Poll: Is your N9 in open mode?
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Is your N9 in open mode?

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Posts: 324 | Thanked: 739 times | Joined on Jun 2009 @ São Paulo, Brazil
Ladies and gentleman, after months of development and testing, FasterN9 is now stable!

What is it?
FasterN9 is a package that modifies a system configuration file in your phone to make it less laggy.

For advanced users: a cgroups mod to make N9 less laggy. Development (unstable) versions also change the I/O scheduler.

Developer: Danilo Luvizotto (traysh)

Is it safe?
FasterN9 has been tested by me and some community members. Due to that, there has been no reports of critical problems in any stable releases. This means that it's unlikely this app will cause unrecoverable problems to anyone, but does not mean there are no bugs. Please read "Known bugs" and "Disclaimer" for more info.

Notice that during the development process unstable releases caused MALF in some devices. This probably won't happen in stable releases, but there is no warranty.

Do not download an unstable release if you can't reflash your phone or if you care about your data.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

For installing, download the package in your phone and click it.
For uninstalling, open settings, then applications, the Applications Manager: Settings->Applications->Applications manager

Make me happy
If this app made you happy, please remember to donate. I've been working in this mood for months with very small amount donations. If you want to help me developing FasterN9 contribute by donating!

Known bugs
  1. No system sounds will work (including alarm) after installation until first reboot

-- Danilo Luvizotto <danilo.luvizotto@gmail.com>

fastern9 (1.1.7) unstable; urgency=low
* Higher priority to Ocho (tryes to fix lags in this application)

fastern9 (1.1.6) unstable; urgency=low
* Tryed to fix stability problems of the last unstable version
* Higher priority to rPlay (tryes to fix lags in this application)
* Higher priority to Nineshark (tryes to fix lags in this application)
* Improved installation scripts. Install will take longer but will hopefully be safer.

fastern9 (1.1.5) unstable; urgency=low
* Disk cache tuning. Please uninstall "Drop cache" if you have it installed, otherwise there will be no gain as it erases the cache
* I/O prioritization of some processes to reduce latency. This will be applied only to phones running in "open mode"
* QuasarMX full and lite lag fix
* Improved network (TCP) performance

fastern9 (1.1.4) unstable; urgency=low
* New Daemon which changes the settings when the phone is locked/unlocked
* Due to the mentioned daemon, combined performance and stability
* Reboot on installation is back and hopefully won't cause MALFs

fastern9 (1.0.1) stable; urgency=low
* Increased the keyboard priority, making swype a lot more smooth. Also fixes Harmattan bug 749, which was considered "partially fixed" but was still anoying.
* Fixed lastFM lagginess when playing in the background.
* Fixed cuteTube lagginess when playing in the background.
* Tryed to fix Spotify lagginess when playing in the background.
* Improved the installation scripts.
* Notifications upon install/update/uninstall.

fastern9 (1.1.3) unstable; urgency=low
* Corrected foolish mistake introduced in 1.1.2 which caused system instability (classify ohmd in the wrong group)
* Fixed Spotify lagginess when playing in the background

fastern9 (1.1.2) unstable; urgency=low
* Increased the keyboard priority, making swype a lot more smooth. Also fixes Harmattan bug 749, which was considered "partially fixed" but was still anoying.
* Fixed lastFM lagginess when playing in the background.
* Fixed cuteTube lagginess when playing in the background.
* Reduced lagginess caused by I/O by reducing to half the scheduler nr_requests.

fastern9 (1.1.1) unstable; urgency=low
* Reverting to the default I/O scheduler and tunning its settings.

fastern9 (1.1.0) unstable; urgency=low
* Changed the I/O scheduler to deadline again. Tuned it's tunables. Hopefully there won't be data corruption.
* Changed dirty_expire_centisecs and dirty_writeback_centisecs to 1250.

fastern9 (1.0.0) stable; urgency=low
* Just version update: now stable! =D

fastern9 (0.9.12) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed FirewallPlus Pro.

fastern9 (0.9.11) unstable; urgency=low
* Tried to fix FirewallPlus Pro.
* GPS performance fixed.

fastern9 (0.9.10) unstable; urgency=low
* Tried to fix FirewallPlus Pro. Don't know if it worked, as I don't have it (paid app).

