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Nokia is in such dire straits that it needs to sell something/anything to somebody/anybody.

Beggars can't be choosers.
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Originally Posted by maverick788us View Post
Since then i've been hearing Nokia more and more stressing and promoting CRAPPY!!! low end devices (Lumia 710, 610 and ashes series). Has nokia really gone INSANE by stressing on medium / low end devices instead of targeting HIGH END market?
Lets just say that the world is transforming globally. Cellphones are becoming the most essential tool for the poor people, "the next bilion". (pun intended). Lets just say that OLPC was an utter failure because people didn't realize that they are starting at the completely wrong end. Buying $50 nokia instead would have gotten them much further (with longer battery life and internet connection...)

Just saying in case you have missed about 2 years of speculation around cellphone business that where the volume will be.
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Originally Posted by maverick788us View Post
But at the same time they can concentrate for high end consumer market too and get better profit yields just samsung and sony
If ur running a business would u rather sell ur products to a billion people or just a handful millions of them?? U decide

Nokia seems to be doing just fine..actually much better than just fine...

In a recent survey in India, Nokia dual-sims are now the most sold in the given category...
Posts: 440 | Thanked: 203 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by funkmunk View Post
If ur running a business would u rather sell ur products to a billion people or just a handful millions of them?? U decide

Nokia seems to be doing just fine..actually much better than just fine...

In a recent survey in India, Nokia dual-sims are now the most sold in the given category...
absolutely right! nokia is going in right direction by targeting low end user; means majority. asha series has 1GHz phone with very low cost.

Nokia 3310 -> Nokia 6030 -> Nokia N95 -> Nokia X6 -> Nokia N900 -> Nokia N9 -> Nokia Lumia 1520
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The Nokia ship has been sailing for fail for a while now I find it interesting that you are complaining about the low end devices though I agree that is stupid, I mean nothing helps a crappy brand name like Lumia like slow laggy cheap devices.

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You shouldn't be asking Nokia about high end stuff, you should be asking Microsoft. Nokia has totally ceded development of high end phones to MS. Pureview 808 will be the last one by Nokia.
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Originally Posted by SamGan View Post
You shouldn't be asking Nokia about high end stuff, you should be asking Microsoft. Nokia has totally ceded development of high end phones to MS. Pureview 808 will be the last one by Nokia.
I realized it that Microsoft has to be blammed for not supporting multicore processors and higher resolution.

PureView is only a cameraphone. It only has 4 inch screen and 640 X 360 resolution.

Lets see if next generation Lumia with Windows 8 offer hardware specs similar to GS3. Hope nokia does great publicity stunt with its next generation Lumia 920 / 1000 (or whatever name assigned to it) and after its release the economical lumia series having windows 8 is followed

Targetting low end market might not be a bad option. But solely targeting the low end market is bad. So the best strategy for Nokia should be to produce high end technical enthusastic handsets along with low end devices with a ratio of 3:7.

Out of which Nokia can make great publicity stunt with its high end device (just like apple does with iPhone) that will attract niche customers and low end customers will automatically follow with its lower range devices.

Example: When Sansuck!!! released GS2 it attracted the niche market. It was probably the one of the most hot selling device during that era.

But the impact made by the publicity of GS2 was so much that the entire low end consumer market blindly believed in economical galaxy series handsets like Galaxy Y, Galaxy ACE etc and purchased it like .

Last edited by maverick788us; 2012-06-14 at 09:30.

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I see that Nokia has just sacked another 10,000. How many is that in total this past year?

Pretty soon the company won't have enough staff left to make anything.
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Originally Posted by Rebski View Post
I see that Nokia has just sacked another 10,000. How many is that in total this past year?

Pretty soon the company won't have enough staff left to make anything.
Not that I was keeping accurate count, but that's about 13k if not even more to be fired by 2013.

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Posts: 415 | Thanked: 161 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ San Francisco, CA
Originally Posted by Rebski View Post
I see that Nokia has just sacked another 10,000. How many is that in total this past year?

Pretty soon the company won't have enough staff left to make anything.
10,000 will be fired by 2013, the 10,000 haven't been fired yet.
Have a GREAT day!

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