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some1 please tell me some reasons why i should upgrade to the N9.

im almost sure im moving to an android phone. ive always loved nokia with every bone in my body. but when there is so little to offer compared to android phones
i cant honestly say im prepared to sign a two year contract with a phone that will;
stop being worked on in less than a year. (officially anyway)
and will have a laughable amount of apps throughout its lifespan

if nokia had went and supported meamo and meego with a marketing campaign and investment that it needed. then it wouldnt be in this mess, im not touching WP7 and i fail to see why i should stick around.

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corduroysack's Avatar
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here we go again yawn
"I Reject Your Reality & Substitute My Own" Adam Savage

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If you want to go Android for the apps, you should consider that the n9 will probably support Android apps via Alien Dalvik. But this is not a fact yet, it's a wait and see. Personally, I value community support well over official support but whatever suits you best..
Is that a N900 in your pants or are you just happy to see me?

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Posts: 249 | Thanked: 217 times | Joined on Jan 2011 @ United Kingdom
Why do you need others to convince you to stay? If you can't make the decision on your own there is something wrong. Stay and be happy, or leave and be happy with your next choice.
My Nokia N900 is my website, still up an running for the Maemo community. My Nokia N900 is upgraded to 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo1.1 ~ CSSU ready ~ Overclocked ~ Speed patched ~ Swappolube ~ was running 7 desktops ~ 270 apps and counting ~ Multi-Boot with Standard Kernel , Kernel Power and NITDroid N12 "UMay".

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Originally Posted by robert485 View Post
some1 please tell me some reasons why i should upgrade to the N9.

im almost sure im moving to an android phone. ive always loved nokia with every bone in my body. but when there is so little to offer compared to android phones
i cant honestly say im prepared to sign a two year contract with a phone that will;
stop being worked on in less than a year. (officially anyway)
and will have a laughable amount of apps throughout its lifespan

if nokia had went and supported meamo and meego with a marketing campaign and investment that it needed. then it wouldnt be in this mess, im not touching WP7 and i fail to see why i should stick around.
so who are you?? i dont think anybody cares if you leave or stay...

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Den in USA's Avatar
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Originally Posted by robert485 View Post
some1 please tell me some reasons why i should upgrade to the N9.

im almost sure im moving to an android phone. ive always loved nokia with every bone in my body. but when there is so little to offer compared to android phones
i cant honestly say im prepared to sign a two year contract with a phone that will;
stop being worked on in less than a year. (officially anyway)
and will have a laughable amount of apps throughout its lifespan

if nokia had went and supported meamo and meego with a marketing campaign and investment that it needed. then it wouldnt be in this mess, im not touching WP7 and i fail to see why i should stick around.
Your "1 post" and "joined June 2011" says it all!
N800 / Diablo / 16gb int / 16gb ext / Globalsat BT-359 gps ..... Dell Streak 5 - Android 2.2.2

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Posts: 1,326 | Thanked: 1,524 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Okay, have you thought of maybe making a list (say a top 10) of all the things that your current maemo device has that you like/find most useful and then compare that to other devices on the market?

You might find your own reasons more compelling than ours.

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Posts: 1,042 | Thanked: 430 times | Joined on May 2010
You should stay because you wanted to not because someone told you so... If you don't feel like staying then move on to another platform
Posts: 176 | Thanked: 110 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Originally Posted by robert485 View Post
some1 please tell me some reasons why i should upgrade to the N9.

im almost sure im moving to an android phone. ive always loved nokia with every bone in my body. but when there is so little to offer compared to android phones
i cant honestly say im prepared to sign a two year contract with a phone that will;
stop being worked on in less than a year. (officially anyway)
and will have a laughable amount of apps throughout its lifespan

if nokia had went and supported meamo and meego with a marketing campaign and investment that it needed. then it wouldnt be in this mess, im not touching WP7 and i fail to see why i should stick around.
well I rekon one of your many bones is no longer in love with know what flip a coin, heads you go Tails you stay
Posts: 118 | Thanked: 31 times | Joined on Feb 2010
If this were a meego smartphone you shouldn't stay, in fact you should get as distant as possible, Nokia deliver such great hardware, but it's adopted by the worst kind of community; who more provoking than common internet trolls. Which isn't the case here; Nokia realising this community's weakness (strong hatred for closed-source)turned this into their newly thoroughly though business plan.
I will be buying a WP7-based Nokia phone, (only if it has a keyboard) and I hope the new adopted community isn't as anti-social as this one.

Community is the general appeal of the community, so this doesn't apply to everyone, you know who I'm talking about.

Last edited by Soulaxe; 2011-06-29 at 17:50.

buysomethinelse, dan the troll, dont feed troll, goodbye nokia, just shoot me, take dan with u

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