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Originally Posted by Muzimak View Post
This quick voice reader? Where can I find it? Doesn't seem to be in the store.
He's talking about
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Originally Posted by somedude View Post
Why do I have a feeling that this whole this is only going to show fruits to Windows division of Nokia
There is a lot of people at Nokia being paid for bringing more apps to Windows Phone but I'm not one of them. I'm being paid (among other things) for bringing apps to Qt and my main motivation when asking here is to have more apps for the N9 at the Nokia Store.

If this also helps bringing more apps to other Nokia platforms then great. All the better for developers and users.

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Originally Posted by qgil View Post
There is a lot of people at Nokia being paid for bringing more apps to Windows Phone but I'm not one of them. I'm being paid (among other things) for bringing apps to Qt and my main motivation when asking here is to have more apps for the N9 at the Nokia Store.

If this also helps bringing more apps to other Nokia platforms then great. All the better for developers and users.
Windows Phone doesn't seem to be in your scope. From what I remember from the Meego Conference you are still very much QT oriented and you were big on phone gap. I don't see your actions as anything but trying to help the N9 become and flourish into what it can become.
Arie||Nokia N9 64GB x2|Nokia N950


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Originally Posted by qgil View Post
There is a lot of people at Nokia being paid for bringing more apps to Windows Phone but I'm not one of them. I'm being paid (among other things) for bringing apps to Qt and my main motivation when asking here is to have more apps for the N9 at the Nokia Store.

If this also helps bringing more apps to other Nokia platforms then great. All the better for developers and users.
qgil, what's your take on the Whatsapp matter? Cuz even if they sold it to us we'd still buy it, from your proffessional point of view, what's the fuss? What do they got to lose?
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I can't speculate about 3rd party projects. My goal is to have all the info in this thread well organized in that wiki page and then go to the guys at Nokia that are talking to these companies. As customers you could also contact them, showing them the URLs expressing the interest.

If any of these developers have already a contact with Nokia, then this effort might help getting the discussions into results. If not, then maybe that is a signal for them to contact us.

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Btw, i remember shazam was showed off on Qt on N900 way back Maemo5 times, and there was a lot of talking and how it is easy to port and so on. and than was meego and introduced and same story here, only talks. I wonder, when talking would stop and doing would come... (shazam is just an example, i'm talking about those millions apps i hear everytime but never see them, while google talk less but do more)
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Originally Posted by jsun View Post
* [ Password Safe] - Password safe application using the file format of the open source password manager with the same name []
** There is no password management application for N9 using the same encrypted password file format as any popular open source desktop password manager application like Password safe, Keepass or KeepassX. It would be much easier to keep passwords synchronized between desktop and phone, if both could use the same encrypted password database file.
Seconded but also if commercial pressure can be exerted, a LastPass client with browser integration would be cool too. I use that on macs, iPad and Ubuntu and it syncs flawlessly across them. It's the only solution I've found that works.
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Originally Posted by qgil View Post
Hi, are you missing an app in your Nokia N9? Or a functionality that an installable app could cover?
* Newsreader
** A NNTP (thats *Newsgroups*, not RSS!) reader
** The Internet basically is http: mail: and nntp: We're missing out on 1/3 of it.
** Have you tried reading/posting news in a browser? On a mobile? PITA!
** Generic nntp: access is what i'm after. If it allows posting i'll vote the author for pope

Addidional info:
- micronews-0.0.1.all.deb is some (Python?) reader for the n900 that is about 80% there but not optimised for mobile use.
- similarly claws mail does it but due to some ui-goof cannot be used (ironic, isn't it?).
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Originally Posted by Fuzzillogic View Post
  1. Support from Nokia. I would pay for functional OS upgrades after a year. And indeed, giving updates to WP and Symbian software, but not for us MeeGo-users is a kick in the nuts.
  2. +1 for VPN
  3. VPN
  4. VPN. Really. There are free, but very unencrypted and therefor fully untrusted wifi hotspots all over. Without VPN I will not ever connect to those. And neither should you.
  5. +1 for UPnP client. Phako is working on that though, but this should have been available at launch.
  6. ODF editing capabilities. But I applaud the ODF viewer already present, even if slightly buggy.
I totally agree with this.
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Hello ,
Do you think we should focus more on universal apps , not too specific ?
We should definitely vote.

*Skype video call - (Cross-platform )
** The most popural Video chat service.

And for me personally

* Song tracking/recognition app - ,
** N9 is missing such app that could work both with the radio or mic recordings.

* Recorder.
** SImple app that can record not only the mic but the conversations.

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