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@Minhaz Thanks for your words. Just pray for us all

1) Do you mean pick a part number and go to its first page ? Yes I'll add the ability to jump to a specific part or a specific sura (chapter) and aya (verse). That's the next thing I'm planning to do.

It will be accessible from the index page by tapping on an icon in the toolbar (Once I get that icon from TransTech )

2) Yes, that will be night mode. I'll start working on it too after I finish number 1 above.

3) You can already add any aya to a list of favorites (Just long press on an aya). If you need to bookmark a part, a sura or a page then add the first aya of it to your favorites. I don't see a need for a separate favorites list.

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Originally Posted by MSameer View Post
Eid mubarak all.

I've been busy rewriting the main component used for rendering text in order to theme it.

I also made changes for the transitions between pages and tried to do some improvements here and there

I thought about the icons and I guess I'll hide icons for disabled functionality. Why'd the user see some disabled icons ? We are only trying to centralize the page number which is not an issue. I'll simply leave it where it is on the left hand side for now.

Would it be possible to get a "search icon" ? I can use it for a new page that allows choosing a verse to jump to.

If you are sure that has better recitations then I can use that.

Have you tried the font on your PC ? Does it look fine with the Quran text ? A friend of mine fixed some of the problems with the current font and I'm yet to try that and see the result.

The app icon is pretty but could we get rid of the "bars" on the right ? I'd also love to get a "close" button as well to use it with some dialogs!

@laithaltaie Do you have a copy available somewhere ?
Eid Mubarak friends.. one and all ..

I was thinking of the buttons problem at the dockbar, and got one last option, to introduce a function button (F), when pressed shows translation(T), recitation(R) buttons as a floating icons above the present dockbar, which can be used to cycle between different translations, recitations etc. and repressing on the function button (F) closes the floating buttons (menu bar). See Mockup in next post

I will make a search and close icon as you requested, and it will be here in few hours or by tomorrow (as today is Eid in our place). See next post

I checked all the websites for verse by verse recitations and found almost all of them link back to and think its reliable (p.s. i also downloaded verse by verse ayah and they are of good quality. about 1.59gb)

yep i tried that font on my pc, and it works good. btw did you check it, because it may look different on mobile screen, (p.s. I prefer you to use the bold font version)

The bars on the right in app icon make it look like an icon for Book, so i kept it as it is, i will try to remove it, lets see how it would look..

Last edited by TransTech; 2011-08-30 at 21:44.

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I have made the icons, hope you find them suitable, i have also included a mock-up showing my idea in my previous post (option5). You can also see below,

Option 5:

this method features easy interface, less buttons, hidden/faded out disabled functions, centerized page numbers(as prefered ).

Icons Attachment: (search icon, two types of close icons, function and new translation and recitation icons. and mock-up of option5 dockbar)

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I haven't checked the font but I need to know where did you downloaded from ? Is that the QuranComplex font ? I prefer sticking to the current one and fixing it (The font license allows me to fix it) while the Quran complex one forbids me from modifying it in order to fix it.

I love CloseBlue.svg

The problem with the icon is I won't be showing all icons. Only icons corresponding to enabled functionality will be shown. This means that there's really no way to center the page number.

I still don't believe it looks bad on the left. I think it's still fine.

I'm also wondering what will the user think about an icon with R and an icon with T. Will the meaning be obvious ?

The magnify icon doesn't fit the theme at all

I thought of something similar to this one here:
Posts: 96 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Nov 2008
thx for great app

some ideas

1- search for a word
2- Tafseer
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Originally Posted by onasre View Post
thx for great app

some ideas

1- search for a word
2- Tafseer
Tafseer is there (under translations). There are 2 Arabic ones.

Searching will return a lot of results. Do you really want that ?
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Originally Posted by MSameer View Post
I haven't checked the font but I need to know where did you downloaded from ? Is that the QuranComplex font ? I prefer sticking to the current one and fixing it (The font license allows me to fix it) while the Quran complex one forbids me from modifying it in order to fix it.

I love CloseBlue.svg

The problem with the icon is I won't be showing all icons. Only icons corresponding to enabled functionality will be shown. This means that there's really no way to center the page number.

I still don't believe it looks bad on the left. I think it's still fine.

I'm also wondering what will the user think about an icon with R and an icon with T. Will the meaning be obvious ?

The magnify icon doesn't fit the theme at all

I thought of something similar to this one here:
yep that one is kfqurancomplex font... btw did you know something about the me-quran font ... its very similar to quran complex font and also free.. i dont know much about its licence but its free...

I prefered the center look as it looked good i.e equal icons on both sides and numbering on center... btw i dont have any problem with it..

i thoughed every user thinks like t for translation and r for recitation so i made those icons, btw before i wondered what would an icon for translation and recitation look like, in symbols...

i also thought same with the magnify icon, and i'm remaking it...

i noticed some bugs with the latest version...
1. full screen button toggles opposite.. i.e its downward while in window and upward in fullscreen...
2. while translations are enabled.. they disappears when moved to next surah or navigated to other surah through index..
3. translation font must be smaller than the arabic text.. and should relatively increase or decrease. the present one looks bigger than the arabic text.. (like english translations).

is there english tafsir available in the present version?.. if not will you implement in future?
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الغريبة الغريبة الغريبة الغريبة......... أجنبي

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Originally Posted by TransTech View Post
yep that one is kfqurancomplex font... btw did you know something about the me-quran font ... its very similar to quran complex font and also free.. i dont know much about its licence but its free...

I prefered the center look as it looked good i.e equal icons on both sides and numbering on center... btw i dont have any problem with it..

i thoughed every user thinks like t for translation and r for recitation so i made those icons, btw before i wondered what would an icon for translation and recitation look like, in symbols...

i also thought same with the magnify icon, and i'm remaking it...

i noticed some bugs with the latest version...
1. full screen button toggles opposite.. i.e its downward while in window and upward in fullscreen...
2. while translations are enabled.. they disappears when moved to next surah or navigated to other surah through index..
3. translation font must be smaller than the arabic text.. and should relatively increase or decrease. the present one looks bigger than the arabic text.. (like english translations).

is there english tafsir available in the present version?.. if not will you implement in future?
me_quran has worse restrictions. You are not allowed to distribute it with an application without getting permission from the author.

I have that permission and I was using me_quran but it was rendering some words incorrectly (Remember ? ).

Since you don't have a problem, I'll keep the icon in its place but will try to find a way to center it. I hope that's fine.

There's aare multiple English translations. Check them out

Now for bugs:
1) It seems fine here. I'll install the package from the repository and check.
2) Sorry for that bug. I'm trying to upload a fixed version but the auto builder is barfing on it for no obvious reasons. I'll keep trying.
3) I'll make the font size for translations configurable. You want it to be smaller while I have other requests to make it bigger

EDIT: The autobuilder worked finally. The latest should hit extras devel soon.

Last edited by MSameer; 2011-08-30 at 23:17.
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Originally Posted by alfonso bastos2 View Post
الغريبة الغريبة الغريبة الغريبة......... أجنبي

انت كويس ؟ عندك مشكله ؟


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