype, Firefox, gcc and so on.
BTW, I am very excited with this OS. I think it is very very very promising. Save these words: Give more 1 or 2 years, then you'll have the most efficient, fast and secure OS of the market (without stealing your geolocation data, as iOS and Android do - meh, I don't want to start a fight here, but that's true).

So, my question is (and I hope someone has the answer):
Will I be able to do all those stuffs in this device?

I mean, maybe it's a silly question, but I saw a lot of websites and videos showing the N9, and no one mentioned if this N9 has a console (pretty much like N900 has (I own a n900, so I already know that I can do *almost* anything with it), and if I will able to change some OS configuration - like I was able in my N900)), and if it is as open and free as Maemo is.

If so, I think it worth a try - even without a keyboard, IR, microSD.

Thanks, and sorry about my English.

disapoint, eflop, epic win!, laggy interface, n9 rox, so much win, wateriswet, who cares, whyyyyy??????

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