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Originally Posted by Cue View Post
why become an unpaid shill? It's not like they are going to make more Meego phones if it sells, they've already said this.

As for support, I do worry and I don't mean it as any form of disrespect for the countless number of people in this community who make great apps. It's just that I treat and expect from my N900 the same way I treat and expect from my Linux desktop: I know it will do things that no other OS/device will allow but I don't expect the hot new software annonced by company X to be on it, instead I sit there hoping that some kind soul with spare time will make an alternative.

youre soo wrong about "no more meego" its not written in stone! first of this depends on country. second IF, with big IF, it sells well even with MrFlops FUD they MUST change. No damn stokholder would accept to kill something that makes profit for them. however I see this is a big problem because of:

1 N9 will not release until end of september that means they investemnt in meego will not be seen until Q4 and Q1 2012 they introducing wp7

2 we fight 80 million EUR marketing of WP Fail what will N9 have Well in notheurpean it has already some money but the rest of the world? its more up to us I guess

But about support there should not be that big problems cause now both symbian and meego is using qt that means its WAY easier for them to make updates. this was a difference in n900 that uses gtk+ as core UI.

but for once I agree with jo21 its up to us who beleaves in real linux! do we want meego to succes start marketing the damn thing **** MrFlop and the board they will not do it they just old stupid men who hasnt guts enougth to think NEW!

I must say why do people here even bother to listen to what MrFlop says? He and the rest of the board is WRONG we can show we are right.

dont buy does damn WP7

Last edited by mikecomputing; 2011-07-22 at 21:58.

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Originally Posted by kevloral View Post
I have just found out that the NFC support the N9 has is severely crippled. It does NOT support SWP.

NFC in Nokia N9 Won’t Support Mobile Wallet or Payments

Therefore, it is essentially useless. I had said I was going to buy one next September in Oulu. Not anymore. What a pity.
Personally I don't think it is wise to use a cell phone as a token for the payments.

Think about it: how many times a day you take out your cell phone to talk, text, plat, browse, etc. Now, how many times you take out your good-old-wallet and the card to actually pay for something?

It is far more easier to loose your cell phone than wallet.

Last edited by momcilo; 2011-07-22 at 22:06.

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Originally Posted by momcilo View Post
Personally I don't think it is wise to use a cell phone as a token for the payments.

Think about it: how many times a day you take out your self phone to talk, text, plat, browse, etc. Now, how many times you take out your good-old-wallet and the card to actually pay for something?

It is far more easy to loose your cell phone than wallet.
you have a point thats probadly why it doesnt have support yet. They know the security issues is not yet solved. I dont think iphone5 will have it.

however for be an disrubtive device it is bad. I would mind try pay bus/train etc using nfc instead of tagcard that I am using on train now.

Last edited by mikecomputing; 2011-07-22 at 22:05.
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Just a quick reminder, lest you forget...
Eiiissh that site's hideous, why not link to the original article
That story's a little old now though...
Picture's become a "tincy bit" more rosy since then IMO.

Plus as Dave says; "The N9 can fly"
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
you have a point thats probadly why it doesnt have support yet. They know the security issues is not yet solved. I dont think iphone5 will have it.

however for be an disrubtive device it is bad. I would mind try pay bus/train etc using nfc instead of tagcard that I am using on train now.
The security is not an issue for the moment. Within the nfc capable device there should be 3 modes:
- reader
- tag (smart card) mode
- peer-to-peer

The first one is for interfacing the contact-less cards/tags. QT Mobility allows this interaction.

The second is allowing cell phone to emulate the contactless smart cards. Basically there should be integrated NXP smart card within, even though nokia did not decide to market it. Within the smart card there should be Java Card applet.

In short NFC chip is a device on its own. Since I don't own one I can not guarantee that N9 actually has a smart card chip. The security is not an issue, as long as 3DES and AES are safe algorithms, since the wireless communication is encrypted. Historically, all of the ciphers are broken sooner or later, with possibility that adversary rarely advertises the fact.

The good thing it is much safer than traditional wallet or a credit card (as long as assumption on algorithms holds).

The bad thing is the probability of loosing paying service is much higher, because the cell phone gets used much more frequently than your wallet, plus what happens when you buy a new phone?
How do you transfer your existing credentials?

The third one is what nokia uses with 360 speakers, or exchange contact.

I've asked recently a couple of people about nfc capabilities of N9, but sadly nobody even bothered to answer.

