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Originally Posted by rcadden View Post
However, the Tablet also works PERFECTLY for some people. For me, I can use it as a portable blogging tool, and it works better than any other mobile device that I've tried.

I am, however, interested to know why in the world you'd want to browse the web in portrait mode?
Oh no, I wouldn't use the BROWSER in portrait mode, but some other apps are better in this mode than landscape. Such as music playback... Holding a device in portrait is more comfortable and better still, having the flip ability can also allow you to use your hardware buttons in EITHER hand.... Not just the left!
Re-mapping buttons globally is also a great feature.
EDIT: The sales channel has no mention, nor does the Nokia site itself, of a non-consumer target audience. Most people don't go to tech conventions.
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Last edited by zeusenergy; 2008-01-07 at 04:48.
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Originally Posted by coffeedrinker View Post
For the person who is seeking to pick up a device for simple net access I turn them to the iTouch since I know they will far less frustrated with it.
Good call. I don't like the iTouch myself, but average Janes and Joes will get the most for their dollar and state-of-mind there.
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Originally Posted by zeusenergy View Post
Oh no, I wouldn't use the BROWSER in portrait mode, but some other apps are better in this mode than landscape. Such as music playback... Holding a device in portrait is more comfortable and better still, having the flip ability can also allow you to use your hardware buttons in EITHER hand.... Not just the left!
Re-mapping buttons globally is also a great feature.
EDIT: The sales channel has no mention, nor does the Nokia site itself, of a non-consumer target audience. Most people don't go to tech conventions.
Fair enough, just wondering.

As to the sales channel - quite obviously it's marketed towards....whoever.

With OS2008, it's definitely MUCH closer to being a consumer device. My mom, for instance, can pick up my tablet, without any help from me, figure out how to get to the browser, games, and internet radio.

Personally, I think it's kinda fun that the typical features work well, while there's still plenty of geeking to be done with the thing.

I also personally am thrilled to death that the Internet Tablets don't resemble Windows Mobile in the least bit. Again, personal preference.

Also, this is why there's resources such as this forum, and bloggers such as myself,,, and Tablet School (forgive me, i don't have the link off-hand). To help others learn about their new toy.
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Originally Posted by rcadden View Post
With OS2008, it's definitely MUCH closer to being a consumer device...
Personally, I think it's kinda fun that the typical features work well, while there's still plenty of geeking to be done with the thing.

I also personally am thrilled to death that the Internet Tablets don't resemble Windows Mobile in the least bit. Again, personal preference.

Yeah, the "geeking" certainly charmed me too.
And IT2008 DOES address some of the nagging buried menus or running programs, and silly nonsensical stylus-centric use for a passive touchscreen! Why not an onscreen thumb-board? Why is my memory full? Etc.
Of course there are solutions for these issues on WM devices. But again, it's all in preference of GUI. To me, they both have great appearance but I'd edge more towards IT2008.

Unfortunately, I've had a bad experience overall due to unreliability and the general newb difficulties offered all over this forum. People like you are what keeps things in some sense of order in here, trying to help out rather than lash out. I appreciate this greatly.
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Zeusenergy, I appreciate the truth in packaging ('champion of flame wars'), and I'm struck by your verbose and grandstanding production of heat versus light, gas versus lucid criticism. Despite the high quotient of frustratiion and even distress expressed by many people struggling to resolve their problems with the N800 in threads on this site, you stand out as a complete and utter tool.

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Originally Posted by rcadden View Post
I am, however, interested to know why in the world you'd want to browse the web in portrait mode?
Because he does. No other reason needed. Actually for reading HTML based documents (like chm books) it is nice. But just because you nor I wouldn't do it, doesn't mean others won't. Heck a lot of people in here use Windows and I find that totally amazing.
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Originally Posted by HalSF View Post
Zeusenergy, I appreciate the truth in packaging ('champion of flame wars'), and I'm struck by your verbose and grandstanding production of heat versus light, gas versus lucid criticism. Despite the high quotient of frustratiion and even distress expressed by many people struggling to resolve their problems with the N800 in threads on this site, you stand out as a complete and utter tool.
I'm glad my depth of view has humored you so!
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Dear Zeusenergy,
I'm talking to myself today to make it apparent how foolish I can be and mock myself for being cynical and sarcastic in so many ways. Too many people these days take things ever so seriously and never have fun in life. Make sure this never happens to you by never changing your attitude, Zeusenergy. It's more fun and you won't succumb to the drudgery that afflicts the ultra-serious. You aren't the best at everything, and neither is the guy who heckles you. You can be both intellectual and fun at the same time to the same degree, and so most of the detractors don't understand the myriad nuances you portray.

Your friend, Zeusenergy.

PS. Go get yourself a prime rib and a Guiness to wash it down to celebrate! I'll meet you there
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Originally Posted by linuxrebel View Post
Because he does. No other reason needed. Actually for reading HTML based documents (like chm books) it is nice. But just because you nor I wouldn't do it, doesn't mean others won't. Heck a lot of people in here use Windows and I find that totally amazing.
Right. it was certainly intended as an innocent question, not trying to be rude. I thought perhaps I was missing something in my browsing.

@Zeusenergy - you mention the lack of a thumbboard in IT2008. You ARE aware that there is one, right? On a text field, if you press the center on the d-pad, you get a very friendly thumbboard. I have actually written entire blog posts on this, and once you learn it, you can get REALLY quick on it.

What sucks is that OS2007 it was incredibly easy to get this thumbboard. The OS easily recognized when you tapped with the stylus or your finger, and consistently gave you the appropriate keyboard. In OS2008, it's become MUCH harder to touch the screen and get the thumbboard. You actually have to physically THUMP the stupid thing.

I'm all for making the activated keyboard consistent, but it seems really backwards to me that if I touch the screen, I get a stylus board, whereas if I touch the hardware button, I get a touch-keyboard. Seems it should be the other way around, hardware for hardware, touch for touch.
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Originally Posted by rcadden View Post
Right. it was certainly intended as an innocent question, not trying to be rude. I thought perhaps I was missing something in my browsing.

@Zeusenergy - you mention the lack of a thumbboard in IT2008. You ARE aware that there is one, right? On a text field, if you press the center on the d-pad, you get a very friendly thumbboard. I have actually written entire blog posts on this, and once you learn it, you can get REALLY quick on it.
Nope, your comment wasn't taken as a "dig" by me anyway.
As for the thumboard, it was in reference to the WM devices. I love the fact that IT2008 has a thumb-board and this gives IT2008 a point in it's favor. The stylus-centric behavior is exhibited by WM.
And again, you also added a helpful comment here to help me if I didn't already know about the d-pad center button trick. Kudos!
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