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Originally Posted by momcilo View Post
My comment was not related to supporting N9 or WF7 strategy. I've wanted to point out following:
1. misuse of original ecosystem word
I thank you for your clarification, I had responded to the idea of what you were saying (I actually fully agree) but at the same time... it seems like misuse of proper words is going on a bit much... it's even at CEO level now.

2. reshaped "ecosystem" word presented to consumers (good, nice thing for consumers)
3. true meaning of eco$i$tem as perceived by big players.
Yep. Sick to see a word misused to make a moot point; but that's what we're stuck with until consumers are more educated.

In either case, this eco$i$tem thing eventually leads to the strict control of: platform, content and consumers themselves.

While I don't like the idea, I agree with you that Nokia is doing it completely wrong way.
I think it's all a setup to make Harmattan fail, honestly. I mean, if they were to really put an effort behind Harmattan, they could have two strategies, Plan A / Plan B and deliver or cross-pollinate their content services and give the consumer, developer, casual user, hardcore user, mom's, grandmom's, kids, et al something to choose all while maintaining options that may make things better for Nokia than this "all their eggs in one basket" strategy.

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Is it just me, or do these two guys look like two inbreed *****s from some dark valley. I know, never judge by the looks, but..

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Looks like Eddie Monster and Uncle Fester all grown up.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Which one? I support and run: Windows, HP-UX, OS X, Ubuntu, Fedora, BeOS/Haiku. Take your pick.

In fact, I'm using my Android based Xoom to answer you, that's streaming music from my MacBook Pro while I admin a Windows box via remote desktop and I'm SSH'd into a HP-UX box sorting out some idiots attempt to do permissions (disgruntled right now).

Lame products makes it "consumer friendly". If you want just Linux on something, then you're in luck. Plenty of non-consumer, but rather geek friendly (Pandora, OpenMoko, N900) devices out there.

You don't seem to understand one bit about how step 5 out of 5 was to be "consumer friendly"... and for that, my friend... it takes services and that other lame stuff (your verbiage paraphrased).

Now, instead of me answering more than you have; answer me this. What exactly do you mean by "Linux" in your prior attempt at an answer.

Glad you can spell it. Now, explain it.
Linux, to me, means the same as a linux desktop only in your phone. That would be the ideal and as close as I can get to that the better. Like I said in a previous post, on my desktop I have puppy linux, a 100Mb live cd which contains almost anything that I could possibly want. Do I really have to explain what linux means ? a linux box you know, configure make install, double click the package, google something the shell says when it doesn't work, all free, request a feature, report a problem, change to the way you like it, ctrl-alt-bckspc cause you broke it and killall of it now instead of being asked "are you want to close it ?" you know what I mean linux. linux linux that's what I mean.

I do understand that, sadly, most consumers do not wish for the same, and in fact the word "Linux" is the kiss of death to any product in most cases.

Pandora - not a phone, a bit big, 128 ram, do they have all the shields for the lcd so the case can be painted to fit the stylus with the corrected nubs on the fixed board under the new keymat already ?

Openmoko - uber geek, wish I was a guru so I could tell if it's for me.

N900 - using it, loving it. Not perfect but it is the only one that fits. can do all you said about Xoom, without telling google about it.

The N9 does not need services to be successful, nor does it need apps or software updates. Only marketing.

All it takes is one nice looking girl to hold it, smile to the camera, and say "this is cool".

Do you really think people walk into a store, point at something red and shiny and ask "will I get software updates a year from now" ???????
They just see facebook/tweeter/somecrap logo and they buy it. No services asked. Where is your 5 steps now, huh !?

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Originally Posted by uppercase View Post
Linux, to me, means the same as a linux desktop only in your phone.
Not all x86 binaries are available or able to compile on ARM. So... already off to a bad start.

That would be the ideal and as close as I can get to that the better. Like I said in a previous post, on my desktop I have puppy linux, a 100Mb live cd which contains almost anything that I could possibly want.
I require more. We're different users. Stop imposing your lack of needs on me. I'm not imposing my needs onto you. I'm just stating nicely that we're different users.

