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Allow me to introduce Pierogi, a universal infrared remote control app for the N900. I've been frustrated with the existing IR options, and since I've been wanting to try my hand at writing an app, I decided to go ahead and write my own.

The main features of this app are:
  • A self-contained database of IR codes for a variety of popular devices, based mainly on the LIRC remote control database
  • Independence from the LIRC server -- no need to keep the server running (or even installed) to use Pierogi, unlike other remote control software
  • An intuitive, easy-to-use interface (at least in my opinion)
  • The ability to remember your favorite remote control keysets

Here's a screenshot of the main tab:

More information can be found on the Pierogi website and in the Pierogi Wiki Page.

Pierogi version 1.0.0 is now available in the Extras repository! However, this is still a very young project, and not everything in it will work perfectly. Should you find any bugs, please file a bug report or post a note here.

Also, please note that Pierogi's keyset database, while growing, is still "incomplet and inkorrekt"; some buttons may not yet be supported correctly (or I may have them mapped wrong), and many brands don't yet have their keysets entered at all.

One more request: if it isn't too much of a bother, I would love to know which specific devices actually do work with Pierogi. The LIRC config files don't concern themselves with anything but remote control codes, so I don't myself know what models of device work with what keysets. Sixwheeledbeast has also created a wiki page to list working devices:

Please go ahead and edit the wiki to add your device to the list.

Update 8/March/2012: Also, if you would like to see Pierogi add support for a particular device, please place it on the Request List!

Update 25/May/2013: Pierogi now has a Github account. Just go to to view or download this app's source code.

Update 17/Apr/2014: Pierogi now has a new website associated with the forementioned Github account:

Update 10/Feb/2015: Finally, version Pierogi version 1.1 has been promoted up to Extras-Testing. If you feel it is ready for the Extras repository, please test it out and vote it up! (And if not, please tell me why! )

Last edited by Copernicus; 2015-02-11 at 01:02. Reason: New version now in extras-testing

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Posts: 268 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Jan 2011
Hello, thank you for your great program. It works great on my samsung tv

Please can you add keysets for philco and admiral tvs?

Last edited by Brian_7; 2012-02-10 at 20:00.
Copernicus's Avatar
Posts: 1,986 | Thanked: 7,698 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ Dayton, Ohio
Originally Posted by Brian_7 View Post
Hello, thank you for you great program. Ir works great on my samsung tv

Please can you add keysets for philco and admiral tvs?
Great! And yes, let me put Philco and Admiral on the top of my list.

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Copernicus For This Useful Post:
fw190's Avatar
Posts: 584 | Thanked: 700 times | Joined on Jan 2010
thanks for this app. There are many TV sets in it but I have a Daewoo tv. Is there any chance for support of so crappy tv in the future?
per ardua ad astra
Posts: 371 | Thanked: 252 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Found this via My-maemo a few weeks ago. Works great! Thanks Copernicus.
Posts: 81 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Jul 2011 @ Romania
i used your program for a wile. congratulations.
on my samsung seems to work nice.
also, the buttons arrangement is great.
Copernicus's Avatar
Posts: 1,986 | Thanked: 7,698 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ Dayton, Ohio
Originally Posted by fw190 View Post
thanks for this app. There are many TV sets in it but I have a Daewoo tv. Is there any chance for support of so crappy tv in the future?
The chances look good: the LIRC database appears to contain more than twenty Daewoo remotes. I'll give it a shot and see what I can come up with.

Sadly, I've only found one Philco and one Admiral remote so far. I'll add them to Pierogi, and see if I can find other keyset data elsewhere for those brands...

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Copernicus For This Useful Post:
Posts: 371 | Thanked: 252 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Well, since you're taking requests, is there a chance to get Grundig and Blaupunkt working as well?
Posts: 168 | Thanked: 56 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Sweden
I've tried this for a couple of weeks and it works quite well with
the tv's i've tested it on.
I think it would be great if Mute was in the mainscreen.
But that's just my opinion


Panasonic TV TX-32LED7F, remote EUR7651110

Last edited by datjomp; 2012-02-10 at 20:32.
Posts: 2,076 | Thanked: 3,268 times | Joined on Feb 2011
Would this work with laptop remotes?
Reason: and the aiming part suggests IR, not BT, so design students with a bit awkward taste for phones might have a jolly good time

infrared, pasta, remote, remote control

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