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just curious...

i want to sacrifice my old htc kaiser tomorrow at a microsoft store to get a windows phone for free but there's the greedy part of me where i want to use my n900 to win the $1000 worth pc as it's already expected that the old winmo os 6 will definitely lose due to it's sluggishness...

you think our lovable n900 / n9 will win?


although i don't have an n9 yet, i just wanna know if it can beat a windows phone...
jflatt's Avatar
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Start up a wifi hotspot?
There are some websites that IE can't handle and just show up empty, I wonder if that would qualify as a loss
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I believe the N9 will win the challenge. With the lock code off, connected to a fast internet connection, and sharing options set up, there's no way it would lose.
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Originally Posted by coopere View Post
I believe the N9 will win the challenge. With the lock code off, connected to a fast internet connection, and sharing options set up, there's no way it would lose.
I challenged my friend who has Lumia 800:

With N9, just navigate to camera-software, take a picture, press Gallery button (on the right corner of stock camera-software), choose share and then Facebook. So simple and so much faster than Windows Phone.

It's sad that "smoked by windows phone" -challenge isn't here at Finland. I would love to go smoke some windows phones

Edit: our "challenge" was to take a picture and share it to Facebook.
Edit2: good challenge would be changing between running apps. Both N9 and N900 would totally own Windows Phone.

Last edited by tl_xx3k; 2012-04-01 at 08:32.
Kangal's Avatar
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No cannot challenge a Windows Phone.
A Windows Phone challenges you.

Meaning, they make the rules and choose the prize. But they get no compensation if they win (besides bragging rights and maybe a sale). Besides they try to nulify any advantage you may already have by getting you to connect to the same (slow ?) wifi internet connection and make you restart your phone. Yet they gain an advantage with a phone that's prepared for the specific challenge.

Challenges so far include:
-Change your Status on multiple social networks (Facebook and Twitter)
-See the weather for two different cities
-Take a photo and upload it to a social network (Facebook)
-Take a photo and send it as MMS (they only choose this for competitors with slow cameras)
-Search for the name of a song (eg Shazam)
-There's a lot more which are actually biased towards WP7's built-in features (like Bing search)

They are mostly targeting iPhones because the owners don't have widgets or the necessary Apps.
Also targeting people with old phones (WM6, Palm), featurephones (Symbian) as well as BlackBerry.
They usually smoke Android too, but against people with the prior-setup. They've been shown time and time again that Android smokes WP7.5 in all the challenges if the user actually sets the task up.

If Android can do it, I don't see how the N900 cannot. Then again N900 lacks many features from Android like Shazam support and the plethora of 3rd party Apps. Good Luck !
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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I'm flattered

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ibrakalifa's Avatar
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lol yes, lol again, android with proper setting will smoke them
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lol the smoked campaign finished 31st march
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Originally Posted by herpderp View Post
lol the smoked campaign finished 31st march
it's extended till april 5th...

made a wrong move to go on a weekend. line is too long so i just walked away. i might try to go again if i can squeeze a morning weekday just to get a damn phone or a pc....

Last edited by cloudstrife1ph; 2012-04-01 at 23:59.
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Originally Posted by cloudstrife1ph View Post
it's extended till april 5th...

made a wrong move to go on a weekend. line is too long so i just walked away. i might try to go again if i can squeeze a morning weekday just to get a damn phone or a pc....
If you plan to go then prepare your phone for the challenges in advance.

For the facebook picture upload challenge the trick is to make sure to set your camera settings to the lowest possible resolution and depth. WP7 badly cheats in this challenge, it uploads a very low resolution version of the image (makes a 1.5MB picture into a low quality 125K pic) and the store wifi that they get you to connect to for this challenge is limited to ~400kb/s which places any phone capable of uploading high res pics at a clear disadvantage.

Last edited by Cue; 2012-04-02 at 00:23.
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If you win, they want your phone in exchange for a new one.

Not sure who wins in that deal...

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