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Ecosystem is a way to market a lame product as I explained on a previous post.
What ecosystem do you use for your desktop ?

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
And to finalize my commentary, an ecosystem shifts the power of a product from the operating system to what can be enjoyed upon that operating system. A browser that can only see half the web will lose to one that can see more. A gadget that cannot play movies without it being manipulated, converted or altered via software easily will lose out to one that has the video already in place, formatted for that device, thus lessening the work by the consumer. And a kernel, that sits there and does nothing will lose out to one that can do more.
This the definition of ecosystem seen from the consumer point. All of the above can be summarized as plants.

From the point of hardware vendor/service provider, eco$i$tem includes consumers (cows), that use device/service/application (eat plants).

The service provider is on top of that food chain.

Keeping the consumers within the eco$i$tem is the ultimate goal.

That is achieved through install-buy-only-through-app-store + introducing the "cloud computing".

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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
This is by far best done on ios. Horrible done on Android side.
I don't go to the market unless I need something specific, and then if it's there I find it. I usually know what I want and how to descrbe it.

I really don't see your problem with Android app stores. Plus, there's several of them, and the competition among them will surely help them improve. I'm looking forward to buying most of the applications I need from Amazon.

PS. I realise this thread has gone off-topic, but who gives a **** about Nokia anyways?
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Last edited by Sopwith; 2011-06-24 at 16:04.
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Originally Posted by Sopwith View Post
I don't go to the market unless I need something specific, and then if it's there I find it. I usually know what I want and how to descrbe it.
That's true, but i have found 5-6 apps for my ipad 2 by just looking at weeks best and it categories best apps for my area.

I would have never looked for this finnish cooking app, but it happened to be that weeks 3th most downloaded application and it's one of the nicest looking and functional apps i have used that will get more content.
Or i would have not known that Finlands largest TV channel made their own app if it was not on the display on the store and it's now my main news source on my portable device. Again the smoothness, looks and content is excellent.

I did not get this from Android for the 6 months i owned GS. I went to the store and the most popular ones on entertainment categories where funnily enough just these cheap fart app type of stuff. Something i have not seen on the Apple side.

Hopefully Android has moved there because the search, displaying best apps at the moment is vital and going a bit deeper than just showing the most popular apps because that can just lead to people downloading them while some quality apps go unnoticed because of that.

Last edited by tissot; 2011-06-24 at 16:20.

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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
That's true, but i have found 5-6 apps for my ipad 2 by just looking at weeks best and it categories best apps for my area.

I would have never looked for this finnish cooking app, but it happened to be that weeks 3th most downloaded application and it's one of the nicest looking and functional apps i have used that will get more content.
Or i would have not known that Finlands largest TV channel made their own app and it's now my main news source from my portable device...
So, you actually NEEDED those apps, but somehow didn't realize it before you saw them featured? Hmm...
In anticipation of TMO's obsolescence, and hoping to meet you all again: elsewhere on the interwebs, I am Dr Doppio.
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Originally Posted by Sopwith View Post
So, you actually NEEDED those apps, but somehow didn't realize it? Hmm...
These are gadgets i have paid 400-800 euros. Who says that i'm not allowed to download good content to it?
That's a poor excuse for not having quality in the store or proper way to have quality apps on display.

I have used the cooking app 2 times this week, restaurant search i used just week ago as i was on a business trip and because of that found great restaurant and i use the news app daily.
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A cooking app would complement a fart app quite nicely. Such beautiful synergy within the ecosystem.

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Originally Posted by uppercase View Post
Ecosystem is a way to market a lame product as I explained on a previous post.
What ecosystem do you use for your desktop ?
Which one? I support and run: Windows, HP-UX, OS X, Ubuntu, Fedora, BeOS/Haiku. Take your pick.

In fact, I'm using my Android based Xoom to answer you, that's streaming music from my MacBook Pro while I admin a Windows box via remote desktop and I'm SSH'd into a HP-UX box sorting out some idiots attempt to do permissions (disgruntled right now).

Lame products makes it "consumer friendly". If you want just Linux on something, then you're in luck. Plenty of non-consumer, but rather geek friendly (Pandora, OpenMoko, N900) devices out there.

You don't seem to understand one bit about how step 5 out of 5 was to be "consumer friendly"... and for that, my friend... it takes services and that other lame stuff (your verbiage paraphrased).

Now, instead of me answering more than you have; answer me this. What exactly do you mean by "Linux" in your prior attempt at an answer.

Glad you can spell it. Now, explain it.
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Originally Posted by momcilo View Post
This the definition of ecosystem seen from the consumer point.
Nokia N9 == Consumer Friendly Phone (step 5 out of 5)

So yeah, I'm looking at it as a consumer. I've already submitted my name to the developer list.

From the point of hardware vendor/service provider, eco$i$tem includes consumers (cows), that use device/service/application (eat plants).
Nokia's cows are starving. Look at the stocks.

The service provider is on top of that food chain.
And yet... Nokia wouldn't want to be at the top of the food chain? How else will they regain share? By making phones that make only developers happy?

Didn't work with the N900. Won't work with the N9.

Keeping the consumers within the eco$i$tem is the ultimate goal.

That is achieved through install-buy-only-through-app-store + introducing the "cloud computing".
Which leads me right back to my last damn question that none of you folks have answered. What ecosystem, content, whatever is in place right now to assist in making the N9 more competitive?

I triple dog dare any of you to answer it with facts and not more snarky nerd drivel.

Snarky nerd drivel isn't meant for whom I'm responding to. But for a commercial/consumer product, you have to shift your focus from what we want to what they, the consumer wants. We can also be satisfied on Maemo 6/Harmattan, but not in WP7 - development on it is a bit... well, it can happen. That's what I'm after and what I stand for. A consumer product needs consumer items to make it consumer friendly. Period.

Last edited by gerbick; 2011-06-24 at 18:03.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Didn't work with the N900. Won't work with the N9.
My comment was not related to supporting N9 or WF7 strategy. I've wanted to point out following:
1. misuse of original ecosystem word
2. reshaped "ecosystem" word presented to consumers (good, nice thing for consumers)
3. true meaning of eco$i$tem as perceived by big players.

In either case, this eco$i$tem thing eventually leads to the strict control of: platform, content and consumers themselves.

While I don't like the idea, I agree with you that Nokia is doing it completely wrong way.

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