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Originally Posted by jleholeho View Post
but I guess once it gets PR1.2 and then 1.3 updates, it will change to some very sexy, finally a very usable and really appraised thing...

Lets just say that PR1.2 beta isn't a heaven on earth (though it fixes many annoying things) and PR1.3 probably is not any bigger update either, you must be talking about PR2.0 or later with that latter part....

e: and I agree with the title, it is shame that nokia couldn't get their act together with maemo/meego soon enough (read: they should have put the effort spent to N9 already to maemo since 2008 and they could have come up with diamonds instead of lacking platform compared to others)
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Last edited by ossipena; 2012-02-16 at 07:32.
Posts: 314 | Thanked: 107 times | Joined on Feb 2012 @ Bratislava, Slovakia
Originally Posted by ossipena View Post

Lets just say that PR1.2 beta isn't a heaven on earth (though it fixes many annoying things) and PR1.3 probably is not any bigger update either, you must be talking about PR2.0 or later with that latter part....

e: and I agree with the title, it is shame that nokia couldn't get their act together with maemo/meego soon enough (read: they should have put the effort spent to N9 already to maemo since 2008 and they could have come up with diamonds instead of lacking platform compared to others)
I had no chance to try 1.2 beta, I´m judging solely from observations of users who did...
I hope you´re right about additional bigger updates

Last edited by jleholeho; 2012-02-16 at 09:00.
Aranel's Avatar
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I'm not going to get in a MeeGo vs. Android debate, since it would be a waste of time for everyone, but I have to say that I hardly see your point to say Elop was partially correct.

Your whole text just clarifies that Android is superior to MeeGo (at least you think so), but Elop didn't move to Android, did he? He moved from "unfinished" [sic] MeeGo to much more crippled Windows Phone, which has it's own share of issues and shortcomings, and closed source, "the Microsoft way" and much less quality OS as an added bonus. People bought Lumia's just because they thought their OS would be future-proof (hint: there's no such thing as future-proof.) and now it's also turning to a "burning platform". What's the point?
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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
e: and I agree with the title, it is shame that nokia couldn't get their act together with maemo/meego soon enough (read: they should have put the effort spent to N9 already to maemo since 2008 and they could have come up with diamonds instead of lacking platform compared to others)
Try 2006/7 for the Maemophone launch date. WiFi was becoming widespread, and in the Western world, 3G was commonplace already.

Saying that Nokia dropped the ball on the Maemo experiment is a huge, massive understatement.
The one non-geek think I love about the N900 aside from the multitasking is the concept that the whole system is made by its parts. Everything just comes together so nicely, and it's hard to describe how (notifications and the concept and implementation of "contact cards" being the best examples)

Too bad Nokia never gave Maemo the raw hardware horsepower to do amazing stuff. The OMAP3630 in the N9 pales in comparison to the OMAP4430 MP found in modern Android phones. The 256MB RAM and tiny rootfs also were some very annoying limitations (the first causing reboots when there was not enough RAM for quite some time and Maemo is in swap hell and the second overcome by mount -o bind)
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Originally Posted by Hurrian View Post
Try 2006/7 for the Maemophone launch date. WiFi was becoming widespread, and in the Western world, 3G was commonplace already.

Saying that Nokia dropped the ball on the Maemo experiment is a huge, massive understatement.
The one non-geek think I love about the N900 aside from the multitasking is the concept that the whole system is made by its parts. Everything just comes together so nicely, and it's hard to describe how (notifications and the concept and implementation of "contact cards" being the best examples)

Too bad Nokia never gave Maemo the raw hardware horsepower to do amazing stuff. The OMAP3630 in the N9 pales in comparison to the OMAP4430 MP found in modern Android phones. The 256MB RAM and tiny rootfs also were some very annoying limitations (the first causing reboots when there was not enough RAM for quite some time and Maemo is in swap hell and the second overcome by mount -o bind)
rootfs is indeed limited, but what swaphell are you talking about? Compiling DCSS on device takes all 768mb available and does indeed reboot device if you use swappolube etc, but on default settings finishes successfully after 6-8 hours. More often than not it's the magical patches that bork something, default settings seem uberstable and workable. You can resize swap partition if you like btw
ossipena's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Aranel View Post
I'm not going to get in a MeeGo vs. Android debate, since it would be a waste of time for everyone, but I have to say that I hardly see your point to say Elop was partially correct.

Your whole text just clarifies that Android is superior to MeeGo (at least you think so), but Elop didn't move to Android, did he? He moved from "unfinished" [sic] MeeGo to much more crippled Windows Phone, which has it's own share of issues and shortcomings, and closed source, "the Microsoft way" and much less quality OS as an added bonus. People bought Lumia's just because they thought their OS would be future-proof (hint: there's no such thing as future-proof.) and now it's also turning to a "burning platform". What's the point?

you mean android just like in sgs1?
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I also cannot fault Elop too much, he did captain when the ship was burning.

But it doesn't mean he couldn't smoulder the fires and ship towards promising waters of MeeGo. If Nokia were to succeed with MeeGo, then Elop had to release the N9 (without Aegis, and PR1.2) in October 2010.

Elop would've also needed to release MeeGo in other form-factors by December 2010. I think at minimum he needed a high-end one (4.5+inch slab), a cheap one (small 3.4inch unit?) and a 4in qwerty-tilter for the rest.

Catching the 2010 holiday period would've meant the Nokia handsets are what consumers would've gone as direct alternative to the iPhone 4 instead of the SGS, it would've slowed the adoption of Samsung and it would've steal the spotlight from Windows Phone.

By the end of 2011, there would've been more Apps for it than we see for Windows Phone, RIM, WebOS and Bada...combined! Which would only mean more developer and consumer interest, and increased market share.

In 2012 Nokia would begin its two-punch with MeeGo 1.5 and Symbian Belle...and perhaps an iPad alternative that's PlayBook-esque before W8A tablets.

(W-8-A = waiter, lol)

Last edited by Kangal; 2012-02-19 at 03:11.
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What Elop did wrong was to burn his bridges when he was still crossing them. Or to use his analogy, he set fire to the platform but did not ensure there were enough lifeboats to go around.
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Originally Posted by kureyon View Post
What Elop did wrong was to burn his bridges when he was still crossing them. Or to use his analogy, he set fire to the platform but did not ensure there were enough lifeboats to go around.
to pursue your analogy...
the platform(s, i.e. Symbian and MeeGo) are still standing even though smoldering, but the "life boat" looks more like a rotten trunk in the Amazon then anything else (hint: don't tap it too hard, it might wake up alas only to eat you up ¦-)
(which would be a way of solving your problem, wouldn't it? maybe the intended purpose?)

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