Do I really have to explain what linux means ? a linux box you know, configure make install, double click the package, google something the shell says when it doesn't work, all free, request a feature, report a problem, change to the way you like it, ctrl-alt-bckspc cause you broke it and killall of it now instead of being asked "are you want to close it ?" you know what I mean linux. linux linux that's what I mean.
So... when I do something like rm -rf, that's wrong, right?

Seriously dude. Not tooting my own horn here, but I've been a Linux admin/dev/user for almost 15 years. I don't need a description of what Linux is. I think the problem you're overlooking is that the average consumer just doesn't give a flying damn what Linux is. Their needs, if you could step outside of your egocentric needs and see that their needs, wants and desires do not equal yours. You're happy with a LiveCD. Great for you.

The average consumer wants a lot more than that.

And if it's Windows, BSD, BeOS, OS X, Linux or your mama... they won't care as long as the consumer gets their fix - be it video, music, gps, directions, or whatever.

The wrongly utilized term "ecosystem" means a delivery method of that content.

I do understand that, sadly, most consumers do not wish for the same, and in fact the word "Linux" is the kiss of death to any product in most cases.
Linux is definitely not the kiss of death for me, apparently not for you either. We took the time to learn what it was, what it needs - more than just press a button like the average "George Jetson" consumer that wants only one button to do it all for them - and it's why I bought my first Maemo device, a 770. But to the average consumer, marketing needs to play up what else they have. Us nerds will be like ... "ooh, Linux. And root. Sold."

Openmoko - uber geek, wish I was a guru so I could tell if it's for me.
Wasn't for me. I didn't like it.

N900 - using it, loving it. Not perfect but it is the only one that fits. can do all you said about Xoom, without telling google about it.
Sold mine, returned one, last one broke. My Xoom... rooted, I do what I feel, whenever I feel with a lot more stuff on it than my N900.

Different users, different uses yet again.

The N9 does not need services to be successful, nor does it need apps or software updates. Only marketing.
Wrong. It needs both. Delivering a phone without a way to deliver content or have it plug into your daily operations easily and seamlessly is basically the most stupid thing you can do for a gadget like a smartphone.

Simply put, people have somehow equated a feature phone to be a smartphone, and that "smartphone" should take and share pictures, take and share videos, play/rent movies, have access to/allow for purchase music, plan their day, talk to their IMAP/Exchange server, allow them to surf the web, read the news to them, tell them that they're pretty and above all, make them feel like they bought the right device.

Without services, the consumer has to do more work, thus read more, thus research more to make it fit into their lifestyle. If you haven't checked... the average consumer is closer to idiot than guru.

All it takes is one nice looking girl to hold it, smile to the camera, and say "this is cool".
8 E3's, 6 TGS's, 10 CES's, 3 SIGGRAPH's and countless other shows/conventions... the pretty girl can't sell me jack if she can't answer my questions. But again... I ain't the average consumer. Neither are you.

Do you really think people walk into a store, point at something red and shiny and ask "will I get software updates a year from now"?
They don't have to. Apple stated they will support it for 3 iterations of their iOS. And has. Google has updated their Nexus phones to the point of where other manufacturers had to do the same or risk getting called out. And people don't change phones THAT often. So yes... having support a full 13+ months later is a GOOD thing to have and offer. To offer less, you risk alienating the sheep consumer and you piss off your core geek audience too.

They just see facebook/tweeter/somecrap logo and they buy it. No services asked. Where is your 5 steps now, huh !?
I'm not sure you knew... but here's the five steps since you're oblivious:

770 (step 1 - initial edition)
N800 (step 2)
N810 (step 3)
N900 (step 4)
N9 (step 5 - consumer friendly edition)

Right there are my five steps. Any other questions?

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Posts: 364 | Thanked: 128 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Australia
Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Not all x86 binaries are available or able to compile on ARM. So... already off to a bad start.

I require more. We're different users. Stop imposing your lack of needs on me. I'm not imposing my needs onto you. I'm just stating nicely that we're different users.

So... when I do something like rm -rf, that's wrong, right?