fastern9 (0.9.9) unstable; urgency=low
* Improved install and uninstall scripts
* No reboot after installation and uninstallation (not needed anymore)

fastern9 (0.9.8) unstable; urgency=low
* Totally rewrote cgroups tree. Probably faster and more stable.
* Do not change the I/O scheduler as it could be the cause to files corruption. Just enable backseek

fastern9 (0.9.7) unstable; urgency=low
* Unset memory.move_charge_at_immigrate in the "active_ui" group.
* The change above should fix most of the bugs, so trying some optimized settings again below.
* Changed de IO scheduler to deadline again. Should improve (a lot) performance, not sure about stability.
* Changed cpu.shares of the standby group back to 2. Should improve performance, not sure about stability.

fastern9 (0.9.6) unstable; urgency=low
* This is almost the same as 0.9.5. Diferences are:
* Changed IO scheduler to noop. Should improve (a lot) performance, not sure about stability.
* Changed swappiness from default to 3. Should improve performance, not sure about stability.

fastern9 (0.9.5) unstable; urgency=low
* Increased the priority of the standby group (changed from 2 to 128). Should fix bugs in several apps.
* Fixed Facebook and Twitter related processes priorites. This should fix bugs related to these apChangelogps.
* Process relevancedaemon moved to background group.
* Further improved the install and uninstall scripts. Probably no more MALFs. Also fixes upgrading to newer versions, broken in 0.9.4.
* This version focus in stability, so disabled the swappiness and vfs_cache_pressure MODs just in case.
* This version focus in stability, so reverted the IO scheduler to the default (CFQ) just in case.

fastern9 (0.9.4) unstable; urgency=low
* changed install and uninstall scripts in order to prevent MALF
* re-enabled the swappiness and vfs_cache_pressure MODs
* increased the cpu shares of standby applications

fastern9 (0.9.3) unstable; urgency=low
* bugfix: core apps (phone, browser, email and others) won't take long to start anymore

fastern9 (0.9.2) unstable; urgency=low
* Added the icon to the application manager
* Removed the icon from the home screen

fastern9 (0.9.1) unstable; urgency=low
* implemented the postrm script to revert the device to the original state after uninstallation

fastern9 (0.9.0) unstable; urgency=low
* now using a custom syspart.conf instead of a startup script
* not a memory mod anymore. Now trying to adjust the cpu.shares of the cgroups
* changed the groups of some processes as the original definitions wouldn't be respected shortly after boot (maybe a bug in the original firmware?)
* reverted creation of two new groups in version 0.0.3

fastern9 (0.0.3) unstable; urgency=low
* don't change the memory limits for the cgroups background and desktop anymore
* created new cgroup: cpu_limited. Moved the process mmcqd to this new group
* created new cgroup: cpu_mem_limited. Moved the process feedengine to this new group

fastern9 (0.0.2) unstable; urgency=low
* vfs_cache_pressure value modified to a lower but still big value.
* changed (lowered) the default memory limits of the desktop and background cgroups
* improved explanations in the script comments.

fastern9 (0.0.1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial Release.

Had problems installing/upgrading? Ask in this thread, lots of great people will be happy to help you.

Last warning
The unstable release may lead to data corruption. Do not download it.
Attached Files
File Type: deb fastern9_1.0.1_armel.deb (21.9 KB, 9231 views)
File Type: deb UNSTABLE-fastern9_1.1.5_armel.deb (35.2 KB, 1966 views)
File Type: deb UNSTABLE-fastern9_1.1.6_armel.deb (35.5 KB, 617 views)
File Type: deb UNSTABLE-fastern9_1.1.7_armel.deb (35.5 KB, 2706 views)

Last edited by traysh; 2013-07-04 at 12:08.

