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Tried this yesterday and it caused a reboot loop. Everything was fine before moving new to /usr/lib, apparently its in fault. Nitdroid still worked. Now i've got freshly flashed n900 .

- had kernel power v50
- speed patch & latest testing CSSU patches
- no actual nitdroid so couldn't recover .so from there.. only had its loader in u-boot menu.
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Originally Posted by freemangordon View Post
you'd better use dsp profile, not ideal as it is deprecated. And I am not aware of what sib player is, but if it does not use gstreamer, there will be no difference. anyway, you should use stock media player.
first THANK YOU for your quick response!I loaded dsp profile and now stock media player start the dots and stays with the dots moving for a while and after the play /forward/backward butons ,the duration etc.. appears but whit black screen.when i hit play button again the dots appears and after a while again the buttons...I tried whit stock movies(n900 and 9 trailer)and the player does the same thing.
Any ideeas why ?before doing what you explain in first post those 2 movies worked fine.
Thanks and i appologize for my bad english and noob questions!

P.S. my DSP profile looks like this:

# minimum frequency to use
# maximum frequency to use
# list of frequency configurations: each "frequency:volt,dsprate"
FREQS="0:30,90 125:30,90 250:38,180 500:48,360 550:54,400 600:60,430 720:60,520 805:60,600 850:60,600 900:60,600 950:60,600 1000:60,600 1100:72,600 1150:72,600"
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Originally Posted by durazell View Post
Tried this yesterday and it caused a reboot loop. Everything was fine before moving new to /usr/lib, apparently its in fault. Nitdroid still worked. Now i've got freshly flashed n900 .

- had kernel power v50
- speed patch & latest testing CSSU patches
- no actual nitdroid so couldn't recover .so from there.. only had its loader in u-boot menu.
well, the correct place to copy (as is written in the first post ) is /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/

@rslick - if you have some OC software installed(including batterypatch), uninstall it, it could mess the things. Then open terminal, type "root" without quotes, press enter and when you have # prompt (i.e. root access) do "kernel-config default dsp" without quotes. Then reboot your device and try again. If videos still not work repeat the same thing, but this time with "default" profile (i.e. "kernel-config default default"). And if the videos don't work even after you reboot with "default" profile set as default, then you either did not follow the steps on the first post, or something strange is going on. Anyway, in that case please post here (as attachment) your dmesg output

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Posts: 24 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Apr 2012 @ Europe
Originally Posted by freemangordon View Post
well, the correct place to copy (as is written in the first post ) is /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/

@rslick - if you have some OC software installed(including batterypatch), uninstall it, it could mess the things. Then open terminal, type "root" without quotes, press enter and when you have # prompt (i.e. root access) do "kernel-config default dsp" without quotes. Then reboot your device and try again. If videos still not work repeat the same thing, but this time with "default" profile (i.e. "kernel-config default default"). And if the videos don't work even after you reboot with "default" profile set as default, then you either did not follow the steps on the first post, or something strange is going on. Anyway, in that case please post here (as attachment) your dmesg output
I've done everything you said and now the original movies works but the 720p movie starts whit a noise sound(like an fm radio noise)for couple of seconds and after that sound is muted.the video plays very slow .even slower than in sib player.
I attached my dmesg file below.Thank you.Kind regards.
Attached Files
File Type: txt Dmesg .txt (7.9 KB, 122 views)
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@freemangordon tks for your excellent work.. but i have noticed this strange problem(i dont know if i am the lone sufferer)
when i play video via kmplayer.. video plays very smooth but when i tap the screen my phone reboots.. any methods to solve this problem.. if u want i can upload video of it.. pls suggest a solution for this..

PS:KM player reboots when i tap the screen only for 720p videos.. i have tried all player options(in select player) yet the same result.. and i use dsp profile.

EDIT: this happens in OMP also.. only the mediaplayer(stock) plays its clearly..

Last edited by visN900; 2012-05-09 at 00:12. Reason: added another problem
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Originally Posted by pali View Post

Here are links for new (N9) version of TI DSP libraries & codecs:

And what I suggesting is to attach binaries to this thread without depending on external Nokia server.

Nobody from Nokia did not responce yet about this probem (bug on harmattan bugtracker was ignored), so I do not see any problem to publish binaries here. (And if it will be problem, Nokia/TMO moderators/... will delete it).

I (and also other people) do not want to wait. We should go ahead and push package(s) to Extras-Devel!

PS: Also Interesting are N9 repositories (main file is Package):
deb ./
deb ./
deb ./
(change 001 to other number for other regions)
cannot install these packages plz help
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hay guys plz tell how to install these packages cuz im getting errors
Posts: 266 | Thanked: 156 times | Joined on Jun 2011 @ India
Originally Posted by seanmcken View Post
hay guys plz tell how to install these packages cuz im getting errors
download the packages and keep them in your MyDocs(hope u know what MyDocs is)
in xterm type
apt-get install wget(must install if u dont have it the package wont install)
cd /home/user/MyDocs
then copy paste the dpkg command from first thread or rename the omap files to 1.deb 2.deb and 3.deb and in xterm write this
dpkg -i 1.deb 2.deb 3.deb

hope it helps

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did but getting errors in x terminal like unable to install
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Sep 2011
i have a movie format in flv. does it supprted of this 720p?? thanks

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