Seriously dude. Not tooting my own horn here, but I've been a Linux admin/dev/user for almost 15 years. I don't need a description of what Linux is. I think the problem you're overlooking is that the average consumer just doesn't give a flying damn what Linux is. Their needs, if you could step outside of your egocentric needs and see that their needs, wants and desires do not equal yours. You're happy with a LiveCD. Great for you.

The average consumer wants a lot more than that.

And if it's Windows, BSD, BeOS, OS X, Linux or your mama... they won't care as long as the consumer gets their fix - be it video, music, gps, directions, or whatever.

The wrongly utilized term "ecosystem" means a delivery method of that content.

Linux is definitely not the kiss of death for me, apparently not for you either. We took the time to learn what it was, what it needs - more than just press a button like the average "George Jetson" consumer that wants only one button to do it all for them - and it's why I bought my first Maemo device, a 770. But to the average consumer, marketing needs to play up what else they have. Us nerds will be like ... "ooh, Linux. And root. Sold."

Wasn't for me. I didn't like it.

Sold mine, returned one, last one broke. My Xoom... rooted, I do what I feel, whenever I feel with a lot more stuff on it than my N900.

Different users, different uses yet again.

Wrong. It needs both. Delivering a phone without a way to deliver content or have it plug into your daily operations easily and seamlessly is basically the most stupid thing you can do for a gadget like a smartphone.

Simply put, people have somehow equated a feature phone to be a smartphone, and that "smartphone" should take and share pictures, take and share videos, play/rent movies, have access to/allow for purchase music, plan their day, talk to their IMAP/Exchange server, allow them to surf the web, read the news to them, tell them that they're pretty and above all, make them feel like they bought the right device.

Without services, the consumer has to do more work, thus read more, thus research more to make it fit into their lifestyle. If you haven't checked... the average consumer is closer to idiot than guru.

8 E3's, 6 TGS's, 10 CES's, 3 SIGGRAPH's and countless other shows/conventions... the pretty girl can't sell me jack if she can't answer my questions. But again... I ain't the average consumer. Neither are you.

They don't have to. Apple stated they will support it for 3 iterations of their iOS. And has. Google has updated their Nexus phones to the point of where other manufacturers had to do the same or risk getting called out. And people don't change phones THAT often. So yes... having support a full 13+ months later is a GOOD thing to have and offer. To offer less, you risk alienating the sheep consumer and you piss off your core geek audience too.

I'm not sure you knew... but here's the five steps since you're oblivious:

770 (step 1 - initial edition)
N800 (step 2)
N810 (step 3)
N900 (step 4)
N9 (step 5 - consumer friendly edition)

Right there are my five steps. Any other questions?
If this 'I am leaving this forum' then what is staying? Now that you have applied for the n950 you had come back here for inspiration
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Originally Posted by vivmak View Post
If this 'I am leaving this forum' then what is staying? Now that you have applied for the n950 you had come back here for inspiration
Hey. TMO needs a good rabble rouser every now-and-then.
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Originally Posted by Frappacino View Post

would ppl please stop using hyperbole and straw man arguments ?

fart apps ? yea there are a shitload, but there are also many, like games, that have no equivalent in say, the N900 sphere (the N900 has to pirate its games from another platform... lol)

So yes, there are benefits to having a popular ecosystem...
all this about ecosystem.

Does people totally forgot that symbian has alots of apps/games in ovi?

Many of those will work on Meego to so MrFlop Microft ecosystem is not needed. Just give more resources to QT and Meego enmgineers instead of feed Microsoft with that money :@
Posts: 3,464 | Thanked: 5,107 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Gothenburg in Sweden
Originally Posted by ericsson View Post
Is it just me, or do these two guys look like two inbreed *****s from some dark valley. I know, never judge by the looks, but..

Please dont show two psycopats in this forum its bad for the community...
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Without content, you have an operating system, some commands, perhaps some functionality - as viewed by the consumer, not developer.
And what's absolutely fine for this consumer. Screw ecosystems. I just want a mobile computer where I can actually do some work. Unfortunately all they (take your pick: Nokia, Apple, Google, MS, all of them really) want to sell is a dumb terminal on which to "consume" "content", preferably from their own & partners' corresponding walled gardens.

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