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Originally Posted by ebe51 View Post
IMHO the tablets out the box does just what there advertised to do. Most problems come about from people when trying to install 3-party software. Take Canola for example, it's not a Nokia product. So like I said out box the thing works great and I think to blame the tablets for the problems you having is a little unfair if it's 3-party software your installing.

Now as far as the 3-party stuff understand most all of it free, and anybody who has spent time with Linux knows there's still a price to pay with freeware. That price is the time and dependence hell. Linux is based on an open community and anybody with programming skills can look deep into it and tweak and change it, unlike windows. Because of this people have done just that, making many different version of Linux. This is both a good and bad thing. One good thing is it can chopped up into a pretty small OS and made to run on something like the N800. The bad thing is once you do this other Linux software might not run because the computer code needed to make the programs run is now missing (libraries/dependences). This is why when installing Linux software you end up looking for dependence files.

Another problem is sometimes people might write a librariy of code do a function, and other devoplers might use someone else libraries instead of rewritting them, then instruct you to install the other person libraries before installing there software. Yet another why you might have to look for dependence.

So, yea dependences can be pain in the A--, but over all concept of Open OS is still pretty cool, and think Nokia made a fine choice going this route.
Eggzactly !
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Originally Posted by dauvis View Post
Why not? You're already under a bridge.
LMFAO, ROtF, and all that!
But at least he showed some semblance of reason in his last post. I am impressed.
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I suspect poor Bod is simply trying to increase his/her hit list counter - Forums attract more than their share of fruit and nut cases and this is a classic example of a contributor who moans about moaners and whiners, and then devotes 200% of energy attempting to demonstrate that he is far too clever to ever need anybody's help - but the entire thread is generally hostile to his inept and inane stuff. Are you so f**ing clever that you know how to upload MSI packages on CC3 servers? Can you work out how a USB device causes XP to reboot? Do you know how to place different resolution clips into Final Cut Pro? Are you even aware that Beyer sensors cannot produce the quoted resolution? No - you know nothing - you pretend to be an expert Linux know-all - in fact you know nothing - certainly not decent manners. I presume from your postings that you are a spotty 13 year old with hormone problems - perhaps you need to grow up and learn some basic human interaction solutions. You add NOTHING to the debate!
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Originally Posted by Nutz View Post
I suspect poor Bod is simply trying to increase his/her hit list counter
Yes, I assume he also has a few action figures in his drawers.
(And I'm not talking about his cabinet or dresser, either!)

And to Bod- Darth Vader's lightsaber is out of scale.
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I love these extremist rants!

"Windows is slow, bloated, buggy and expensive! Mac OSX has a tiny niche and is losing application support! Linux is too geeky and lacks polish! DOS is dead!"

Hey, what we really need is the Ultimate Holy Grail OS that runs any app, never crashes, has a tiny footprint, and does your taxes free and automatically.

I'll just be sitting here, holding my breath, while people singlemindedly harp on the shortcomings of any OS to the exclusion of its benefits. Don't mind me.

EDIT: but in all seriousness, kids, cut the flaming. You're just asking for a thread lock, not to mention post reporting.
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Last edited by Texrat; 2008-01-08 at 00:44.
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Originally Posted by iamthewalrus View Post
It's not that the internet tablets are bad products, but they are marketed as mainstream consumer products
No, they're not. Yet.

Also those gadget blogs with shallow and uncritical paid-for reviews create wrong expectations.
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Gee, I might have something to say. I'll be brave enough to wade into this fist fight if you guys agree to let me keep my shirt. Or you can have it if it fits. I do think these sentiments expressed in this thread accurately represent the sentiments on both sides of this debate. This thread has gone on for a while so you know what I mean. Anyway, If the OP had been in a bit better mood I think he might have said something like, gee I don't want to spend the time learning about linux so I can get this to work. How about a few options or simple instructions so that I can basically understand how to get where I want to go in a much shorter less painful time frame? Not coming from a Linux background myself I share the OPs misgivings about the IT, but I also have had a very interesting year of working with it and finding that without xterm and Linux, I have been able to get where I have wanted to go. If I could wave a magic wand, it would do one very simple thing-educate about those 'repo thingys'. For the last 11 months I didn't really understand how the Repositories worked. I'm sure people experienced with Linux take this simple thing for granted. I may be wrong, maybe it's here somewhere, and I'm sure you will point us in the right direction if you know, but I don't see an obvious place where this very basic education about how repos work is located. Now you will say, OK Neil you write it in the WIKI. I may. But I don't think I would be the right person to write about that because I don't really think I have a firm grasp on it yet although I'm getting there. So, you say educate yourself about Linux. Well I guess that could help. But for most purposes on the IT, it doesn't appear to me that you need X-term. You just need to understand how to manage those installation tasks as cleanly as possible . I now have a working ability to handle this device and I'm getting more than I dreamed I would out of it and I doubt I'll ever know much about Linux or need to know.


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Originally Posted by sungrove View Post
You just need to understand how to manage those installation tasks as cleanly as possible . I now have a working ability to handle this device and I'm getting more than I dreamed I would out of it and I doubt I'll ever know much about Linux or need to know.

It only takes a little effort to grasp the basics. And anyone can get there in the end. You have posted here 80+ times and I dont see you moaning about it..

The only people that do this in my view are
(a). working for third partys and are being paid to do it. or
(b). are 'I bourght this DVD player back to the shop because it dont work i try all the buttons on the remote and i press play but i still cant find any films or tv shows in it, here is a list of shows and films i want it to record can you set it up for me....'Stupid'

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Originally Posted by jussik View Post
Now that libsoup came up: If anyone is interested in a fairly easy packaging/maintaining exercise, I'm guessing Inz (of wouldn't mind if someone wants to take his libsoup packages + the few dependencies and maintain it at garage (and upload to extras):
IMHO, Garage shouldn't be used for such simple ports. Instead, it'd be more useful to be added to mud-builder - especially since MUD is used to build GPE already.
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Last edited by aflegg; 2008-01-08 at 14:24. Reason: Syntax error at line $RANDOM

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