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Originally Posted by egoshin View Post
And in any case, I disappointed by absense of arrow keys - to repeat last line in shell, moving cursor left-right fast... At least I didn't find the way to do it (may be some old CTRL-... may do a trick but this is three press sequence). After I do error and shell responses I should type the whole command again...
Well, I tried switching to vi mode in the shell (on an N950) with:

set -o vi

so that I could use the hjkl keys (and w and b) to move around.
Unfortunately, vi mode does not seem to be implemented. But as soon as bash is ported over... it could be a viable solution. At least for vi addicts like myself.
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@egoshin, thanks for the feed-back.

Originally Posted by egoshin View Post
Don't think so, at least I didn't found. Anyway, the difference is subtle, in canvas and a little button shape. Not sure about layout, but need to say that I remember I didn't do backspace errors - it is then I press some key instead of backspace.
And in any case, I disappointed by absense of arrow keys - to repeat last line in shell, moving cursor left-right fast... At least I didn't find the way to do it (may be some old CTRL-... may do a trick but this is three press sequence). After I do error and shell responses I should type the whole command again...
In case you missed it, you should check-out some posts way back in this thread.
There was some good showcasing of VKB functionality by some users.
Plus IIRC someone's developing a nifty app for the terminal, that works in conjunction with the VKB.

I asked a direct question and I got a direct answer. But board is RX-71, cpuinfo shows it.
Nokia product manager Jukka Ekland confirming hardware support.
Finally, the kernel 'appears' to support it...

I hope this doesn't end-up like the terrible situation w/the N900.
Where support had to be added by the community, long after release.
Early signs at least are good....

I said "widget" but I assumed "shortcut", sorry. I mean - the place where I can keep my selection of applications to start... just for fast search instead of browsing a whole application list. Personally, I think one screen is enough and I like the fast switching between running applications more than a couple of "home" screens.
I think we'll see some further refinements for managing apps on the home screen.
So that the apps list doesn't get too long and unwieldy...
There prolly is already something that deals with that, & I don't know about it
I think folders was one thing they said was easily do-able.

(Flash Player):
They confirmed that it may be possible to do in another browser and Nokia is in conversation with Adobe. Translation - Adobe wants too much and FP takes 100% CPU while plays animation.
Just lawyer style disclaimer. N900 microB hasn't it and it seems there is a reason for resistance and M$ may just add a reason for resistance.
jolo confirmed there's no technical/performance issue at all, it's working fine.
The only issue is to convince management to pay for the signed binary.
N900 had flash 9x, just not 10x....
Not a big issue for me personally, but it does improve attractiveness for many people.

I went to "Settings" and somewhere underneath I found a last position named "Development mode" and pressed it. N9 started downloading 20+MB and after it finishes I got "Terminal" application. Button shaded after that.
And Nokia people confirmed that each device can be turned into developer mode.
Not sure about DRM disabling at all... didn't think about it before your comment
Fair enough, it'll be interesting to know more about the whole DRM thing.
And whether it can be circumvented, so as to avoid switching to non-DRM, & not being able to switch back.

EDIT (Addition): N9 NFC can be used for switching ON handset and another thing like this. John Loughney from Nokia touched handset and N9 and explained that this started (and completed?) bluetooth pairing.
You mean NFC powers on the headset, and then auto-pairs it?
I knew it auto-pairs, but I didn't release it powers on the headset, thanks.

And he said that it can be used to transfer photo to not-your-girl at party [and be sure that there is no consequences -- my interpretation]
Wot? LOL

Last edited by jalyst; 2011-07-23 at 00:01.
Posts: 992 | Thanked: 995 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ California
Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
1 N9 will not release until end of september that means they investemnt in meego will not be seen until Q4 and Q1 2012 they introducing wp7
Well, I am not Nokia or Elop, but Nokia people said that all work was done and the only certifications should be done to go to market.
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
but for once I agree with jo21 its up to us who beleaves in real linux! do we want meego to succes start marketing the damn thing **** MrFlop and the board they will not do it they just old stupid men who hasnt guts enougth to think NEW!
I must say why do people here even bother to listen to what MrFlop says? He and the rest of the board is WRONG we can show we are right.
dont buy does damn WP7
Mike our fearless leader

just kidding

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Posts: 992 | Thanked: 995 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ California
Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
You mean NFC powers on the headset, and then auto-pairs it?
I knew it auto-pairs, but I didn't release it powers on the headset, thanks.
No, I am not sure about auto power ON. That he said - you able to just touch handset to phone and both are "connected". Don't ask me why NFC is needed for connection, so, I translated it to "paired" because he also said that it can be used to transfer photo to specific device w/out configuration etc - all stuff which usually requires some configuration on both sides and activation of connection. Physical touch just can be used instead of configuration and activation procedures.

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disapoint, eflop, epic win!, laggy interface, n9 rox, so much win, wateriswet, who cares, whyyyyy??????

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