The Following 248 Users Say Thank You to traysh For This Useful Post:
-Tyler-, a12jun, accountvip, ajalkane, AJMAL P.M, alephito, AlMehdi, amandalam, AndyNokia232, Arie, BananaOnDrugs, banong, besttt, bibek, blackbird5308, BluesLee, bng, boltzmann, bouznak, breakd0wn, Bundyo, calintz105, Callum.Brierly, captainofiron, cckwes, cevenn, Ch.Saqib, chiappa, Chuxie, ck2nb, Craig_Mabbitt, cubik, damagedspline, damuffinman, daniscott, dannejanne, danpio, dansus, DcDimmi, Dead1nside, DeadHorseRiding, death_jax, derliebewolf, dexterous21, dip86, DJJonosound, don.edri, Dousan, Dragoss91, drvar, drzmbs, DS McGuire, eennbb, eerde, efion, emam damon, eMiL, eneitten usr XD, et3rnal, ezameht, F2thaK, famusc, farfary, Faz, fermolnar, fignew, Flapzapninja, flopjoke, fri, gabriel9, Garp, gexc, ghost_who_walks, godofwar424, guillermorojaz, Hacker, harbind, HELLASISGREECE, Helmuth, hks, hood, HtheB, ibrakalifa, Iipe, illo1977, il_pinturicchio, imaginaryenemy, Iryus, isfr21, ivo777, jalyst, Janitor X, jhwan, jjcordero, jklubi, joakung, Jordi, jpfsn, jule, kai_en, kanser, Katasmc, kebbana, Kenny.Vo, kent_autistic, keptn, kerksuli, khan.orak, kike, Kinggene, known, koe, kollin, Kozzi, krogulec, Kroll, lame, late88, Lirion, litemotiv, localhost, Loepoes, lorenzo, Lucazz990, lzs2000131, Maemomd, Maj3stic, Makeclick, MaKenZi, Manatus, Mandibela, marcocara94, mariusmssj, markn, matimilko, mattaustin, mbo, MFaroTusino, MhedYaseen, mind_the_gap, mingfan, minhdale, misterc, Mize, MK99, MoritzJT, mpy, Mr.Pancake, munozferna, myname24, N user, N9owner, Nighty, nonikhanna, Nosph3ratu, nsn, nsuffys, odradek, omar451451, Ossession, OVK, panukooo, patocr, pedroesteban, PeterSmurffiPan, Pl4ub, Prestige, ranbaxy, razcampagne, Reflektorfalke, RIscRIpt, rochi09, rrunner64, ruplee76, sada11, Salmi, santiagopim, Sap, Schturman, SeanBangkok, seerseeker77, Shadowdog, shanttu, shmerl, sixracer, slender, smiler, smoothc, soigreen, solstice88, sony123, soryuuha, Sourav.dubey, sprawl11, stdcent, sts1976, szymeczek34, taike_hk, taviman, teethgrinder, Tensuke, thedead1440, thengkhai, ThePolo, the_game606, thp, ThraxZzz, TMavica, TNL, toebaer, tokag, tonyhuynh, TonyUkuk, Topini, trayhoper, trobs29, ttt0600, turbovomit, unoace, vishwas, vittoriob4, viva_360, wayche, WhitP, willi6868, wolke, wout.martens, YakirMoshe, zacaaron, zapotek, Zelig, ZiiimZooon, Zoxir
Posts: 1,539 | Thanked: 1,604 times | Joined on Oct 2011 @ With my N9
works flawlessly, currently using it now.
Arie|www.everythingn9.com|Nokia N9 64GB x2|Nokia N950


Temporary Inception Fix

Times Banned from TMO: 4

The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Arie For This Useful Post:
Posts: 228 | Thanked: 137 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ UK
Sounds very interesting, before I try this can you tell me if uninstalling your .deb will return all the settings that re changed back to other default values, or if not is there some other way to reset all the changes?
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2012
Absolutely amazing works perfect my n9 doesn't lag at all it's like a new phone thank you.
Posts: 617 | Thanked: 338 times | Joined on Mar 2011
Does this has any influence in overclocking ? stability ?

I'm using 0.1 version so far , I'll upgrade to 0.2 and post opinions .

Thanks for your effort .
N9 and N900 , the beauty and the beast
Posts: 324 | Thanked: 739 times | Joined on Jun 2009 @ São Paulo, Brazil
Originally Posted by nbedford View Post
Sounds very interesting, before I try this can you tell me if uninstalling your .deb will return all the settings that re changed back to other default values, or if not is there some other way to reset all the changes?
Uninstalling will reset to your original settings after reboot.
Posts: 324 | Thanked: 739 times | Joined on Jun 2009 @ São Paulo, Brazil
Originally Posted by Dragoss91 View Post
Does this has any influence in overclocking ? stability ?

I'm using 0.1 version so far , I'll upgrade to 0.2 and post opinions .

Thanks for your effort .
I myself never overclocked my N9, but I don't think there will be any problems.
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Apr 2012 @ Milan, IT
Just installed, I'll let you know
Posts: 181 | Thanked: 64 times | Joined on Feb 2012
Looks good !
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 34 times | Joined on Feb 2011 @ Finland
Hello you are doing great work! Is script taking effect after reboot? If so it work great with 1.3 GHz OC!

The Following User Says Thank You to Flapzapninja For This Useful Post:

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