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guillermorojaz's Avatar
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Greetings .
Appreciate it if I did the instructions in Spanish. (LATIN AMERICA ).
Thank you.

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Originally Posted by Arie View Post
How did you get rid of the camera icon?
In tweak J, remove/restore not neccessary icons: facebook, user guide, camera, twitter, ovi music, search, calculator, track and prot. I removed all of them before. Now I want to use the camera on the phone so I'd like to restore it. Can you help me with that. Thank you. By the way, I have 5.5 version.
Posts: 24 | Thanked: 31 times | Joined on Apr 2012
Can you, or will you please add a tweak to change the background color of the messaging application from white to black? and keep the default blue/white bubbles for now, until you can also change the color of the bubble that holds the text?
Posts: 109 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Apr 2012
can we install on top of an already installed version (5.5 in my case)
Posts: 494 | Thanked: 111 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Finland

I can't change those background images. Just red bg after boot.. And full lockscreen image, can't manage that too.. Files are in right places but doesn't work..
Posts: 149 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ Slovenia, Ljubljana
Would it be possible to add in app mobile counter reseter to every month?
we have mobile counter wich doesn't reset itself after a month of last reset.
Problem becomes because most of us have contract for calls and internet...So we pay by monthly usage and I never now how much I used my data, before I must pay aditional fees...
Schturman's Avatar
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Originally Posted by phamgia View Post
In tweak J, remove/restore not neccessary icons: facebook, user guide, camera, twitter, ovi music, search, calculator, track and prot. I removed all of them before. Now I want to use the camera on the phone so I'd like to restore it. Can you help me with that. Thank you. By the way, I have 5.5 version.
From the first post:
  • Run “Create Backup !!!” (tweak K) on your first use of this app, you need to do this only once ! When you will update to new version, you DON’T need to do this again.. You also don’t need to run “Restore” before updating !
    To update to new version, just install new .deb file (double click).
And this:
For those who forgotten to create backup, here is my clean backup with restore file for PR1.2.
Just extract from zip file to your phone: /home/user/MyDocs

Originally Posted by johnb543 View Post
Can you, or will you please add a tweak to change the background color of the messaging application from white to black? and keep the default blue/white bubbles for now, until you can also change the color of the bubble that holds the text?
Do you know which file we need to change ? Because I don't know, and now I don't have time to learn and search this...

Originally Posted by sid21177 View Post
can we install on top of an already installed version (5.5 in my case)
From the first post:
When you will update to new version, you DON’T need to do this again.. You also don’t need to run “Restore” before updating !
To update to new version, just install new .deb file (double click).
Originally Posted by Timpaxi View Post
I can't change those background images. Just red bg after boot.. And full lockscreen image, can't manage that too.. Files are in right places but doesn't work..
From the PDF file about Tweak C:
Activate Fullscreen image for Lockscreen – it’s activate a big-fullscreen image for Lockscreen Landscape MOD, but before you apply this, you need to do something... Read this (thanks to jflatt).
1. Create 1 or 5 pictures named “mywall” with an 854x854 px dimension and with .png extension (mywall1.png , mywall2.png , mywall3.png, mywall4.png, mywall5.png). Just remember what the picture and what his number…
2. Put this images from your PC to: /home/user/MyDocs/.wallpapers/
3. Go to Setting ->Wallpaper-> choose your wallpaper and press Done
4. Open N9 QTweak app (password of devel-su, default: rootme), chooce c [hit Enter].
You will see option to apply one from 5 pictures. Choose the number of pic that you applied from setting and [hit Enter]. No need to reboot !!! And now you will get fullscreen image on your Landscape Lockscreen:
From the PDF file about Tweak W:
Change/Restore desktop background - Change/Restore your desktop backgrounds (Thanks to kuzmichov and cckwes)...
Explanation (2 images):
If you activated landscape mode, and you want to show the two images, one for portrait (on all 3 screens), and one for landscape (on all 3 screens), you can activate the option 1, make 2 pictures (one for landscape and one for the portrait.)
1. Create 2 pictures named:
1) “Pdeskbg1” with an 480x854 px dimension and with .png extension (Pdeskbg1.png) for portrait.
2) “Ldeskbg1” with an 854x480 px dimension and with .png extension (Ldeskbg1.png) for landscape.
2. Put this images from your PC to: /home/user/MyDocs/Pictures
3. Open N9 QTweak app (password of devel-su, default: rootme), choose w [hit Enter], then choose 1 [hit Enter].
4. Your setting will take effect after reboot. You can choose to restart immediately or not.
 If you use only portrait mode, it is enough to make one picture (Pdeskbg1.png) and on all three screens, you will have exact same picture...
Explanation (6 images):
If you activated landscape mode, and you want to display different pictures for each screen, you can activate the option 2, by preparing six different images, so you will have 6 different screens (3 landscape and 3 portrait).
1. Create 6 pictures named:
1) “Pdeskbg1” with an 480x854 px dimension and with .png extension (Pdeskbg1.png) for portrait.
2) “Ldeskbg1” with an 854x480 px dimension and with .png extension (Ldeskbg1.png) for landscape.
3) “Pdeskbg2” with an 480x854 px dimension and with .png extension (Pdeskbg2.png) for portrait.
4) “Ldeskbg2” with an 854x480 px dimension and with .png extension (Ldeskbg2.png) for landscape.
5) “Pdeskbg3” with an 480x854 px dimension and with .png extension (Pdeskbg3.png) for portrait.
6) “Ldeskbg3” with an 854x480 px dimension and with .png extension (Ldeskbg3.png) for landscape.
2. Put this images from your PC to: /home/user/MyDocs/Pictures
3. Open N9 QTweak app (password of devel-su, default: rootme), choose w [hit Enter], then choose 2 [hit Enter].
4. Your setting will take effect after reboot. You can choose to restart immediately or not.
 If you use only portrait mode, it is enough to make three pictures (Pdeskbg1.png, Pdeskbg2.png, Pdeskbg3.png) and you will have 3 different screen ...
Originally Posted by drvar View Post
Would it be possible to add in app mobile counter reseter to every month?
we have mobile counter wich doesn't reset itself after a month of last reset.
Problem becomes because most of us have contract for calls and internet...So we pay by monthly usage and I never now how much I used my data, before I must pay aditional fees...
I don't know how to do this... Also you have option for alarm in the setting about this... Check this...

Last edited by Schturman; 2012-04-24 at 12:51.

The Following User Says Thank You to Schturman For This Useful Post:
Posts: 149 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ Slovenia, Ljubljana
Yes I know, but this doesn't help me much because I must manualy reset every month to know how much data did I already used in exact motnh period.
Schturman's Avatar
Posts: 5,339 | Thanked: 4,133 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Israel
Yes.. I also do this manually.. I don't know how to do this automatically..
Posts: 494 | Thanked: 111 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Finland
I have read those instructions many times already but it doesn't work.. Should those other background images be on that .wallpaper folder? Those images are other folder.

hebrew vkb, n9 qtweak, n9 quick tweak, n9 quicktweak, root-ssh

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