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Note - Have discovered that this is best described as a PAN (Personal Area Network) for n810 using Wifi...

Hopefully this is on topic

I wondered if anyone knew of how to use the n810 as a mobile web serve r- i.e. so it appears to act as a Wifi access point, but the provides http access purely to it's own files and python (or whatever) applications.

This would not be using the n810 to access the internet - but to access (effectively) a Wifi application server that runs - basically - anywhere.

I know for example that Joikuspot offered something similar for my Nokia e90 - now retired - so that you could access the internet through the e90 acting as an access point. But I would be looking for the n810 to only serve it's own files/apps.

This would allow web applications to be used where there is no internet available - e.g. train, up a mountain, in church halls, etc.

Best wishes and thank you in advance
Andy Stratton

Last edited by ssstratton; 2012-02-02 at 12:40.
fpp's Avatar
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You may want to take a look at the first series of posts in my blog, in my sig below. This is one way, there are plenty more...
maemo blog
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Originally Posted by fpp View Post
You may want to take a look at the first series of posts in my blog, in my sig below. This is one way, there are plenty more...
Hi fpp

I had already seen your interesting experiment, but I don't think it fits what I'm looking for. I believe you are using a separate Wifi access point for the PC and n810 to communicate over.

What I'm looking for is something similar to the Seagate GoFlex Satellite - which is a hard drive that you access it by it's own, internal, Wifi access point. This allows ios users to power one up and stream data from it to their iphone/ipod/ipad without any available internet connectivity.

I would like to be able to use my n810 as a portable Wifi access point to it's own sd card based files (through http) and also to invoke application code (likely using python).

This would allow me to have a 'Mobile Wifi Application Server'.

Best wishes
Posts: 875 | Thanked: 918 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Originally Posted by ssstratton View Post
I would like to be able to use my n810 as a portable Wifi access point to it's own sd card based files (through http) and also to invoke application code (likely using python).
Would you be accessing the webapps only from your n810 or also from another device and want the n810 to act as a web server?

You can Google for "maemo web server" to find software to serve webapps from the n810. That would allow you to use them from your n810, not sure if you can turn the n810 into a WAP for other devices to access.
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Hi au
Webapps locally served from n810 is not a problem - I have done that before. I have also no concerns about using n810 as a web server over the internet. Just running a python based http server on the n810 works fine accessed (e.g. by a PC) over the internet.

The tricky bit is getting the n810 to act as an access point (like -say Joikuspot or Windows internet sharing), effectively intercepting internet access and serving it's own local data/apps. I don't care if I have to give the actual n810 IP address for this to work.

The idea is to allow app serving where there is no internet access - i.e. the n180 appears to be a Wifi internet connection, which PCs/whatever can access and then see the n810 app output.

An example usage would be where I teach a class, and each student could access my personal web server running on the n810 - without internet access being available.

So - instead of them having to enter an IP address (which could change - and also may not be available), they could access a Wifi Access Point, which is actually my n810.

I also gather that the n810 has to run in Wifi Master mode, but do not know whether the drivers will work, or how to configure them to do so.

Best wishes

Originally Posted by auouymous View Post
Would you be accessing the webapps only from your n810 or also from another device and want the n810 to act as a web server?

>>So - the latter - but without an internet connection...

You can Google for "maemo web server" to find software to serve webapps from the n810. That would allow you to use them from your n810, not sure if you can turn the n810 into a WAP for other devices to access.

Last edited by ssstratton; 2012-02-04 at 23:59. Reason: Clarification
Posts: 875 | Thanked: 918 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Originally Posted by ssstratton View Post
The tricky bit is getting the n810 to act as an access point (like -say Joikuspot or Windows internet sharing)
Okay, so your only question is if the n8x0 can act as a WAP and run a DHCP server. I don't know if the WAP part is possible, might be easier to buy a portable WAP and connect the PCs and n810 to it.

For n900 but its something to start with:
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Feb 2009 @ Sheffield
Well - I have managed to answer my own question

I found a link to PirateBox for n810. This allows the n810 to act as an access point and a web server (with lighttpd).

The instructions are at

A couple of notes may help you get it working
1. I needed to 'sudo gainroot' to run lighttpd.
2. I changed the IP addresses from to and the min-max to I'm not sure if I had to do this, but it didn't seem to work otherwise.

Once you have followed the instructions, running /sbin/ifconfig on the n810 should show an IP address of

Then, you have to disconnect your PC (or whatever - my HTC Desire Z works happily as well) from the standard Access Point to use your new (unsecured) access point.

Check the IP address - it will be of the form, where xxx was 214 for me.

So the PC is now accessing the n810 as a personal area network. If you have lighttpd setup properly, now you can access web pages from your n810 at

Hope this helps

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