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Angband is a free, single-player dungeon exploration game where you take the role of an adventurer, exploring a deep dungeon, fighting monsters, and acquiring the best weaponry you can, in preparation for a final battle with Morgoth, the Lord of Darkness.

This is version: 3.3.0 (released on July 31, 2011).

I know lot of people from Maemo community (since 770) have worked with Angband, and modifications have been merged to the upstream (e.g dawnmist, Ukki )

There were only few things to 'fix' on current version.
E.g. missing ESCape can't be handled with config-files but needs modifications on sources.

Everything is saved to the ~/.angband/Angband/ (this is convention by upstream)
There are config files which can be used to change tileset (which can be changed from game options as well).

If you want start ascii game (curses) use commandline:
/opt/angband/games/angband -mgcu
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Missing dependencies on my end.


Should I hunt these all down or are they just for Fremantle?


Last edited by Addison; 2011-09-09 at 22:11.
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Originally Posted by Addison View Post
Should I hunt these all down or are they just for Fremantle?
Hi Addison, I pushed Angband to the Diablo's extras-devel.

If you have extras-devel enabled it should install all used libraries as well.

It's compile-log looks almost same than Fremantle's, so it might even work =)

(Kind of hazard making package without device nor toolchain)

For remarks:
Diablo has older SDL, which caused one modification:
*Can't use VideoInfo->current_w (and current_h), so just trust it is 800x480.
And because of older compiler
* no support for flag "-Wno-missing-field-initializers"

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I'll definitely give this a try tomorrow and post back.

Thank you so much for the Diablo build.
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Such joy!

All I need now is to bind some of my hardware keys for short cuts and I'll be able to rock this out.

Thank you AapoRantalainen!
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Hiya Aapo.

I'm just wondering, because you were able to package this together with the required Diablo dependencies, are there any of your other stuff that I can now go back to and try those as well?

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I would assume each will need recompilation for Diablo (as the glibc error from previous tries would suggest). But as this was a success this should be doable in most cases (if the code is not gcc 3.4 compatible, might be trickier to get it running, also some libs might be not available for Diablo)

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I thought perhaps since this build pulled in libncurses5, libsdl-image1.2, libsdl-mixer1.2, etc., that I could go back through some of the other different rogue releases if my dependencies were now all up to date.
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Worth a try, though sadly I doubt it will work. Fremantle builds use newer compiler and will most likely cry libstdc++ incompatibility.

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I really need to learn how to compile then.

My wish list is ASCII versions of Nethack (patched with colored menus, colored hit points, and colored dungeons), T.O.M.E, Doomrl, and ooh, that Diablo rogue looks pretty sweet as well.

I always wanted an awesome collection such as this.

Sucks that I'm a computer idiot.

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