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I just don't get them.


most people hold phone in one hand, therefore there is only ONE thing on the screen, a thumb.
two hands, two thumbs,
support with one hand, use fingers of other hand, four digits.

the famous "pinch to zoom" function which is de rigeure, is an obsolete function 1/3 time, so when compared to the "corkscrew" we have (browser N900), could anyone justify pinch to zoom?

screen/phone size.

who the hell can actually operate a 4.3" device in one hand?

i sure can't, let alone comfortably reach ALL of the screen.

can anyone justify these ridiculous sizes?

Internal storage.

nokia + apple are only phone companies that provide any level of storage. why?

and lastly a slightly subjective one, but all modern mobiles look the same.

there's nothing left of the old HTC diamond with their unique cases, NOKIA is only company that shows consistent individuality. even the LG designer series is dead after that amazing BL40..

how can they think by releasing clones of each other, they can win?

seriously, these are some of the things bugging me about the industry today. could somebody tell me what i'm missing?

and on a side note, i decided not to get an N9
NOKIA had finally gone too far.

but after searching for something else, I couldn't find any alternative!

64gb internal storage?
ability to operate in one hand?
unique design?
global warranty?
solid construction? (the amount of people that have totaled there phone from a hip-height fall is ridiculous)
and it can't be said enough, it's such a breath of fresh air.

sure it could've been so much more, but it's still the best.

it's sort of how usaine bolt won the 100m.
he won easily, setting a new record.
he could've absolutely destroyed the old record, but he only did enough to win.
so we see this, yay, new fastest man, but we're all disappointed.
what could he have acheived if he hadn't held back?

and that's the N9.


ps, kudos if you read the whole thing!

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I do. use the Arc 4,2 with one hand and zoom. you use your thumb and the side of your index finger.

I didnt read the whole post. to long. sorry.

EDIT: I think n9 is to small. would have liked 4,2 to 4.7

Last edited by Dave999; 2011-06-26 at 08:12.
Posts: 341 | Thanked: 607 times | Joined on Dec 2008
Yes, pinch to zoom is possible with one hand, but awkward. The same is true about reaching some parts of the screen with your thumb, so iPhones etc are actually made to be held in one hand, while being operated with the other.

That's why the N9's focus on improving one handed use is a pretty big deal in this class of phones. As for your other questions, the simple answer is, that it's hard.

There is a pretty big gap in terms of product design between the N9 and the current iPhone, but there's an even bigger gap after that. If you refuse to buy Nokia or Apple out of principle, that is just something you have to live with.

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And then, we should admit that there is already an almost perfect thumb-operated UI, and it is Symbian s60v3, for keyboard-operated phones. But it's become boring, at least for people that don't have to get things done.
Ernesto de Bernardis


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I for one actually prefer the corkscrew zoom over pinch zoom, in lets say the browser.

But I do understand some apps need gestures (press, long press, swipe in 4 directions, screw-clockwise, screw-anticlockwise) that you run out of good options and need to stick with pinch-zooming. I do say multifinger-swiping (on a handheld) is not as user friendly as they make it out to be, but this may be a whole another thing on tablets.

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These days UX/UI designers in general seem to be more focused on shiny than usability.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
These days UX/UI designers in general seem to be more focused on shiny than usability.
Simply because the users wants it shiny rather than usability.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
Simply becouse the users wants it shiny rather than usability.
I think too many users aren't thinking at all, just reacting.
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Posts: 163 | Thanked: 256 times | Joined on May 2010
Yes, the lack of direction in this industry is amazing.

Sooner or later somebody will come and explode the market with a fresh device, like the first iPhone has done some time ago.

The difference will be that this time around it will be a device geared towards doing useful work and interoperability.

Let's face it -- for all its innovative features, the iPhone (and its Android clones) is first and foremost a toy, a glorified handheld gaming system.

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+google on Texrats both posts
Users are plain stupid. At least most of them. They only want thing because on paper they seem better the any other or better then the rivals in case of fanboys. Will they have any use of it or how is it in actual day to day use it doesn't matter any more because manufacturer said that it is great product.

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