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Originally Posted by sirpaul View Post
GOT IT! (well for me^^)

first i reflashed and set up my phone from the beginning (only restore of contacts/communication, nothing else). i installed my usual stuff (i.e. cssu (testing), kp v49, maxcpu- but not speedpatch or anything "patchy").
it lagged again, so i thought about kp v49 being the cause and bricked my device (don't say anything )

then i started like i did above again with a complete clean device and there was this lag again when unlocking the phone (i.e. 5secs to start phone from desktop).
things i did install this time:
- cssu (testing)
- kp v42 (from extras repo)
- maxcpu
- conky
again that lag.

uninstalled kp and maxcpu, reboot - no lag.

then i installed kp v49, reboot - no lag.

maxcpu installed: there you go again - lag! (of course rebooted) and completely without even touching the widget!

uninstallation and reboot: no lag at all.

so for me, maxcpu caused the lags.

btw: is there any other solution to overclock the device in an user-friendly way (=via gui)?
Hello! I reflashed my phone bacause of the same reason you did,for me the easiest way to overclock has always been Danny69:s MaeModder very simple to use!

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Again i post my thread.

Still i agree n900 is pretty slow and jams often. With keeping the phone as clean as i can it works pretty good. But still it could always be faster... And lack of core apps is bad too but we can manage.
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Originally Posted by woody14619 View Post
Is it just me, or does anyone else see a pattern here?

The biggest single reason I've seen on this forum for people having a crappy phone: They install crap without understanding what it is, what it does, or how it works. For the love of all things holy, if you don't understand what something is, or how it works, don't install it until you do! That includes "speed patches", applications, drivers, kernels, and even the beloved CSSU. If you can't read a wiki / thread for something and understand how it works, how to configure it, and what it's designed to do, you get what you deserve if you install it. Doubly so if it's from extras-devel or a random zip/deb file. Would you take a drug from a random person because they say it will make you feel better or run faster, with no indication of what it is, how it works, or if it's safe? Why would you do that to your N900?

I can tell you I've not missed a single call since PR 1.0, which had some problems with that without any mods at all. Since PR 1.1 it's been rock solid at answering calls. I can also tell you I have a crap-ton of stuff installed, including K49, h.e.n., CSSU, boat loads of apps, and with mild exceptions very few things have caused issues. (And most of those are things I hesitated installing, and didn't follow my own advice on. )

Some of the key things I advise people to do to "fix" problems like what you're having above (besides not installing crap) are as follows:

Orientation swap (portrait mode) - Solution: Just don't. Nothing was designed to run in portrait mode, not one blessed thing. It only works because of hacks and patches. Transitioning between the two can take forever, even with the cute "flip" animation turned off. I run CSSU locked in landscape mode, and it's just rock solid. This device was made and sold as a landscape device. If you wanted a portrait phone you made a poor purchasing decision, which the slide out keyboard should have clued you into pre-purchase.

Conversations Inbox Widget - Can occasionally cause the desktop to lock, crash, or run at 100%. It seems to always happen when an SMS is received, but causes the message to not show an indicator/beep. On killing hildon-desktop, or rebooting, the message comes through as it restarts, before widget show up. When I was running it, I found it's propensity to cause a lockup grew with the size of the database. (The same db file also houses e-mail, SMS, call logs, etc.) If you want to keep old messages, do so with glogarchive or via the OVI/PC suite. Since disabling this widget I've had 0 desktop freezes. Solution: Disable the widget, or at least clean up/remove old SMS & compact the database on occasion.

Swapspace fragmentation - Over time the N900 slows because the swap space becomes somewhat fragmented. This is a kernel issue and is common on pretty much all linux systems. It presents itself faster on the N900 because of the amount of swapping done in heavy usage. Solution: Every couple days turn off the main swap space, then turn it back on. If you have lots loaded (esp CSSU) you may need to setup a small swap space in a loopback device, or on the SD card and enable it for the excess to "spill" into when you turn swap off. That clears out all the old clutter and swaps back out only stuff it needs too. Or, just reboot on occasion.

And if you've already installed a crap-patch, without knowing what it's done, don't assume an uninstall will fix it. Lots of the patches change kernel values and tweak settings files when they run, which they don't undo when uninstalled. If you have a crappy system because you once installed crap, the simplest way to fix it is to do a backup, re-flash, and recover said backup. (Packages/contacts only!) The harder way is to figure out exactly what was done and undo it... but if you knew how to do that, you probably wouldn't have installed such a thing to start with.

And in case there's any doubt that an N900 can run stably for a long time, I submit this Conky screen shot, just taken a bit ago with my N900. Note the uptime.
Well said. 14 days! sweet moves bro! To add to your list of gay **** not to be installed:

1. Battery eye/battery graph
While it can be useful for diagnosis, when you are happy with everything uninstall it. It causes unnecessary wake-ups hitting battery life.

2. Callnotify
This one is not even that great and causes a bug in which you will not be informed of a new sms if you have the conversation already open. Oh, and it causes OVER 13 WAKE-UPS per SECOND! Further sapping battery life.

3. All of your widgets.
Yup, you heard. Widgets suck.

4. The network name plugin.
This is only for the hardcore, remove the status-bar plugin that tells you what network you are on. I live in the UK. Roaming is meaningless here. I don't care who's network is providing me my signal. This stops hildon home(or desktop or somthing) sapping so much CPU and therefore POWER.

5. 'dbus scripts'
While a wonderful concept that allows for almost infinite possibility, this one is an absolute hog. It almost halfs my C4 sleep time.

Don't even get me started on maemodder/optimisers/blah/blah/blah
N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
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Due to my N900 having become at times unusably slow (similar problems to those listed on here - missing calls because the screen becomes unresponsive until after the phone's stopped ringing, etc), I've just done a reflash, and have not reinstalled any applications - will gradually do so until the problems reappear, and post here if I find the culprit.

One question - is there still a benefit to clearing out old SMS messages, even if I am not using the conversations inbox widget?
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Originally Posted by col37400 View Post
Due to my N900 having become at times unusably slow (similar problems to those listed on here - missing calls because the screen becomes unresponsive until after the phone's stopped ringing, etc), I've just done a reflash, and have not reinstalled any applications - will gradually do so until the problems reappear, and post here if I find the culprit.

One question - is there still a benefit to clearing out old SMS messages, even if I am not using the conversations inbox widget?
Have you been using some patches or maxcpu? they might've been the source of your problems
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Originally Posted by marmistrz View Post
Have you been using some patches or maxcpu? they might've been the source of your problems
Nope, have been using neither of those.
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I've been using my n900 for a week or so now since reflashing. I have re-installed exactly zero applications (except from the stock ones that install automatically).

It's still pretty slow at times though. Can still take quite some time after the phone starting to ring, until the screen becomes responsive to me pressing the green answer call button. This seems to happen if I'm in the middle of using the web browser when it rings.

Maybe the processor is just dying a slow death or something?
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Swap fragmentation. It's what kills the performance. It's normal. Reboot solves. You can also use swap on microSD
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Originally Posted by col37400 View Post
One question - is there still a benefit to clearing out old SMS messages, even if I am not using the conversations inbox widget?
You can try
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Posts: 169 | Thanked: 83 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by marmistrz View Post
Swap fragmentation. It's what kills the performance. It's normal. Reboot solves.
It shouldn't happen within a few days of the last reboot, surely. I don't remember it being like this when i first had it.

you're a mess

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