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Originally Posted by coldwayz View Post
I also tried sticking it into Windows 7 to flash it, and it didn't work. (came up with "device disconnected" after I plugged it in while holding u)

This is what I did:
Install the flasher:

Download the kernel into the program files/maemo/flasher 3.5 (or whatever files is there:

Then, plug in your device. if you get my error during driver installation, get this, and install it, and plug in the device before running it. it will create an alternate driver for windows to use:

once you've done that, open the flasher, and run the following command (replace the bit in bold with your version of the maemo):
flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin --flash-only=kernel -f -R

that's it! you should be able to go in to maemo after pressing 0!

hope that helps people.
thank u sooooo much for ur post. i got the same s*** problem and man i almost peed my pants hahahahahha
Posts: 64 | Thanked: 79 times | Joined on Mar 2011
Originally Posted by haroon23 View Post
thank u sooooo much for ur post. i got the same s*** problem and man i almost peed my pants hahahahahha
Flashing your phone for the first time is always nostalgic.

There was a time when my first nitdroid flash failed and i was like OH SH*T.

then i went on to flash my N900. then again i went on to flash my emmc once cause my N900 felt slow.

Dont worry brother. U'll get used to it..
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However, to all guys with balls out there,
I released a new ready-to-install NITDroid-Installer.deb, revised and update and verified to make everything work, multiboot, kernel-power... and of course NITDroid.
Feel free to test it.

Last edited by ammyt; 2011-09-12 at 11:29.
toxicated's Avatar
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Aug 2011 @ INDIA
installed using the directions @
i tried installing nitdroid evrything went fine untill i rebooted the device and pressed 2 and the it gives me an error saying :

root filesystem mmcblk0p2 not available
Guru Meditation #00000025.62017712

any suggestions on wht mite hav gone wrong or how can i get this to work??

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